Water (Katara)

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"Come on love, you can't be afraid of water, it's just water." Katara laughed.

I squinted at her and sighed. "Swimming is stupid." I rolled my eyes.

"But why do you hate water so much?" She put her hands on her bare hips. She was hardly wearing anything except her swim ware.  I looked up at her gorgeous blue eyes, she looked sad about what I said earlier.

"I don't hate it, it's just not my type." I hugged my knees. Katara day behind of me, braiding a small piece of my (long/short) hair.

"You're from the Northern Water Tribe, why do you hate water so much love?"

I felt a sudden pressure in my chest, it's too late to tell her. We've been dating for like 2 months and I haven't told her about the accident.

"When I was 9 my parents and I decided to go on a boat trip to visit the south since the fire nation attacked it again. We were going to help you guys. Anyway a horrible storm came and it knocked us off, letting us hit the freezing water. There was a scrap of boat that was floating in the water and my parents made me lay on it. It was the coldest, and darkest day of my life. Hours later some Northern Tribe War ships came and took me back to my village. My parents were dead."

I picked off the skin of my nails. Katara hugged me from behind.

"I'm so sorry that happened, I wish you told me sooner or I would stop taunting you."

I turned around and kissed her forehead. "Don't be sorry, that happened 6 years ago, I'm fine." I gave her a reassuring smile.

"You're lying." Toph said from over yonder.

Katara frowned. "You're not fine. Is there anything you want me to do?"

"I really like to swim again but everytime i'm in a pool of water I freak out."

"I can help you overcome this trauma." She helped me up and hugged me. "I care about you so much."

We let go and my lips turned upward, "Alright, just let me prepare myself." I kissed Katara's soft lips, and pulled away.

I got out of my clothes, revealing some undergarments that looks similar to Katara's. I saw her cheeks turn a rosie color.

"So let's get you ankle deep. And don't worry the water is warm." She grabbed ahold of my hands and slowly walking to the water.

I heard Sokka shout from the distance. "If you have a fear of water, how do you clean yourself?"

I glared at him. "Using a wet rag, and a bucket."

"Don't pay attention to him, it's just you and me." Katara said.

The water was warm, and it reached my ankles. I feel like I was doing fine, I'm nervous but Katara is with me, holding my hands.

"Are you okay? Is this good?" She asked me.

"I'm fine." I smiled back at her.

I leaned in and kissed her, while doing that I felt her walking backwards. I felt the water go from my ankles to my mid calf. I gasped and pulled away from the kiss.

"Shh it's okay, I'm here, see? The water is at your calf. I'm so proud of you." Katara softly smiled.

I started to breathe a little harder but calmed down with the help of Katara.

"Are you ready to go deeper? We'll go to your knees."

"Okay..but please hold on."

"Of course I will."

I tighten the grip on Katara's wrist. We slowly started walking deeper, the water rising to me knees.

"I don't think I can do this." I felt my body shut down. The overwhelming of my trauma is coming back, our screams, the storm, us freezing.

"You're doing great, look if it gets too scary then I can water bend the water away." She gave me a reassuring smile. "Look, it's to your thighs."

I raised an eyebrow and looked down, the water was to my mid thighs. "Wait how?"

"I distracted you and made you walk more towards the deep end. Are you okay?"

I thought for a moment. I'm still scared but feel fine, the past memories still keeps showing up in my head.

"I guess so."

"i'm going to let you, and I want you to walk towards me. I only go far back to where it's up to your chest, okay? I believe in you. Your past doesn't define you."

I argued but eventually gave in. She let go and walked deeper to where the water barely covered her chest. I took a deep breath in and out, and then closed my eyes.

I took a step forward, and slowly started walking. Feeling the water go to my waist, and then my stomach. I started to shiver, even though the water is warm. No, don't think about that. You're safe with Katara.

You're safe with your girlfriend, who loves and cares about you. I felt the water rise to my upper stomach, and then my chest.

I opened my eyes and saw Katara give me the biggest smile ever. She pulled me into a hug, her wet arms wrapped around my body.

"I'm so proud of you!" She happily said.

I pulled her into a kiss, putting my hands onto her cheeks, and then pulling back. "Thanks for helping me."

"Do you wanna try to get the water over your head?" She said.

"Not ready for that." I laughed. "But thank you for helping me get over the fear of water." I hugged her tightly. The feeling of her warm body against my skin felt amazing, her wet hair glistened in the sunlight, she's amazing.

"I'm happy that I could help." She replied. We pulled back, looking at Sokka, Aang and Toph play some water game.

"Wanna join their team since you're not afraid anymore?" Katara joked.

"I'll just sit out and watch. I think you should come join me and play with my hair." I smirked.

"I'm okay with that."

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