Chapter 27 (Mixed POV's)

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The day Erwin boarded the plane and left I felt....dull again. I felt just like I always had before meeting Erwin. I spent my days really just laying down on my bed thinking most of the time. Usually Erwin would pull me out of these thoughts but lately my mind has been running around in circles just thinking of Isabel and Farlan. I should seriously get over their deaths but I can't. My mind just runs back to them all the time. I stared at the ceiling of my dark room as a flash back popped into my head.

"Levi-bro!" Isabel yelled shaking me awake, I groaned pushing her away "go away I'm sleeping" I said pulling the covers over my head. She huffed as Farlan entered the room leaning against the door frame "come on Levi, it's time to get up" He said as I felt weight randomly  lay on top of me. It was Isabel laying on top of me giggling. I squirmed a bit under the sheets as I heard Farlan laughing at us. I groaned again pushing her off of me. 

I sighed getting up and rubbing my head as I looked at Farlan "you going to work?" I asked as he nodded. "well have fun " I said as he chuckled "It's work, How am I going to have fun?" He asked as I shrugged "whatever" I said standing up yawning and fixing my bed. 

Later that day when I came back from my own job I was walking home. I opened the door to hear sobs. Loud ones. Very loud painful cries as I grew worried and walked over to see Isabel on the floor with her phone on the ground next to her. She was on her knees with her hands clutching her undone hair as she screamed "NO NO NO!" that's all she seemed to be capable of saying. I walked over frowning softly and placing a hand on her back kneeling down "Isabel? what's the matter?" I asked. She was shaking violently "F-Farlan" She stuttered between shaky breathes. My heart dropped "what about Farlan? What's wrong? where is he?" I asked her "h-he g-got into a c-car accident on a main r-road. The p-police called me s-saying he...." she coughed harshly on her sobs "he-he's dead!" she yelled as my eyes widened. The man I saw earlier leaning against my door frame... the man that was smiling and laughing with me.... The man who was with me for years helping me best friend..... is dead? 

No this can't be possible, it can't, it can't, it can't! I tuned out Isabel's cries as all I could hear was Kenny's voice and what he told me "don't get to close to anyone son, because one day they'll all leave you. One by one they all drop like flies out of your life" His voice stopped and I could hear Farlan's laughing with his sweet smile "You okay Levi?" "Levi! your the best man!" "you okay Levi?" "Levi we're gonna stay by each others side forever right?" Farlan's voice rang left and right. I felt tears build up in my eyes as they started to fall. I shook my head in disbelief before covering my ears to get his voice out of my head. This can't be real! It can't! stop! stop it! let me wake up from this nightmare! please! Please! PLEASE! 

My eyes shot open as I was panting out of breathe. I broke out of the flashback and looked to my side. I saw my phone ringing, it was a face time from Erwin. I looked at the screen to see my reflection as I wiped my eyes quickly before fixing myself up and answering the phone "Hey Erwin, whats up?" I asked as I saw him smile. " I'm not used to you calling me Erwin" he chuckled as I shrugged "So what? Do you want me to call you eyebrows still? " I asked. As he laughed shaking his head "No! please don't!" He said. I smiled softly chuckling a bit "nah , I'm gonna call you eyebrows from now on" I said as he groaned "nooooo! That's so unfair!" He said as we both chuckled a bit.

We talked for hours at a time. It was like that everyday for about 3 weeks until one day Erwin got in trouble...

Erwin's POV

Me and Levi were laughing on call acting as if we were you know....a couple..." I miss us hanging out during lunch everyday" I said as he nodded "same here, I haven't had takoyaki in weeks" he said as I chuckled "same here, they don't sell that stuff were I'm at" I admitted as we snickered but then I heard my mom enter the room. "Erwin honey, come down stairs your that Ackerman?" she questioned as my heart dropped.  She grabbed the phone  "don't ever talk to my son ever again you son of a bitch " she spat into the mic before ending the call. "your permitted from using the phone for the rest of summer. I can't believe you disobeyed me. Your disgusting for talking to that...that.... that monster!" She spat out angered. 

I sat up quickly "mom, this is over dramatic. Your calling him a monster even though he hasn't done anything to hurt us." I said "HE'S RELATED TO A MURDERER!" she yelled as I grew angry towards my mother. I'm sick of her bull shit towards Levi! "THAT DOESN'T MEAN HE MURDERED DAD! ARE YOU SERIOUS RIGHT NOW? JUST BECAUSE HE'S RELATED TO HIM DOESN'T MEAN HE WANTS TO BE! HIS UNCLE TRIED TO KILL HIM OFF AROUND A MONTH AGO! " she slapped me across the face hard once again which didn't really shock me until she pulled my hard by my hair and yelled loudly into my ear "I'M DOING THIS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD! IF YOU WANT THEN ALRIGHT! GET YOURSELF KILLED! IT ISN'T LIKE I CARE AT THIS POINT! YOU HANG OUT WITH ACKERMAN AND GET YOURSELF KILLED I WON'T FUCKING MOURN FOR YOU!  I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE SUCH A DUMB ASS SON! " she yelled without hesitation. I tore her hand off my hair and begun walking out the room "where do you think your going?" she said " away from you, your psychotic! you understand?! What if dad saw you like this! what would he think! you've changed mom, you aren't the same! you aren't my mother! your a bitch! " I spat out slamming the door and walking down the stairs putting my shoes on.

"Erwin?" my uncle called as I ignored him and stood up fixing the heels of my shoes. "Erwin! hello?! " he said as I begun to unlock the door as he placed a hand on my shoulder "Erwin...what happened?" He asked as I pushed his hand off my shoulder "Not now, I can't stay in the same house as that fucking psychopath" I said as he stared wide eyed at me. They've never heard me swear before. I heard stomping down the stairs as I turned seeing my mom walk up to me "BITCH HUH? WOW! IT ISN'T MY FAULT I RAISED SUCH A DUMB ASS SON! FUCKING LEAVE! DO IT! GET OUT OF THIS FUCKING HOUSE! " she yelled grabbing a mug on the table throwing it at me. I turned my head but it still hit my head pretty hard. I ended up bleeding "WOAH WOAH WOAH!" my two uncles grabbed her holding her back. She had tears in her eyes as she stared in shock of what she just did. I closed my eyes hard placing a hand over my temple which was now bleeding. My cousin ran to the kitchen grabbing a first aid kit and coming back to help me. "E-Erwin- wait, I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" My mother started as I cut her off. "your not fucking sorry, just 2 months ago you told me you wished I was dead instead of dad. You were trying to kill me. You know what...fuck you. I wish things could go back to the way it used to be but you won't even try to make the effort of doing anything! all you can do is sit and cry over dad and blame it on the only person I actually ever fell in love with. Your not a mom your an ass hole with no feelings towards her own fucking son except hatred. Go fuck yourself " I spat out as everyone stared at me in shock but I just ignored the stares and walked out the house slamming the door behind me.

I fucking knew it......I knew some dumb shit like this was bound to happen....... God my head hurts like hell! fuck! why does she always have to do shit like this!....... I wish I can just go back in time when my dad was alive and I didn't have to take any of her bullshit like right now........

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