Imagines- What they like about you

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i haven't been getting a lot of views/votes so i decided to add some stuff :) enjoy

-he likes your braveness
-he likes it when you go out of your comfort zone and try new things
-aang also likes how soft your hands are, he loves holding them, just about every chance he gets he holds them

- he likes that you have a sense of humor
- since you use humor to cope with stuff he loves hearing your dark humor
- he loves your eye color. Whenever he's nervous or stressed he just stares into your eyes and it calms him down a bit, he says "It's like looking into the abyss, it's beautiful"

- She loves how kind you are to others
- Whenever somebody apologizes you're the first to forgive, Katara has trouble forgiving people but you taught her on how to forgive and be kind towards people
- She also loves your hair, she loves playing with it, no matter how short or long your hair is, she just loves braiding it/running her hands through it/combing it etc

- she likes you being a rule breaker
- even though you try not to break rules, you do some of them just for fun, and toph loves doing tjay with you
- Since toph can't see, she says that she likes your hands/arms since you can protect her when she doesn't feel safe, (in the air/water/sand etc)

- he likes your wisdom, just like Uncle Iroh
- he says that you remind him of Uncle Iroh, which is a compliment. Whenever he's stuck on a decision to make he always comes to you, and he loves that
- Zuko loves your hugs, but he doesn't like to admit it. He says that your hugs gives him hope and makes him feel loved.

-she likes how fearless you are
-you'll do anything for her, even risking your life. but you know that you won't die, and she loves that
-She likes all of you, she doesn't really say exactly what but all she says is that she only likes your whole body

- she likes your stories
- believe it or not she loves hearing your adventures, since she believes her life is so boring, she likes hearing about your life
- she definitely loves your legs. Weird thing but she loves how long/short they are. At any giving chance she'll make you put your legs on top of her lap so she can feel them

Ty Lee
- she loves how optimistic you are
- whenever she feels a little sad (which is rarely) you're always there to make her happy, and she loves your energy
- she thinks that your smile is the best feature. Although all of you is perfect, she loves seeing you smile

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