Fire Love Sokka x Reader Pt.1

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"Do I have to work here? I really don't want to." I said to Uncle Iroh. We recently traveled to Ba Sing Se to restart our lives. My older brother, Zuko, got banished. Since I was super close to him I left as well. I was against him going after the avatar but he always did, until recently he stopped worrying.

"Of course Y/n, it'll be a great start for you." He replied, pouring tea into the cup.

"I was perfectly fine. But fine i'll work here."

"Perfect! I wish Zuko was excited."

"I never said I was." I said putting my hands up in defense, laughing. "Can I least start tomorrow? I want to go exploring."

"Sure, but be back before 6, I don't want to lose you."

I gave him a reassuring smile and walked out of the tea shop. Uncle and I have a close relationship together, ever since he lost his son he's been treating Zuko and I like his children, since our dad didn't love us. After dad had Zuko, he really wanted a powerful fire bender. I came along and I was super powerful, I can redirect lighting at anytime. But dad wanted to use me as a weapon and I didn't want to, so him and mom had Azula. And of course she would do bad stuff with dad.

My thoughts got interrupted when I ran into somebody.

"I'm so sorry are you okay?" I said to the boy with some striking blue eyes. He looks familiar.

"Yeah I'm fine, are you?"

"Yeah. I'm Y/n by the way." I held my hand out to him.

"Sokka." He shook my hand and shuffled his feet. Oh no, I think he's with the avatar. That means the avatar is here, I need to keep this from Zuko.

"So," I started, "What brings you to Ba Sing Se?"

"We're here to find my friends flying bison. Have you seen it?"

I shook my head no, I can't believe I'm with Sokka. Whenever Zuko is trying to fight the avatar usually I would stay inside and not intervene. Maybe that's why Sokka isn't fighting me right now.

"I haven't seen your friends bison, but I would be happy to help you find Appa!"

"Wait, how did you know his name?"

Oh no, he knows. "Oh, I-"

He got closer to me, "Have we met?"

"I don't think so." I'm gonna die.

"Hm, well you can help us find him. I still find it strange you know it's name."

"I heard it before, and I heard about you and the avatar."

We started walking in the opposite direction, I didn't know where we were going.

"Ah you heard about us? That's neat. Are you sure we haven't met?" He smirked, he definitely knows something about me.

"I don't know, maybe you ran into my family at some point. You do travel a lot. Also where are we going?"

"Where we're living at for right now. And what do you mean family?"

"Well, lets just say my family has done some bad stuff."

"I'm sorry to hear that, is that why you're here in Ba Sing Se?"

"Yeah, my uncle and my brother moved here." I can't believe I'm telling him this, but for some reason I wanted to, I wanted to be close to him. It felt so nice being with him alone. He talked about how his mom died and how his dad is in the war right now. We felt a connection.

The sun was going down and we arrived at the house. I was getting a little nervous. I guess Sokka could sense it.

"Are you scared?"

"Pshh no why?"

We walked in and there they were, Toph, Katara, and Aang.

"Uh, Hello" I said, giving a small wave.

We stepped in the house and Sokka closed the door. Aang got up and started walking towards me.

"You look familiar."

"See? That's what I'm saying!" Sokka yelled. I was getting super nervous.

"Wait a minute. I've seen you before." Katara added, she looked like she was going to fight me. I got on my knees, hoping that they would know that I don't want to fight, I will not be like Azula or Zuko.

"I need to confess," I was so terrified of what they were gonna do, they could send me to jail for even being a fire bender. "I'm Y/n, daughter of the Fire Lord, my brother is Zuko and my sister is Azula. Please I never wanted to hurt you guys, if you did see me before remember that I never fought. I'm so sorry for Zukos actions."

"You're a firebender?" Katara said. I got up from the floor, with my hands up.

"Yes but I don't want to hurt you guys, please believe me."

"I'm sorry you can't be here anymore." Sokka added.

"But Sokka I wanted to help you guys find Appa."

Aang looked like he wanted to know more.

"I know this place. I could find a way to bring Appa back. Please believe me." I said.

"She's telling the truth." Toph said. Katara and Sokka looked at Toph and then at each other.

"Well alright," Katara started, "We'll look for Appa tomorrow. It's already 6 at night."

6? Oh no.

"Shoot I have to go back home. I'm living with Uncle Iroh and I promised him i'll be home."

"Wait I know him! He told me that I should stay and work with Aang! I love him!" Toph said. Before I could react I was already out the door and on my way back home. I hope Uncle doesn't get mad at me.

I got back to the apartment that we're staying in. I walked through the doors and I saw Uncle and Zuko sitting at the table.

"Y/n you're okay." Uncle came to me and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around him.

"Of course I'm okay, I can handle myself." We let go and Zuko came to me.

"Where have you been?"

"None of your business." I started to walk away but he pulled me back.

"Don't lie, where have you been?"

I can't tell him or he'll freak out.

"Nephew respect your sister, if she doesn't want to tell you then she doesn't have to." Uncle chipped in.

Zuko groaned and walked away, living me and Uncle alone.

"Well, where have you been?"

"I met the avatar and his friends. I'm going to help them find their flying bison. I wanted to do something good and this is my chance."

"I understand, I won't tell Zuko, I promised. Now get some sleep."

I woke up early, started getting ready and styling my hair. After that I made some tea and headed my way to Sokka and his friends house.

The walk took maybe 30 mins, once I arrived at the door I rang the doorbell. Toph answered the door and greeted me.

"Hey Y/n. We're waiting on you."

I walked in and smiled at everybody. Katara was more used to me but Sokka still looked like he hated me.

"Well, lets go find Appa. I think I know where he's hiding."

Hello! I deleted the old story because I didn't like it, but here's this one! I hope you guys enjoy!

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