Stars Zuko x Reader

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I couldn't get much sleep, it's the thought that my younger brother, Aang, is going to defeat Fire Lord Ozai soon. He can't even go into the Avatar state anymore ever since that accident with Azula. To calm my nerves/anxiety I usually go outside to look at the stars.

So, that's exactly what I did. I found a nice hill to lay on and looked up at the glowing stars. Before my life drastically changed my brother and I would look at the stars together after we "fight" each other using Air bending. But once he found out he was the Avatar he ran away, I went with him because I wanted to comfort him. And that's where we froze.

"Y/n, you okay?"

"Oh jeez you scared me." I sat up and saw Zuko. He sat beside of me with his arm around my shoulders. It's ironic because he wanted to capture Aang and now we're dating each other. Aang wasn't too happy when he found out but that's the joy of it.

"What are you doing out here?"

"I like looking at the stars, it calms me." I looked into his golden eyes, kissing his soft lips before laying back down on the grass. He laid down with me, with his arm still around my shoulders. I rested my head on his shoulders, snuggling up to him.

"Before I met you I never went outside to look at the stars." He said.

"Really? How come?"

"I never got the chance to I guess. Well I did look at the stars but not in a It-calms-me-down way."

"I used to when I was younger. After I would train to be a good air bender I would sneak out and look at the stars. Sometimes I would look at them with Aang."

He turned his head to look at me. He looked like he was about to say something but decided not to.

"I miss living at the Southern Air Temple. I know I don't talk about my past life but I just feel like people won't care."

"Don't say that, I care."

"Thanks." I laughed.

"Why did you laugh?"

"I like laughing, it makes me happy I guess." I smiled.

"What was your life like living with Aang, since you know he's the avatar."

I looked back at him, he was looking at me as well. The moonlight shined on his eyes, making it a cool toned yellow color.

"Before we found out it was pretty normal, monks and flying bison everywhere, us two hanging out. When I was 4 he was born and I guess since then I knew he was special. We grew up practicing Air bending together and was a little jealous when he got his air bending tattoos early. He got his when he was like 10 or 11 and I got mine when I was 14."

"That's cool, I wish I had a good relationship with my sibling." He sighed.

"I'm sorry you have a horrible sister."

"It's okay, it happens to the best of us. So what happened next?"

"Once he found out he was the Avatar our life's changed a lot. He stopped hanging out with me and he wouldn't even look at the stars anymore. Whenever he ran away I followed him and that's where we froze for 100 years. And then Katara and Sokka found us, found out our people died, you burned my leg. Blah blah blah you know the rest."

I looked up back at the stars, Zuko was still looking at me but looked back up moments later.

Zuko pulled me into a side hug almost, since we were both laying down it was hard for us to actually hug but our arms was still around each other.

"I love you so much." He said.

"That came out of nowhere, are you okay?" I laughed.

"I just feel so bad for what the Fire Nation did to you. And also for what I did to you, I can never forgive myself."

"Zuko listen, It's okay. Yes bad stuff happened to me but I forgive you and your nation. Plus that burn scar on my leg looks pretty cool if you ask me." I laughed softly. I could hear him lightly chuckle.

"I guess you're right, looking at stars can calm people down."

"See, I told you. I love you."

"I love you too."

hello! this was requested by @polli2123
thank you for requesting!

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