Chapter 31 (Erwin's POV)

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"Alright now lets count together class! 1....2.....3....4...5....6....7....8...9....10!" The teacher started counting as all the other 2nd graders repeated her with a huge smile. "Alright, Recess time!" She clapped her hands together smiling as the bell rang. All the kids cheered jumping up to their feet. "Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith! can we play tag!" a girl asked me tugging my arm.  "No! I wanna play soccer with him!" A little boy tugged my other arm. I chuckled a bit at the two as a bunch of other kids asked me to play with them. "Now, Now children Mr. Smith is very tired he might not want to play any games with you right now" The teacher said as the kids groaned as I smiled "No, No it's alright" I said standing " how about we play tag! the whole class" I said as everyone cheered.

We all went outside as I looked at all the kids and saw a girl who was calling my name. It was one of the 2nd graders "Mr. Smith! Mr. Smith!" She called. I knelt down to talk to her " yes Elizabeth? whats up?" I asked as she had a menacing grin. "How about all of us are the taggers and we chase you!" She giggled as everyone stood silent before facing me. I looked around looking at everyone's faces and they all seemed to like the idea. I sighed and stood up before dashing off. Some cackled and screamed while chasing me around the park. 20 kids chasing a 28 year old man. I looked behind me to see they were right behind me. How are these kids so fast?! I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and accidentally bumped into a pole. I fell back rubbing my head as a bunch of kids dragged me to the ground tackling me and jumping on me.  I screamed for help as they all laughed and started to hit me.

After the recess bell rang the teacher called for the kids as they all ran to her so they could go inside for lunch. I was on the ground panting out of breathe starring at the sky. I laughed softly before sitting up and fixing my hair a bit before I heard a familiar voice " Tch, you okay eyebrows?" I  paused and looked over to see the one and only Levi Ackerman. I smiled standing up and looking at the door seeing all the kids leaving. I sighed in relief as I walked over to him. He had his arm slouching on top of the small fenced gates. I leaned over pecking his lips with my own as he chuckled softly. "Look what I got" he said showing me a video of me being chased around by a bunch of 2nd graders. I blushed softly "D-delete that!" I said as he shook his head "Nah, I think it's adorable. I can't wait to show Farlan and Isabel once I get home" He said with a soft chuckle. "Those two are never gonna let that video down now are they?" I said as Levi shook his head "Nope" He said as I cupped his cheek and kissed his forehead " Whatever " I said laughing softly as he rolled his eyes "I gotta get back to my class I'll see you around 5" I said as he nodded and waved bye as I did the same. 

I think it's best to explain whats going on. It's been 12 years since me and Levi met. 11 years since we started dating. But now I look down at the golden ring wrapped around my ring finger and now I can say it's been 7 years since we've been married. Actually Levi was the first to propose to me which I thought was quite adorable. We were back at the field where Levi confessed about the truth behind Isabel and Farlan. But that was when we were 17, He proposed to me when we were 21. When we turned 26 we decided to adopt two kids. A boy and a girl. The boy was two and the girl was still a baby. Levi didn't quite have a name for the two but a thought popped into my head. "How about we name the boy Farlan and the girl Isabel" I said as he had a smile on his face.  A small one and nodded "yeah....I think that's perfect" He said.

2 years later and Farlan's  4 and Isabel is now 3. I'm a teacher as Levi owns his own tea shop now. I always get happy knowing that. It always reminds me of the time me and Levi went out for lunch the first time and we were asking each other questions and I asked him what he wanted to be once he grew up. 

Hange and Moblit eventually got married as they are both now scientists. Mike and Nanaba are also married as they are both police officers. Before our hang outs always used to be at a park but now whenever we want to hang out it's at Levi's tea shop and the four love chatting and playing with Isabel and Farlan. 

Life is great.....I can't believe on how lucky I am. Things would've been so much more different if I had just decided to leave Levi alone that day and never talked to him ever again..... I'm happy things ended up this way....... Thank you.........I love you Levi.............................

The End~

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