Chapter 14 (Erwin's POV)

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Lunch was practically over in my opinion, Everyone was cleaning up their messes and they would stall for the last 10 minutes. I wanted to stay in the lunch room with Mike, Hange and Nanaba but I got a bad feeling. I remembered that detention let out 5 minutes ago so I thought maybe Levi would be in science class by now. I stood up "I'm going to head out right now, I'll catch all of you on Monday " I smiled and waved goodbye as they waved bye as well and I started to walk off. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist for a moment "I'm coming with actually" I turned and saw Mike as he let go of my wrist. I nodded and smiled, Personally I enjoyed his company, he was a great friend to me. We were walking out the cafeteria and he begun speaking.

"Erwin, I have a question" I cocked a brow and looked at him "Yes?" I responded. "Well me and Hange have been talking and we've be thinking... do you like that Levi kid?" he asked. I cocked a brow "well yes, he's a good friend of mine" I said. Mike sighed and shook his head "just friends? really Erwin?" He chuckled. I was still a bit confused so he face palmed himself "you sure you don't like, like him? like you know.....a crush?" he said elbowing my arm. I blushed hard " oh um, th-that's nothing we're just friends " He looked up at me and smiled "You totally do like him don't you" He chuckled. I coughed a bit "whateve-" I was about to responded til we heard a groan and a crash. I grew concerned and noticed it was coming from the science room. Me and Mike looked at each other for a moment before walking over and opening the door.

I opened the door and saw Levi on floor being pinned to the ground. My eyes widened as I saw a pencil stick through his hand and blood running down the wound. I quickly ran over and tackled the guy on top of Levi to the ground " GET OFF OF HIM!" I yelled. Mike went up to the other two and punched them both in the stomach. One even threw up from impact.

I sat up and looked back at Levi and pulled him up gently to sit up, I felt my heart drop when I saw his head was bleeding, it wasn't light bleeding either. I felt so sick and worried when I saw him looking as if he was struggling to stay awake. I looked back at the three "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU THREE DO?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" I yelled. I felt Levi go limp in my arms, he passed out... I picked him up bridal style and walked out the classroom, well more like jogged out the classroom and down to the nurses office. I trusted Mike with the other three. Once entering the nurses looked up and went wide eyed "oh dear" She frowned and stood up helping out Levi with his injuries.

I waited for him to wake up and he did about 2 hours later. His eyes fluttered open as he groaned softly and gently touched his wound. I looked at him and frowned a bit " you okay?" I asked. He jolted a bit, I guess he didn't expect to see me. His reaction was a bit cute so I couldn't help but chuckle softly. "what are you laughing at eyebrows?" he said and pinched my cheek "ow! you don't always have to result to physical abuse Levi!" I quietly shouted. He smiled softly and rolled his eyes. He's been smiling more often around me, it makes me happy..... I always want to make him smile from now on.... "oh shut it eyebrows, your so over dramatic." he said back to me. "whatever Ackerman, stop being so grumpy 24/7 and I'll stop being over dramatic" He clicked his tongue "tch, I am not grumpy 24/7!" he retorted. I just chuckled "yeah yeah, whatever"

I smiled softly and stood up lending him a hand. He took my hand and stood up as well. "lets go?" I asked as he nodded and begun walking out. I looked over at the nurse to thank her and she just smiled and shook her head looking back down at her paperwork "young love" she chuckled. I froze up and blushed hard while walking out and closing the door behind me. I heard a voice next to me ask "you alright? your really red" Levi asked me. I smiled and nodded "yeah yeah, I'm alright don't worry about it" I said. He sighed and made a hand signal asking me to 'come here' since he was shorter than me. I cocked a brow and leaned over but I blushed harder when he brushed my hair to the side and placed a hand on my forehead. "your a little warm, are you sure your okay?" he asked me. I stood up straight fast and nodded "y-yes! yes I'm fine." I responded. He tilted his head a bit and squinted at me before shrugging. He turned around and walked forward.

About 5 minutes later we were out of the building and I felt a vibration in my back pocket. I took out my phone and looked down at it. It was from Hange, she sent it to the group chat with Mike, Moblit and Nanaba. It was a video, I cocked a brow and clicked the video and it was me and Levi when Levi asked me to lean down and felt my forehead. I blushed so hard and I looked at the messages below.

Hange : 'Awwwwww, they're so cute! I knew it! you like him! don't you?!'

I was about to respond but Mike texted before me.

Mike: ' yeah he totally likes him, Levi was knocked out earlier from a fight and he got so scared'

He then sent a picture of my holding Levi bridal style. My eyes widened as I blushed hard.


Mike: ' I managed to sneak a picture hehe~'

I sighed as Hange and Nanaba were just posting keyboard smashes. Most of the just looked like 'AXLMSKDALDNFJKGL' from the girls. I just shook my head and put my phone away.

"Are you sure your alright?" I looked down seeing Levi look up at me. I nodded and calmed myself down a bit as we walked out. "what happened? " he asked. I waved my hand around "ah- it's nothing I just was a bit embarrassed was all" I chuckled. He shrugged it off "anyways where's that place you were talking about for like a week?" he asked me. I paused for a moment confused before I remembered "oh! yeah! follow me, my car is in the parking lot" I said and walked over to it opening the door on his side.

He entered the car as I closed the door behind him and went to my side and got in. " this car is really nice " He said. My car was a Blue Nissan sports car, nothing really special. The interior was all black leather. I smiled softly "thank you, well you ready to go?" I asked. He nodded as we both put our seat belts on. I started to drive off as he starred out the window. While driving half way there I looked over seeing Levi stare out the window. The light reflected off his eyes so perfectly. "Hey Levi, you hungry?" I asked he looked back at me "well I guess a little bit " he responded. I nodded " wanna get subs?" I asked. He nodded, I smiled softly and pulled up to a sub way and we got out of the car to go in and take our orders.

We sat down at a table and ate our food. He only ate half and saved the other for later I guess and we finished our drinks in the car ride there.......

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