Chapter 16 (Erwin's POV)

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A little while later I woke up from my nap and turned my head a bit seeing Levi. How long was he awake for? He was sitting up with a bland look in his eye. He looked sort of sad? what happened? I sat up right after stretching a bit. I sighed as I looked up at the starry sky smiling softly " it's getting late" I said before looking at him " we should get going right?" I suggested. He looked at me and nodded silently as he stood up. I stood as well and patted my pockets finding my keys. I took them out as we started walking back to the car "this place is nice right?" I asked him as he just nodded quietly. He was being so quiet? something did happen didn't it? What happened?

We entered the car and I looked over at Levi and asked him "is something the matter?" He looked up and shook his head "I just had a nightmare is all, don't worry" he said as I frowned a bit "what was it about?" I asked as I put the key in the ignition. He paused a bit before shaking his head "it's nothing don't worry about it eyebrows" he said as I nodded understanding if he didn't want to talk about it. I started up the car as I begun to drive off, the car ride was mostly silent. I had my hand on the gear shift and my other hand on the wheel.

I glanced over seeing Levi staring out the window at the starry sky. I looked back at the road and kept on driving. I felt a bit hungry so I asked "hey Levi, You mind making a stop? Maybe by a gas station or something to buy snacks and fill up more gas?" I asked. He shook his head "I don't mind" he spoke. That was the first thing he said after I woke up. I smiled softly and nodded as we drove up to a near by seven/eleven.  It had a few cars around 3 in the parking lot. I stepped out the car and quickly filled up the gas. 

After the gas was filled we both exited the car now before walking in the gas station. We looked around and bought some snacks and drinks for the ride back home and I paid for them. I could tell Levi didn't really like me paying for the food but it was fine. I didn't  mind at all really to be quite honest. Once we went back into the car Levi opened a pack off cinnamon gum and took a strip chewing on it. "Mind if I get one?" I asked as he pulled a stick out and gave one to me. I unwrapped it and started chewing on the gum as we drove back home. 

While driving a question came to mind, I blushed thinking about it a bit before I sighed softly "Hey Levi, you got anyone on your mind currently?" I asked, what was the harm in asking? I just wanted to know.... Levi paused a bit thinking "no, not really. Why do you ask?" He said cocking a brow and glancing back at me. I shrugged a bit " I don't know I'm just curious is all. You into any girls at school or something?" I asked once again " None of the girls really peek my interest currently" he said bluntly. I nodded "any guys then?" I asked.

I noticed he paused a bit before I chuckled " sorry, it was wrong of me to ask if you were into men, just thought I'd ask " I said before he started speaking again " I could really care less on the gender, but um....." he stuttered as I glanced at him "what is it?" I asked cocking  a brow " never mind it isn't like it matters " he said as I nodded " alright then" 

He looked at me " what about you? Do you have any interests in anyone currently " he asked me as I blushed a bit coughing into my hand shaking my head a bit " no, no not really" I replied as he cocked a brow leaning in " yes you do, don't fucking lie eyebrows " he smirked sitting back "girl or guy?" he asked. I sighed "I hate you " I chuckled a bit shaking my head "its a guy..." I responded. " so I see student body president is gay huh" Levi said chuckling a bit. " oh shut it, I'm not gay!" I retorted " sure seems like you are having feelings for a guy and all" Levi responded. 

" okay but this is the first time I've ever had a crush on a guy so stop it. I'm probably Bi not full on gay " I responded, Levi shrugged " I guess your right but it isn't like I care if you like guys or not eyebrows " he responded. That kind of made me feel a bit relaxed, I smiled softly and nodded.  "thank you then Levi" I said as he nodded.

Once I dropped off Levi I drove back home myself, it was around 12am.... fuck my mother is going to go crazy. I sighed as I stood on the porch for a moment seeing the house lights on. I inserted the key and opened the door. I looked up seeing her sitting in the kitchen cross legged with her arms crossed "where have you been?" she asked angered. " I was with a friend-" she cut me off "with Ackerman correct" She said as her foot tapped on the ground. My eyes widened, how did she know? She hates Levi so this wasn't good. I wasn't allowed to hang out with him. "how do you know that?" I asked as she stood up slamming her hand on the table " I called Mike and Hange and they told me! are you fucking serious Erwin? I ask of you one simple request and you go ahead and act rebellious! you know what I've told you about them! are you that fucking stupid to go out of your way and hang out with that bull shit of a kid! " she yelled "mom, he isn't like that I swear!" I said trying to convince her otherwise.

"NO! ERWIN DON'T ACT FUCKING STUPID! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  I REFUSE TO BELIEVE I RAISED SUCH A DUMB ASS SON! IF I EVER HEAR ABOUT YOU HANGING OUT WITH THAT ACKERMAN KID YOUR IN HUGE TROUBLE" she started screaming....shit I won't be able to calm her down... "why do you hate him so much? Levi didn't do anything to you" she begun to have tears in her eyes. She never usually cries in arguments so why is she crying all of a sudden? "His Uncle Kenny Ackerman killed your father! Kenny Ackerman raised that fucking monster of a child! do you understand! I'm not going to forgive someone who killed my husband!" she yelled. I stood there wide eyed, I looked down biting my lip til I came to a realization "mother, that was his uncle, not him. His uncle left him when he was eight. Don't be mad at Levi, he didn't do anything-" 

She stood up and stomped up to me and slapped me hard across the face. I was wide eyed and I didn't know how to react to that. " sometimes I wish it was you instead of your father who was dead" She cried before walking away. I stood there in shock, those words cut way deeper than a knife ever could. I bit my lip as tears brimmed, whats wrong with me? why can't I do anything to get her admiration.... am I really as bad as she says? whatever it doesn't matter at this point. I walked up stairs to my room laying down on my bed. I looked up at the ceiling my mind blank with no thoughts. Soon enough though I did fall asleep, it took a while seeing how much my cheek did sting. 

It's fine though.......really......but I'm not going to listen to her, I'm still going to hang out with Levi regardless of what she says.... I love Levi and she isn't going to take that away from me.....

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