Police (Korra)

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"I'm very disappointed in you, I expected better from you." My mom said to me. I slouched in my seat.

"Mom ever since I was little I tried to please you. Being a police officer isn't just my thing. Besides shouldn't you understand? Your mom was Toph."

Lin Beifong is my mom, daughter of Toph Beifong. So my family is kinda crazy.

"Y/n don't bring my mom into this. And it's different, I became chief of police to please my mother, i'm wanting you to be a police officer because with your special abilities, you could change the world."

"Just because I could do anything that Toph can do doesn't mean you should control my life." I rolled my eyes. "Besides, I thought you could also bend metal and use seismic sense."

"I can, but I hate to say this but you're better."

I thought about it for a minute, if it really pleases mom then I'll reconsider. "But I'm only 14."

"Then wait until you're 18."

4 Years Later

"Get them!" I yelled out. The girl and three guys were attacking each other. I made the metal chain wrap around them, making them all fall down.

"Officer! These were bad guys!" The girl shouted.

"Okay and? You still destroyed have of this place." I pointed to the destroyed windows.

"Okay and I'm the Avatar!"

"Congratulations. You're still under arrest."

"What!" Screamed the girl. "This is unfair!"

The other crew got the guys while I got the girl. Putting her into the back of the police car, and me driving to the station.

"Miss I don't know who you are, but I'm Avatar Korra! So you should let me go."

"Well Korra, my grandmother is Toph Beifong, so she knew Avatar Aang."

"Wait...are you Lin's daughter?"

"Sadly." I groaned.

Korra sat up in her seat. "Seems like you don't like your job." She chuckled.

"Never said I didn't like it."

"But...you don't. How come?" She said.

"This isn't therapy session."

She huffed and leaned back in her seat. We soon arrived at the station, putting her into a interrogation room. Tenzin was in the room with her, with my mother.

"I'm so sorry for Korra's actions." Tenzin said.

"But they were bad!" She exclaimed.

"You destroyed a city." Mom sternly said.

Korra didn't say anything, she just looked at me. Her eyes were striking, and her muscles was really attractive.

Mom elbowed me. "Ow what was that for!"

"Stop staring at her and do your job."

"Wow so not even a congratulations for stopping those guys?" I put my hands on my hips.

"You don't get a congratulations. Life doesn't give you congratulations." She said before leaving, leaving me with Tenzin and Korra.

Frustrated, I bended the metal chair into a ball. "I hate this stupid job."

"Wow, you okay?" Korra laughed.

I glared at her, but soften my look. "I'm fine."

"So when can I bail Korra out?" Tenzin asked.

"I guess now. I'm done."

"Wait Y/n before you go, do you wanna go somewhere after this?"

"I can't, police stuff." I said, shutting the door on my way out.

I walked out of the station and cruised the streets, making sure that everybody was not doing illegal things.

I closed my eyes and used seismic sense, I could sense everybody from 3 miles away, I "saw" this one man stealing some fruits, he was maybe a mile away from me. I opened my eyes and got inside the car, driving to where he was at.

I got to the stands and saw this very skinny guy, begging the food seller to give him some fruit.

"Please, I have a family who needs food."

"I can't give it to you, I need money to feed my family."

I stepped in. "Just give the man some fruit, he needs it."

"Aren't you the police? Shouldn't that beggar get in trouble for stealing?"


The man stole some food and ran away.

"Look he stole my fruit! Go get him!"

"But he needed it!" I yelled back.

"What's going on here?" I heard a particular voice said, my mom.

"Your police officer let that guy steal my fruit."

"But mom he needed it! He had a family-"

"Get out of my sight." She sternly said, my eyebrows furrowed and I got into the car and slammed the door. I quickly drove off, I didn't know where I was going, but I didn't want to be here.

I found a small field and parked the car there, getting out of it and sat down on the grass, pulling my knees to my chest. I hate being a stupid police officer. I started to tear up and cry, I rarely cry, in fact I don't think I ever cried this hard before. I've been keeping it to myself.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Usually I don't get startled because of seismic sense, but I jerked to the sound of her voice.

I looked and saw Korra, she sat down beside of me and messed with the hem of her pants.

"I'm fine."

"No you're not, you bended a chair." She laughed, but soon stopped, changing her expression to care. "But you can talk about it. I'll listen to you." She softly smiled.

"When I was 14 my mom told me I should be a police officer because i'm really good at what I can do. So when I turned 18 I did what she wanted me to do, since I'm her daughter everybody expects me to be a great police officer and all of that. But she doesn't even congratulate me, and she yells at me all the time. I'm tired." I started to cry harder. I felt Korra wrap her arms around me.

"I'm proud of you, you're a really good police officer."

"I don't want to be one."

"Well," She pulled away, holding both of my hands. "Just quit and do something else, maybe a bounty hunter?"

"That does seem cool." I laughed through my tears.

"Come on, lets do something fun." She got up and helped me off of the ground.

"Like what?"

"Like a date." She smiled.

"I would love that."


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