Tea Shops Zuko X Reader

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"Would you be a kind enough to give money to 2 weary travelers?" The old man said to me. Next to the man was a young boy, maybe around my age.

I nodded my head and give them some change.

"It's all that I have, I'm sorry. I wish you well!"

Before I walked away I heard the man say, "That's alright. Say do you live around here?"

"Yeah! I live 2 blocks down that way."

"That's great, is there a tea shop around?"

"Are you serious Uncle? Tea Shop?" The boy next to him spoke up, I could see that he had a scar on his eye.

"Tea is good for your heart." His Uncle said.

"The tea shop is that way, you walk straight, turn left and it should be on your left." I interrupted the scarred up boy.

"Thank you!"

I gave them a thumbs up and walked back to my home. I was born and raised in Ba Sing Se, I never saw what the outer skirts of the wall looks like. It does get boring here though, I'm not allowed to use Earth Bending, can't talk about the war, because apparently there's no war in Ba Sing Se. My family though are great people, I love them to death.

I walked through the doors and saw my parents fixing up some food.

"Hey Y/n!" My mom said.

"Hey mom, what are you cooking?"

"Egg roles and noodles. Oh and some sushi but I know you don't like that."

"Okay, Oh I also helped some travelers today."

"You better be careful," My dad said. "There's some rumors that the fire nation is here."

Fire Nation? That one boy did have a scar on his face. Well maybe the fire nation attacked him.

"I know. Is it okay if I go back out?"

"What about dinner?" My mom replied.

"I'll be back, I'm just going to get some tea."

"Sure, just be safe and be back before dark!"

I grabbed my handbag and walked back out to the tea shop. I kinda want to talk to the boy, I hardly have any friends here. Plus his uncle seems really nice.

I walked in the tea shop and saw them, they were sitting down at the table, drinking some tea.

I walked up to there table. "Hey, I never told you guys my name, I'm Y/n." I laid my hand out so they can shake it.

"I'm Iroh." Iroh shook my hand before drinking his tea. We looked at the boy, waiting for him to tell us his name.

"Lee." He said. But he refused to shake my hand.

"Nice to meet you two. Is it okay if I sit here?"

"No." Lee quickly said.

"Nephew! Have some respect. Of course you can sit here."

"Thank you."

I sat beside of Lee, he seemed a little bit stiff and aggravated.

"So Y/n, what brings you here to Ba Sing Se?" Iroh asked me.

"I was born here, my parents had me at a young age so they moved here for me to have a better life. And to protect me of course. But it sucks because I can't do earth bending."

Lee turned his head to look at me.

"You're an Earth Bender?"

"Yeah, are you?"

"No. I'm not." He turned his head back.

"Oh, oh shoot what time is it?" I asked Iroh.

"It's almost 7."

"I have to go, it was nice meeting you two again!" I ran out the shop and headed straight home. I ran into some kids on my way out. I think one had arrows on his head.

I walked through the door and saw my parents eating dinner.

"Sorry I was late. I was talking to somebody."

"It's fine, just eat your food." Mom said.


Every week I would go back to the shop, I would always see Iroh and Lee there drinking some tea.

I headed back out again, walking to the same tea shop. I'm secretly hoping that Lee would be there. He's really attractive and I want to get to know him better.

I walked in the shop and was disappointed, he wasn't there.

I sat down at the table farthest from everybody. I picked up the menu, reading the different tea's they have.

"What would you like to order...Y/n?"

"Lee! I didn't know you work here."

"My uncle made me, he's fixing the tea's while I'm a waiter. It's stupid."

"I don't think it's stupid, what tea would you recommend?"

"I don't know, Jasmin tea is good."

"Then I'll take it!"

Lee wrote it down and walked through the doors. Whenever he walked back out he had two mugs in his hand. He sat down across from me, giving me my tea.

"Are you on break?" I asked.

"Yeah." He took a sip of the tea.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Like where?"

"There's this really pretty lake I want to show you."

I grabbed his hand and ran out the tea shop.

"I have to work!"

"So? Let's have fun!"

I could've sworn I saw him smile for the first time.

"It should be around here-

The lake, it wasn't crystal blue. It was brown, and nasty. Some of the animals had plastic around them.

I saw Lee looking at me, whenever I turned my head he looked away.

"I'm sorry Y/n."

"It's fine. It used to be full of life but now it's not."

"My uncle did show me this one spot I think you would like."


"Yeah I'll show you." He smiled at me and held my hand, walking away from the dirty lake.

This was requested by @polli2123

If you haven't check out my Sokka x Reader fanfic called Mute please do!


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