Chapter 10 (Erwin's POV)

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Once I arrived home I flopped on my bed and sighed a bit. I blushed softly staring at the ceiling, my heart raced for the other and I had no clue why, he has these magnetized eyes and everything about him really was so perfect. His height just made him cuter in my opinion, but I have to stop thinking about that right now. He probably considers me a nuisance most of the time. I chuckled to myself but in reality it hurt quite a bit. 

The next day I went to school carrying my bag with me. I entered the school passing by teachers and such, I looked around and saw Levi at his locker. I smiled and walked over nudging him a bit leaning against a locker right next to his " hey emo boy" I greeted chuckling. "Hey eyebrows, whats up?" he said looking up at me. Fuck, he's adorable. I coughed a bit "nothing, just thought I'd come by and say good morning" I smiled.

We continued to talk until we knew we had to get going to class. We said our good byes and parted our ways and headed to our morning classes. Mine honestly went smoothly for the most part but right before I went to lunch Hange came up to me " Hey Erwin, um...... Nile wants to talk to you about something" she said rubbing the back of her neck. Why did she seem so uncomfortable? "uh yeah sure where is he?" I had asked. " He's behind the school" She said. I cocked a brow, that's odd Neil only ever goes there if there's something important he needs to talk about. Is it really that important? 

I nodded thanking her and walked off, what I didn't know was that Levi saw me walking away and he had started to follow me...

Once I arrived behind the school I saw him "Oh, hey Nile" I greeted and saw him turning around. He looked a bit angered? What was the problem? " Erwin are you seriously hanging out with that Levi kid again?" He sneered with venom in his voice. "yes? whats the matter with that?" I asked cocking a brow not liking how the conversation was going yet already. " are you fucking kidding me? Hange just came up to me and the gang telling us you wanted to invite him now? what the fuck Erwin! do you not know anything about him?!" He spat out.

"I actually know a lot about him, More than you do of course" I said crossing my arms looking down at him. "really? It seems as you forgot Levi's the same kid who drove a 15 year old girl to her suicide!" He yelled back at me "did  you confirm that it was his fault! I'd like to see info backing up your evidence please! because if not I'd have to shut that rumor down-" "IT ISN'T A FUCKING RUMOR THE WHOLE THING IS YOUR EVIDENCE! WHERE THE FUCK IS THE GIRL!? OH YEAH THAT'S RIGHT SHES 6 FEET UNDERGROUND! AND ALL THE FIGHTS HE'S CAUSING THROUGHOUT THE HALLS? LETS NOT FORGET HOW HOSTILE HE IS! I WOULDN'T WANT TO BE FRIENDS WITH SOME-... SOME BITCH" I started getting a bit angered. I don't know why I got so mad but I did.

 " Can you please shut the fuck up Nile. That girl was his best friend and due to privacy reason'a I can't give you information on why she did it" to be honest even I don't know why she did do it but I have reason to believe Levi didn't push her into doing such an act " secondly, I'm not asking you to be his friend. You don't have to if you don't want to but that isn't going to stop me from being his friend alright. I only hung out with him for a month and a half now and I think hes a better friend than you"  I growled back at him "thirdly, those are dumb asses just like you who start picking on him and he has no choice but to fight back, I'm sorry he beat their asses without any struggle, I guess that makes you mad for some reason? even though he really didn't start the fights, everyone's just making up rumors about him and it makes no sense. Don't you guys have anything better to do with your pathetic lives?!" I yelled back at him.

He stood there in disbelief "you've changed Erwin... Your not the same. Levi changed you.... Now even I don't want to be your friend anymore. He's infected you now.. I just hope he doesn't drive you to your suicide next and don't come running back to me when he leaves you in the dirt as well." I just rolled my eyes and sighed " you know he's waiting for me. He probably thinks I'm ditching him now because I wasted my time arguing with you" I sighed shaking my head and turned around to walk back into the school.

 I left him there wide eyed as I entered the school to be face to face with Levi who was wide eyed in shock. I was wide eyed as well as we both blushed embarrassed , I coughed a bit into my hand "um, sorry you had to see that..." I said rubbing the back of my neck " I didn't know you were listening...." I said looking down. There was a moment of silence before I heard a small "why are you so nice to me?" I looked up a bit, Not that much but still. I looked at him "what do you mean?" I asked a bit confused. He looked down at his feet and put his hands in his pockets "Why did you stand up for me just now? Why do you always insist on always hanging out with me? It doesn't make any sense why you would want to hang out with someone like me-" I interrupted him not liking what he was saying.

 "Levi, that's because we're friends. Friends stick together no matter what and anyways all of the stupid shit spreading around the halls about you are just rumors right? I have no reason to you on something that isn't even real. You can't just push me away now because I won't take no for an answer Levi, Your my friend  no matter what anyone says" I smiled. He looked up at me and smiled widely "thanks eyebrows" He said. His  smile making my face heat up and heart flutter quickly "n-no problem" I stuttered. His smile was so adorable.

We started to walk out the school and I suggested a boba shop "Me, Hange and Mike used to go to a Boba shop 24/7 during middle school but we grew a bit sick of it after a while. I want to go back, You wanna try it?" I asked him. "I never tried boba tea before.." he replied " oh then we are definitely getting boba! " I smiled grabbing his hand as we started to walk there. 

I didn't even realize I was holding his hand. It just felt so right....

And the Rumors (Erwin x Levi)Where stories live. Discover now