Sick Aang x Reader

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I've been feeling extremely sick lately, my stomach hurts and i've been feeling feverish. I get sick a lot so this isn't really alarming but it's still unbearable. We are all riding on Appa and that's not helping either, I get motion sickness very easily.

"Y/n are you okay?" My boyfriend, Aang said. We've been dating ever since we went to the Northern Water Tribe. When I first met him I was with Katara and Sokka and we just clicked ever since.

"Im fine Aang."

"No you're not you're about to throw up." He walked over to me and held me in his arms.

"What about Appa?" Sokka interrupted.

"Oh sorry Sokka, can you do it? I'm kinda busy."

Sokka groaned and hopped to the top of Appas head. Aang and I turned back to each other. He put his hand on my forehead.

"You're burning up!" He got some water from our supplies and gave it to me. I drank the water so fast because I was super dehydrated.

"Thank you Aang." I smiled and laid my head in his lap. We've been dating for only 3 weeks and at most all we did is kiss and hold hands. We're not really into PDA, so for me to lay my head in his lap is new. But baby steps I guess. I could feel his hands in my hair, untying the bun I had in my hair, he ran his fingers through it. Or at least tried to because my hair was tangled.


A loud noise woke me up. I looked around my surroundings and it looks like we're in another city.

"So Aang," Katara started, "Where are you going to find your earth bending teacher?"

Aang shrugged, he helped me off of Appa and we held hands. I still feel like crap but i'm a little better since I took that long, refreshing nap.

We searched everywhere for an earthbendeing teacher but couldn't find any. Until Aang saw a class for earth bending.

"Hey look! I can get taught there! But I don't think you can come join. Do you mind waiting here?"

"I don't mind, I can always hang out with Sokka and Katara anyway."

About an hour passed and I was sitting down next to the place that Aang was getting taught at. Katara sat beside of me.

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked.

"Yeah, I still feel tired but I can handle it."

"I remember when we were little you always got sick." She laughed.

"I guess I have a bad immune system." Right after I said that the gates opened up and some kids ran out. I looked for Aang in the crowd but couldn't see him. Then I saw Aang slowly walking out of there.

"So, how did it go?" I asked him.

"I don't think that was going to be my earth bending master."

Sokka came up to us and explained that a earth bending wrestling contest was going to happen here shortly. And of course Sokka and Aang wanted to go.

"Y/n what's wrong?" Aang asked me, squeezing my hand.

"I just feel sick and I don't feel like watching anything."

"I'm sorry, I promised right after I find me an earth bending teacher I would take care of you, I promise." He smiled at me before he gave me a kiss on my cheek.


Sokka, Katara, Aang and I sat near the front, which was a bad idea to be honest. I rested my head on Aangs shoulder, he held my hand, slightly rubbing it.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear.

"I'm still tired and feel like crap, but I'm with you so i'm fine." I whispered back. The contest went on and finally it was almost over. A girl, named The Blind Bandit was next, and oh boy she was good.

Aang really wanted to talk to her, so he decided to "fight" her. Not gonna lie, I was terrified that she was going to hurt him but that thought quickly went away. Turns out he's the one who won. I sat in the seat patiently, waiting For Aang to get done talking to the blind girl . It was really hot in the arena, I had to get some fresh air. I tried standing up but my legs were giving out and I sat right back down.

"Y/n are you okay?" Katara asked me. I nodded my head.

"No you're not you can't even stand! Here grab on to me and I'll walk you out of this place."

The wind from the sky blew on my face, it wasn't a lot but it was still refreshing. We found Aang but couldn't find the blind bandit.

"She won't let me talk to her, we have to find her soon." Aang looked at me. "Oh my gosh Y/n are you okay?"

Before I could say anything I felt extremely light headed and fell to the ground, but was caught by Aang. He was the last thing I saw before passing out.


I woke up with a splash of cold water on my face. I glared at Katara.

"Sorry I was trying to help."

"Y/n I'm going to lay down with you with Appa, then at night we will find her. Come on" He carried me to where Appa was at and laid me down on his saddle. Aang gave me some more water to drink.

"Thank you Aang."

"No problem, I'm sorry I didn't take care of your needs, I guess I got too caught up in finding an Earth bender teacher."

"No it's fine, I understand."

Aang smiled, It brightens my day when he does smile. His hands was in my hair, I guess braiding it or something.

"Thank you for taking care of me." I said to him.

"No problem, I always want you to feel safe and healthy, that's my two goals. And defeat the Fire Lord but let's not worry about that."

I giggled at him, "I love you."

"I love you too."

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