Chapter 15 (Levi's POV)

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Once we arrived we opened the doors and exited the car. I stood up and looked around and my eyes widened a bit. It was a huge plain field with trees surrounding the area like a forest. You couldn't hear the cars on the high way anymore and the sunset just topped it all off. The orange, yellowish and pinkish view in the sky mixing together was honestly breathe taking to me. I heard a small chuckle and I jolted a bit. For a minute there I forgot Erwin was even there "so? what do you think?" He asked me. "of this place?" I asked as he nodded. I looked back at the view and smiled softly "it's really nice" I responded.

We ended up sitting beside some trees laying back on the grass. I starred at the sky as the breeze brushed over the both of us gently. It felt so nice, like the dream I had a few weeks ago......the one with Farlan and Isabel..... "Is something the matter?" Erwin asked me. I looked at him "No? Why do you ask?" He just shrugged "you just.... seemed a bit sad... so I got a bit worried." he chuckled. I shook my head " no no I'm alright. The scenery just seems unreal..." I said.

Erwin cocked a brow and tilted his head " what do you mean by that?" he asked. I paused for a moment thinking of words " I don't really know... it just seems like... like the dream I had a few weeks ago." That seemed to catch his attention "a dream?" he asked. I nodded " yeah, I had a dream recently about staying in place like this with........ Farlan and Isabel.. but of course it was only a dream not like I could ever do that considering where they are now..." I said frowning a bit starring into the sky.

I heard Erwin shuffling a bit and I glanced over seeing him turn to me "You know... you never told me what really happened to those two.... do you mind if I ask what had happened?" I paused a minute before hesitating to answer. I sighed and stared at the sky.

"Around 2 years ago, me, Farlan and Isabel we're living together. Just the three of us. My mother died from a sickness and I never knew my father.... I ended up living with my uncle for 5-6 years and when I was 12 he ended up kicking me out saying 'if I really wanted to grow as a man I should learn how to deal with the real world' So I ended up living in the streets for a while before I met Farlan. His parents gave him up for adoption and he ran away from the orphanage. We both stole money and even got jobs around 15 years old. We made enough for a simple apartment and we even made more than enough since Isabel also helped us. She was a runaway and we lent her a place to stay since she had an abusive family..... One day Farlan was-.." I hesitated before speaking again "he was walking to work and a drunk driver didn't stop when the traffic light turned red so he ran over Farlan.... I was in a worse state than Isabel after his death since I've known him for longer and all but she was also destroyed as well. Four months later she committed suicide due to the financial issues in our house. She couldn't live thinking that she was a burden to me since I had been working two jobs by then. She wasn't a burden though.... what she wrote last in her letter was that she'd say hello to Farlan for me..." I didn't realize I had tears falling down my face.

I stared blankly at the sky before Erwin pulled me to sit up. I blinked a bit confused "Eyebrows? what are you-" he cut me off with a hug. "I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that... Including the rumors around school... Nobody deserves to go through so much pain.....I'm always here for you Levi whenever you want to talk. You don't have to be afraid when talking to me. I'll never judge you" he said in reassurance. I paused still shocked, I bit my lip and dug my head in his shoulder, I really didn't deserve Erwin to be quite honest. He was everything I was not, he was the ideal human and I was just..... well.... an Ackerman as you say it.. One of the worst burdens to carry. After 3 minutes later I pulled away and sighed looking up at him "thank you" I said smiling softly. 

He smiled back and nodded "no problem, I'm always here Levi" He said and to be honest....I felt like he meant it. I smiled and laid back down taking one last glimpse of the now orangish/ reddish hue of the sky before I closed my eyes. The soft breeze once again brushing over me as I calmed down and begun to drift off. The warm breeze was the only thing I could here besides Erwin's soft breathing. "you tired?" he asked me. I nodded a bit as I heard him chuckle a bit "you can take a nap, I'll wake you up later" I shook my head. "no I can't fall asleep on you, that's rude" I said as he chuckled "it's fine Levi, really I don't mind" he smiled softly. I sighed in the end and nodded before closing my eyes and drifting off. 

While I was sleeping I had a dream, Well it was more like a nightmare than a dream. I was in a forest wearing this weird uniform. It had a white button up shirt, with white pants and a khaki jeans jacket. The jacket had our schools symbol, the wings of freedom. I had this weird gear attached to my body as I ran through the woods. 

I have no idea why I was running but I just had a feeling I needed to. I looked around and heard a small weak groan. I turned around to the direction the noise was coming from. I froze up as my eyes widened "E-Erwin" I stuttered as he was laying on the ground looking as if he was impaled in the stomach and his arm eaten off. He looked up at me and smiled softly "L-Levi-...I-" suddenly everything went silent as I heard a ringing. His lips were still moving so I looked at them to try and read what he was saying but I didn't understand. 

I woke up and sat up quickly panting a bit. I looked to the sky noticing it had grown darker. It was black as the stars shined being the only source of light. I looked over seeing Erwin sleeping, He looked so at peace. Unlike in my dream, I bit my lip imagining what I'd do if he died. He was the only thing I really had left. I sighed in relief as I lied back down and starred at the sky once again and looked at the stars. 

May that nightmare never come true.... I'm nothing with out Erwin....wait what am I saying?  It sounds know what...I probably do like him....Yeah.

I like Erwin.....

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