Blind Love (Toph)

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I could never see, not even by using seismic sense because I'm not an earth bender. I'm no bender at all, and that sucks.

Toph, on the other hand, is blind and she can see by using her feet. I'm just helpless. We grew up together, literally. My parents was butlers and maids for her family, and her family was so nice that they let me and my family live in a small room on the other side of the castle.

Since I couldn't see her, I could hear her practicing Earth Bending in a cave. She would hold my hand and guide me to a cave so she could practice when we were little.

Recently she took under cover as the Blind Bandit and did competition. Again, I couldn't see her, I just had to listen to what was going on.

"You're more quieter than usual." Toph said. We were sitting outside next to this thing called a tree. I pulled my knees closer to me.


"Why are you saying sorry? You didn't do anything." She said harshly.

"I'm not in the mood." I groaned.

"Are you sad?"

"....Yeah. I am."

I felt her body get closer to mine.

"Being sad is stupid. Why are you sad?"

"I'm blind and I can't even use earth bending to see. I can't fight, I'm useless. I'm weak."

"You're not weak. You just can't do certain things."

"Toph I can't do anything. I can't even walk without bumping into a tree. You're always going to guide me around, and deep down I know that you don't like that." I raised my voice.

"The reason I guide you around is because I care about you stupid! I don't want you to accidentally hurt yourself. Yes Im sorry that you can't use seismic sense, but you need to find something else that'll help you. I can even help you to find something."

"I don't need your help. I'm tired of peoples help." I got up and started walking, but stopped in my tracks. I don't know where I was going. I heard her feet walking towards me, grabbing my hand.

"It's okay to get help. I have an idea actually."

She stopped holding my hand and did something. She put this long, hard stick of some sort in my hand. "What is this?" I asked her.

"It's a stick made out of rocks. To walk you could hit that against the ground so you can walk without running into things. I was going to give that to you on your birthday but you were already complaining." She laughed.

"Wow, thank you." I reached for her body and hugged her tightly, and then letting go. "You're usually not this nice. What's going on?"

She got quite. "Nothing is wrong."

"Your tone of voice changed." I crossed my arms.

"And how can you tell?"

"I have to rely on my hearing, and I'm a pretty good listener."

"Fine you caught me. I like you, more than a friendship way."

Man I really wish I could see her face. "Really? Wow I don't know what to say."

"You made my life better, you were always there for me since we could walk and talk. I denied my feelings for a long time because I hate showing affection, but you're different."

"I like you too. It sucks because I really want to see what you look like." I sighed.

She took a hold of my hand. "Don't worry about that, looks doesn't matter. Literally, it doesn't matter because we can't see." She laughed.

"Yeah you're right. Thanks for making my life better, I couldn't done it without you." I smiled, even though I know she can't see me.

I felt a kiss on my cheek, which caused my stomach to churn.

"You tell anyone that I kissed you I'll take away your walking stick."

"love you too Toph."  I laughed.


so sorry that this is shorter than expected! couldn't really come up with anymore plot or dialogue for this prompt

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