We're going to do great Aang x Reader

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This chapter includes teen pregnancy, reader and aang are 17

I can't tell him.

He'll freak out. He's just a kid, I'm a kid.

Things shouldn't be like this, how can it end up like this?

"Y/n? You okay?" My cousin, Toph said.

I was on top of a bridge, looking over at the water in the Fire Nation. The whole Gaang decided to come visit here again since Zuko and Mai are getting married.

"Not really." I told her.

"Something is wrong."

"I'm fine Toph, I just need to think."

"You always say that." She groaned, "Where's Twinkle Toes?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Nothing I just always see you guys together."

I looked at her, "Toph you can't see anyway."

"Shut up at least I can metal bend."

I lightly punched her, "Toph I'm not in a good mood just please leave me alone."

"Alright fine. I leave you be. You're worst than Katara." And with that she left.

I looked back at the water, seeing a mama turtle duck with her babies. I sighed, resting my hands on my stomach.

I didn't know I was pregnant until I started getting real sick and missed my period for 2 months, that's when I knew I was pregnant.

It was getting dark out so I headed back to the place that we were staying at. Everybody else was already inside, Sokka, Suki, and Toph were all eating while Katara was cleaning.

"Hey everybody. Where's Aang?"

"He's in your room, he said he was tired so he went to bed early." Sokka said.

After 5 years since we met each other, everybody changed. We all look grown, I can't believe I grew up with them.

First me, when I met everybody I was 12, so was Toph. Our dads were brothers and we were born around the same time, which was pretty neat. Toph and I would run off and practice Earth Bending together. She's obviously better than me but I don't really care. Whenever Aang wanted her to teach him Earth Bending he realized I felt a little sad, so he asked me to join, and that was when I realized I liked Aang.

Katara is now 19, and oh boy she had a glow up. Her features are more distinctive and her hair is now down with her little hair loopies. Sokka is like 20, his face is skinnier and has a nice beard going on. Suki's hair is a little longer, she's the same age as Sokka. Toph looks the same but she's gotten taller and has a body shape.

Aang, he changed a lot. His voice deepen and he gotten a lot taller. His muscles are defined and he has a little scruff.

"Uh Y/n? I've been trying to get your attention, are you deaf all of a sudden?" Toph said.

"Hmm what?"

"Nothing, just go to bed with your little boy toy."

"Thanks Toph." I said sarcastically.

I walked into the room that we were staying in, Aang was asleep. I crawled into the bed with him, putting his arms around me, snuggling up to his chest.

"Y/n? Is that you?" He said groggily.

"Yes love, I'm here."


The next morning everybody except me and Aang went to go shopping to help for the wedding. This will be my perfect chance to tell him.

"Aang? Can I tell you something?" I asked him. He sat on the bed next to me.

"Of course, you can tell me anything." He put his hand on my thigh.

"I'm scared to tell you actually."

"Don't be, I'm here for you. Now what is it?"

I gathered my thoughts of what I was going to tell him, or how I should tell him.

"Aang, we've been dating since we were 14. And recently we have been doing some risky things." Silence went by.

"What I'm trying to say is, is that I'm pregnant...it's yours obviously."

He stood up and looked away from me.

"Y/n you can't."

"Aang I'm so sorry-

"We're only kids!"

I never saw him angry at me before. I could feel the warm tears going down my face.

"Aang I know, just please listen."

"What are we suppose to do? We're not married, and we don't have a house! We always travel. I can't have kids Im the Avatar! I have to protect others I don't have time for kids!"

"Please listen to me. I know it's hard I'm in the same boat!" I cried.

"I have to go, I'm sorry. I'll be back but I just need to think." Aang left the house, leaving me.

I tried to control my anger, the ground shook a bit. I went back to our bed and just cried, I cried for hours until I couldn't anymore.

Aang still hasn't came back. I was getting worried, would he leave me over this?

Soon I heard a knock on the door, I could tell everybody was here, except for Aang.

"Y/n? Where's Aang?" Katara said while entering my room.

I wiped my tears. "He left."

"Why?" She sat next to me on the bed. "And why are you crying? Did you guys get in a fight?"

"Katara I'm pregnant." I blurted.

"..Oh my gosh."

"Wait what?" Sokka appeared. "You're pregnant?" He yelled.

"Shut up! I already told Aang but he freaked out and left."

Sokka sat on the other side of me. "I would be freaked out too if I got Suki pregnant. But he'll come back. He left when he figured out when he was the Avatar, so I guess we're used to that." He laughed. I glared at him. "Sorry. I'll leave."

"Katara what am I going to do?" I turned to her.

"Sokka is right, he'll come back I promise. He just needs some time to himself. Everybody copes with certain ways. Do you want me to make Sokka find him?"

I nodded my head yes. She told Sokka everything, she told others as well (with my permission). I just laid in bed, holding my stomach.

I heard a knock on my door, followed by a small, familiar voice.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have left." Aang came and sat beside of me, I was still laying down, facing away from him.

"I know you're probably mad at me for leaving. I'm mad at myself, I just needed some time to myself because this is so new. We're gonna be parents. But I do know that we'll be the best parents ever. So I'm actually happy."

I turned my body around and looked up at him, he laid down next to me so we were facing each other.

"I understand, I'm happy too I guess." I replied.

"Can I put my hand on your stomach? Like are you okay with that?"

I giggled. "Yes you can."

He rested his hand on my stomach, he smiled at me, looking at my stomach and then back at me.

"Twinkle Toes! You got my cousin pregnant!" Yelled Toph.

We both laughed, "We're gonna be great." He said.

This was requested by @KLT12345 !! Go follow them!

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