Betrayal and Love Haru X Reader

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"I can't believe you! This village is innocent!" I yelled at my older brother, Zuko.

"They're Earth Benders Y/n, the avatar needs an earth bending teacher so we have to keep an eye on them."

"So? He needs a fire bending teacher so are you going to keep an eye on the Fire Nation?" I yelled back at him.

"I wish you never came with me."

"It's not like I have a choice! I tried protecting you from our Father and our Father got mad at me for 'being in the way'. I sacrifice everything for you! Now please leave this village alone!"

I bended fire at him but he blocked it, the earth benders was staring at us.

"Oh so now you're going to attack me like how Father tried to do Agni Kai with me? You're no better."

That hurt. That hurt a lot.

"Zuko I tried protecting you. When I jumped out in front of you my whole left arm got burnt and scarred up. I am better than Father." I was almost in tears.

"Well that didn't work did it? I still got burned and now we're both banished." He walked away from me, I was so fed up with him.

I tried shooting fire at him again but he blocked it. He walked towards me and punched me in the nose, I fell hard on the ground, grabbing it. I started to cry a little bit from the sudden pain.

"Z-Zuko, whenever we got banished you promised me you wouldn't hurt people, and that you wouldn't hurt me."

"I don't care." He said harshly. "I'm also leaving this dumb village, I'm leaving you as well."

He left me, he actually left me. I hugged my knees, sobbing into them. The Earth Benders stayed far away from me, I wouldn't blame them.

I felt a touch on my shoulder, I jerked and looked at the person who was in front of me.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"yeah I'm fine." I stood up and tried getting away from him, wiping my nose on my sleeve, it was bleeding.

"I'm Haru, do you want me to fix your bloody nose?"

I turned around and looked at him. I nodded my head and walked with him to his little hut.

"Hey mom! This is..what's your name again?"

"Haru! Is that a fire bender!" His mom got on her knees.

"Yes Miss I am a fire bender, but please forgive for what my people did to you, I am not like them though. My brother and I got into a fight and he left me. Your son brought me here to fix up my nose and I'll be on my way."

"I still don't trust you. Haru take her outside, I don't want a killer in my house."

My breath hitched. "I understand." I replied. Haru grabbed some stuff and we headed out for the woods that was surrounding the village.

Haru bended a rock for me to sit on, I sat on it and pulled off my Fire Nation over throw since it was hot, leaving me in a red long sleeve undershirt.

Haru picked up a wipe and gently dabbed on my nose, cleaning the blood. I felt nervous for some reason, I don't want to be around him but it felt nice to be around him as well.

Haru sat down on a rock beside of me.

"Alright, thank you. I'll be on my way now." I stood up but he grabbed my hand, I stopped breathing.

"You should spend the night here, I can tell that you're hungry, tired and maybe weak right now."

I sat back down, I held my hands together. It was awkward sitting in silence. I was glad when he actually spoke up.

"I never gotten your name, what is it again?" He lightly chuckled.

Should I give him a fake name? No he probably already knows me.


"I like that name."

"Why did you help me?" I asked him.

"You seemed really caring about other people, and so I wanted to help you." He smiled.

"Usually people don't help me with stuff, I was just shocked I guess." I nervously laughed while putting my hand behind my neck.

"I over heard your conversation, do you want to talk about it? My mom tells me I'm a great listener!"

"I'm not comfortable telling people my past."

"That's fine too! I can tell you mine though. So before you came along my village was attacked by these fire benders, and they would tax the crap out of everybody, plus we're not allowed to Earth Bend. My father got caught Earth Bending and they took him away." Haru got quite. I held his hand but then let go.

"I'm sorry, do you know where they took him?"

"No, some prison but I don't know which one."

"I'm not ahead of that stuff, so I have no idea where they would take him."

"It's fine. But that's why my mom didn't trust you, I'm sorry about her."

"No no it's fine. I completely understand."

I scooter closer to Haru, I actually trust him. I have horrible trust issues since my mom died, and then my father burned me and Zuko, and then he brandished us, and then Zuko left me. Wow I have some trauma.

"Hey Haru? Can I talk to you about my family? I have some trauma."

"Of course, I'll be here to listen."

And with that I told him everything, about how my dad was the Fire Lord but I'm sure he knew that, and how I was trying to protect Zuko but Father ended up burning my left arm and Zuko's eye. I even showed Haru my burned arm, and I never show anybody that before. By the time I was done I was crying my eyes out. I had my head in my hands, wiping my tears away.

"I just want to feel loved, that's it." I cried out.

Haru hugged me, I haven't been held in a long time. He let me cry into his shoulder, after I cried out my tears I pulled away and sniffled.

"Thank you for letting me let things out, that feels nice." I laughed.

"No problem. I like helping people. Also don't worry about not feeling loved. You are loved."

I looked away and felt heat rising to my cheeks, gah why am I blushing?

"Hey can I show you my earth bending tricks!"

"Of course."

Haru stood up and kicked a rock from out underneath him. The rock went sliding.

"That's so cool! Do a bigger one!"

He hovered a big boulder and let it swing from him, hitting another cliff.

But that was over once we heard people talking, it sounds like..a girl?

"Look it's another Earth Bender!" The girl yelled out, 2 others came from behind her, one of them was the Avatar.

Oh no.

This was requested by Idkwhattoputsuga

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