Chapter 28 (Levi's POV)

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I starred at the camera in shock. What just happened? did his mom just- does she really hate me that much? I tried texting Erwin to see if he was alright but I'd gotten no reply. I hadn't gotten any replies for hours....days...weeks....the rest of the month...all of summer. I got nothing. Every passing day felt like hell for me. Without Erwin I barely had the motivation to get up anymore. I laid in bed for days on end refusing to get up to do anything except use the restroom if needed. 

I know it sounded over the top but...I didn't have any motivation what so ever, I hadn't talk to the only light in my life for what seemed like forever... I missed Erwin..I heard a ring noise coming from my phone as my head shot up. Was it from Erwin?  I thought checking the phone. It was from that Hange girl 'Hey Levi, me and the rest of the group were thinking of hanging out today. You wanna join? Pleeeeeeeaaaassseee' she asked as I was about to answer but go another texted. My eyes shot up to the name, Erwin?! 

No... it was that big ass tree Mike ' yo Levi, you wanna hang with the gang today? ' He asked as I sighed. I guess it wouldn't be that bad of a decision to go... I haven't  left my apartment for a while so this was probably the for the best. 'sure, what are we doing?' I asked both. Mike replied with a 'ask Hange I don't really know' as Hange replied with ' we're going out to a Ramen shop! so get ready in 30 minutes!' once I read that sentence I felt my stomach grumble. I hadn't ate in days. It got so bad to the point where last week I passed out from lack of sleep and nutrition. I couldn't sleep since I kept thinking of Erwin and I had no motivation to eat unless Erwin texted me back but he never did. I only ate to the point where I could barely handle the hunger. 

I sighed and replied to Hange 'Sure, I'll be there.' I sent as she replied almost immediately. ' great!' I sighed and stood up from my bed a little wobbly. I sighed, I really need to eat something and get some rest..... I'll be able to do so after I get back home. I took a quick shower and got ready before putting my shoes on and leaving the house to meet up with Hange at the Trost Park.....

I made it over to the park and saw Hange " hey four eyes" I said walking over. She turned over greeting me with a smile before she paused and frowned a bit "Levi.... what happened? you look so tired..." She said as I sighed scratching the back of his neck " Just haven't been getting enough sleep lately is all" I said before looking up at four eyes. She sighed " No, like, you look exhausted Levi. When is the last time you slept?" She asked as I looked to the side. "four days I guess..." I replied as her eyes widened. "Have you been talking to Erwin? Does he know about this?" 

I went quiet for a bit looking to the side before I saw her tilt her head before asking me again "Levi? did something happen between you two?" She asked as I sighed giving it up " well....... I was on face time and Erwin's mother came in the room talking his phone away and before ending the call she said for me to never speak to him again. I texted him a few times right after then but he hasn't's been a month sense we've last spoke....." I admitted looking at her while she groaned "ohhh come on! You guy were supposed to have a happily ever after! after all that trouble with....with everything through out the whole year!" She said covering her face and falling to her knees crying out as if we were in some movie.

I didn't know what to do as I stood there for a moment looking around confused. She took a deep breathe in before sighing " she does seem weary of you so I understand..." she said as I turned to four eyes cocking a brow " what do you mean?" I asked four eyes as she stood from the ground fixing her glasses "well um... Erwin's mom is very strict so whenever she calls me or Mike and we tell her that Erwin's hanging out with you I can tell she doesn't really like you" I interrupted her "Well obviously four eyes I think I got the memo already" I said as she chuckled "yeah but even before you two started hanging out she's always been telling Erwin and sometimes us to stay away from you. I have no clue why but she does" I was a bit shocked to hear  this. I thought Erwin was a mama's boy, I didn't think he'd be breaking his moms rules just to talk to me.  Wow guess I was wrong about Erwin.

But still it'll be harder for us to hang out after he comes back, But we'll see after next week. I just....I really really miss him... Hange interrupted my thoughts "we should start walking" She said grabbing my arm and dragging me "lets go!" I looked at her confused for a moment before keeping up with her pace "Stop walking so fast!" I said as she laughed " I'm not walking fast I'm walking normal shorty " She said bursting out laughing as I kicked her leg. She grabbed it bouncing up and down in pain "Ow! Levi! that was mean!" she said. "God, first Eyebrows and now you! I'm not that fucking short you ass holes!" I said as she giggled "hmmmmm, kinda" I just rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue walking off. 

"HEYYYYYY LEVI WAIT FOR MEEEE!" she yelled running over by my side and walking "Soooooooo I heard about you and Erwin after the beach trip" She said wiggling her eyebrows as I blushed "what?!" I said turning my head to face her " what did you hear?" She giggled and clapped her hands together "wellllllll I heard that you and Erwin confessed your undying love to each other and gave each other a kiss good night " she said as if we were in a theater. I blushed hard "how do you know about that?!" I yelled as she giggled "Mayyyyybeeeeee because Erwin called me later that night acting like a girl almost crying of how happy he was " Hange said as I blushed even more and sighed as she looked over "awwwwwww " she giggled as I hit her arm. She chuckled and rubbed her arm "heyyyy, don't be mean, honestly it was adorable! " She said as I rubbed my eyes before looking up "so....well, what did he say?" I asked looking at her. 

She paused before smirking and taking out her phone. It was a video of her face timing Eyebrows and it was pointed at Eyebrows. I automatically  blushed seeing his face. God, I can't wait to see him after summer break..... she laughed at me "someones blushing~" she said as I rolled my eyes and started the video. "So~ Erwin~ did you and gremlin boy do anything after getting back from the beach~" Hange said. I clicked my tongue "shut the fuck up four eyes" I said as she snorted.

I saw Erwin cocking a brow and tilting his head which I always found adorable. "gremlin boy?" he asked. Hange giggled on camera " yeah! Levi!" He blinked for a second "he isn't a gremlin Hange, he's my boyfriend" He said proudly as Hange gasped and squealed loudly "REALLY?!" she yelled. He chuckled scratching the back of his neck " I honestly have no idea though" He said with his eyes softening " we both admitted that we both liked each other and we even kissed but we never made it official......" now that he said I realized that we really never did make it official.... "Well would you like to make it official?" She asked him as he looked up and smiled softly "to be honest? more than anything... but my mother is... shes to much. She literally hates him and it's becoming to much.... " I frowned a bit, it would be hard to get into a relationship especially if his mom hates me " why not keep your love for him a secret til you move out " He thought about it and even I had hope as he smiled brightly " thanks Hange,  I'll ask him when I get back! " He laughed softly as she giggled " god you guys are such love birds, get married already!! " She yelled as Erwin blushed "HANGE!-" But she hung up on him already. 

"So?" she asked me. I looked down blushing hard giving her back her phone " wasn't he just adorable! head over heels for you!" She giggled.  I rolled my eyes grabbing her arm and dragging her to meet up with the others " shut up four eyes! you have no room to talk! I know about you and that Moblit kid!" 

Lets just say she blushed hard and stayed quiet being super embarrassed......

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