Agni Kai Sokka X Reader

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"It's been 2 years since Suki died." Sokka said, crouching on the ground that we were standing on.

"I know love, I'm so sorry you had to go through so many deaths." I sat on the ground next to him, holding his hand. Suki died 2 years ago when she was trying to protect Fire Lord Zuko, she ended up dying in Sokkas arms. We didn't start dating until 5 months ago because it took him a long time to heal.

"It's okay Y/n, as long as you're here I'm fine." He gave me a reassuring smile, but I know he's hurting a lot on the inside. A lot of deaths happened in front of him, his mom, Yue, and now Suki. I feel so bad for him.

I didn't meet him until after the war ended. I was congratulating him and his friends when they were visiting the Fire Nation, ever since then we became friends. But we didn't become close until Suki died, I was always there to comfort him.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked him. His legs got tired of crouching so he sat beside of me, putting his head on my shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm fine."

"Do you want to go shopping?"

"Of course."


The store that we were in had a bunch of weapons, I looked at the bow and arrows since that's what I fight with. Sokka was looking at the swords obviously.

"Hey Y/n do you think this would go good with my style?" He said

I giggled, "You'll look amazing in anything."

"Do you want to go and have a small picnic together?" He said.

"Of course! We just need to buy some food."

"I'm on it!"

We left the weapons store and found a neighborhood market where they were selling sushi and some noodles. We bought the noodles, sushi and (fav fruit)

We walked up the hill and set up our picnic. Sokka got the food together and sat down on the soft blanket.

"Where's Aang and everybody else?" I asked. Sokka was already stuffing his face.

"Aang is doing avatar stuff, Zuko is doing Fire Lord stuff, Toph and Katara are probably hanging out somewhere."

"Ah okay, I was just wondering."

I picked up the noodles and started eating it, Sokka put his bowl down and looked at me.

"Y/n, how come you never talk about your family?"

His question caught me off guard.

"I rather not talk about them, they're horrible people. That's why I left the Fire Nation colonies and stayed here where Zuko is."

"But they could still find you since you didn't move far."

"Before I left I wrote a note saying I was moving to Ba Sing Se, I never heard of them since."

Sokka didn't say anything. He continues to eat his noodles.

"Why did you leave?" He asked. I sighed and looked at him.

"I don't want to talk about it Sokka."

"I'm sorry. Hey do you want to sleep here for tonight?"


"Whenever we first met I remember you said you would love to camp out here. And I always remembered that." He smiled.

"Sure, I'm surprised you still remember that."

We sat up a nice camping spot and laid down next to each other. The sun was setting, making these pretty colors in the sky.

Sokka was the big spoon, he secretly wants to be the little spoon but I didn't say anything.

"Well well well, look who we have here."

Sokka and I jumped from the voice, I looked at the man that was standing in front of us.

"Dad?" I said while getting up. "What are you doing here, how did you find me?"

Sokka got up as well, standing a little bit in front of me. I guess to "protect" me.

"Me and my crew has been looking everywhere for you, one of them spotted you last week. So here I am. Say, I thought you were in Ba Sing Se, what ever happened to that?" He smirked.

"Dad please, I'm 18 now I can do whatever I want."

He pushed Sokka out of the way and grabbed me by my collar.

"You had a job to do, you were supposed to kill the avatar but you decided to run away."

"Y/n, is that true?" Sokka looked hurt. It killed me to see him like this.

"Oh you didn't know?" Dad threw me to the ground, putting his foot on my chest. "Y/n was supposed to kill the Avatar 2 years ago, but instead she left a note saying she was going to Ba Sing Se. She had a job and she left the family."

"Let her go." Sokka said firmly.

"Oh I'll let her go." Dad turned to me, "Agni Kai"

"What? I can't do that you know that I can't fire bend."

"But you know how to use a stupid bow and arrow. I know you can have precise aim and shoot people's clothes to the ground so they can't leave. So yes, Agni Kai"

Dad let me up, he walked a couple feet back and got into a fighting stance.

"Y/n you can't defeat him by yourself, let me help you!"

"Sokka you can't, I have to do this."

I grabbed my bow and arrows and pointed it at my dad. Sokka was getting ready to attack my dad but I shot an arrow to pin his shoes/pants to the ground so he can't help me.

"Y/n please I can't watch you die."

"I don't want you killed because of me. I can do this."

Dad shot a fire ball at me, I rolled and dodged it, shooting an arrow to pin his shoes/pants down as well.

He shot multiple fire balls at me, I began to panic, what if Sokka is right? What if I die in front of his arms? I'm only doing this for Sokka, I don't want him in anymore pain.

I shot an arrow in dads arm, he screamed and pulled the arrow out.

"I was going easy, but now I know what I have to do." He yelled.

A bunch of fire came towards me, I jumped out of the way but my legs were caught in the fire. I screamed out loud, holding my legs, crying.

"Y/n!" Sokka yelled.

I was in so much pain, but that can't stop me. I tried getting up but fell quickly to the ground. I saw Sokka struggling to get out of the trap I made him, I only want to protect him. My dad was always insane, when I was little he would burn my mom, my siblings, but he never burned me until just now.

He started to create lighting, I know this is it.

He pointed at me me lighting came towards me, hitting me in the stomach. When that happened I heard Sokkas screams, I couldn't say anything, I gripped my stomach and started to shake.

I couldn't see much of what was happening, everything was blurry, my ears were ringing but I can still hear Sokka's screams.

I could see my dad fall in the corner of my eye, with his sword sticking into his stomach. I felt being lifted, Sokka had me in his arms, I couldn't make out much from what he was saying, all I could hear was him saying, "Please don't go, I can't have another person that I love die in my arms. Please Y/n, I need you."

And with that my eyes closed.

thank you for 1k reads!! i'm so thankful that people are liking this oneshot book. I am thinking of creating a Sokka x Reader but I don't know how many people would actually read it, and i have no idea on what it would be about. But I have an idea in mind.

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