Wedding Aang X Reader

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Aang wasn't the last air bender. My family and even some other airbenders went into hiding. We all lived in some parts of the Fire Nation to avoid of being killed off. Ty Lee was one of them, but she doesn't know that she's a descendent of air nomads.

So whenever Aang found out he wasn't the last one he was so happy. My family went out of hiding once the war was over, and I met Aang. Then we started dating when we were 14, and now we're getting married today.

"You don't even have your dress on, or your hair ready!" Katara put her hands on her hips.

"Sorry, I was just thinking."

"I'll just do your hair for you."

I sat down on a chair in front of this small vanity thing. Katara started to fix my hair, she put it half up half down with a bun on top, leaving 2 strands of hair out.

"Do you want any flowers in your hair?" She asked.

"Sure, do you have any baby's breaths?"

"That'll look so pretty, and yeah!" She left the room that I was staying in. Aang and I were staying in a room that was in the Southern Air Temple, we decided to get married there since we're from there. Well I don't know which temple I was from but that doesn't really matter.

Katara came back with those flowers and put some in my (straight/wavey/curly) hair

"You look beautiful."

I blushed a bit, "Thank you."

"So where's your dress!"

I got up from the seat and pulled out this long dress. The under layer was cream colored, and then on top of it is this yellow tunic that splits in the middle so you could see the cream dress underneath it. The sleeves was long and loose.

"Oh my gosh that is gorgeous! Put it on right now!"

I laughed and put the dress on, Katara had to help me since it had some layers on it.

"Aang is going to flip when he sees you in this."

"I hope so, I hate wearing dresses."

"So does Toph, she's wearing a pant suit right now."


"It's going to start soon, I'm going to make sure that everybody is ready. You just stay here." Katara opened the door but when she did Zuko was there.

"Zuko!" I yelled. I ran up and wrapped my arms around him.

"It's so good to see you! How's being Fire Lord?"

"You look amazing, and it's good. Uncle wanted me to tell you that he's ready whenever you are."

Zuko, Uncle Iroh and I are close to each other, whenever I was hiding out in the Fire Nation Uncle Iroh helped protect me, once the war ended Zuko and his guards protected me and my family from discrimination.

"I'm ready, let's start in 5 minutes."

Zuko nodded his head and all 3 of us walked out.


There was a curtain blocking my view from the wedding chapel. I could hear the people that were here. Aang and I wanted a few people to come to our wedding. The only people that are here is Uncle Iroh, Zuko, Sokka, Katara, Suki, Toph, my family of course, and some of the Kyoshi Warriors. Oh and the signing nomads, they're here to do music.

Speaking of them, I heard them strumming on their instruments, that was my cue to walk out. I nervously walked out, everybody turned their heads to see me. But my nerves went away once I saw Aang, he was smiling, almost tearing up. He was wearing a off the shoulder orange wrap with yellow pants that ends at his ankles. It was simple but it looked amazing on him.

I walked up to the ring of flowers, right where Iroh and Aang was at. We took each other's hands and smiled at each other. Aang mouthed the words "You're beautiful."

"We are gathered here today for something special, the wedding of Aang and Y/n." Iroh announced. "It seemed like yesterday whenever the two kids met each other, one found out another air bender was living in the fire nation, and that is why we are out here today."

Then Iroh made us do some Air Nomad traditions for weddings, I'm actually surprised that Iroh knows these traditions. We then exchanged vows, I went first.

"I usually suck at public speaking, but I'm actually excited to speak today. I remember when I was little that I would never meet another air bender, I always wanted to marry one but my dreams were crushed when my parents told me the truth about things. But when I was 12 I found out the Avatar was found and I had all hopes again for the world, except for I didn't think I would actually marry one. I don't know how to put this into words, but long story short, I love you."

Everybody clapped and said Awe, Aang got out a sheet of paper. I can tell he put more thought and effort into it.

"To be honest I thought I would never find love, especially from someone who is an air bender as well. Because of you I became a better person, I know I was already saving peoples lives but you help me think about different things and made me forgive myself for some mistakes I made in the past. The only thing I didn't regret is asking you out. I thought you were never going to go out with someone like me, but I gave it a try and now we're here. With you, our friends, and our family. I'm so happy that we get to spend the rest of our lifes together."

"Woohoo! Go twinkle toes!" Toph yelled.

"Okay then, anyway do you Y/n take Aang as your husband?" Iroh said to me.

"I do." I smiled.

"And do you Aang take Y/n as your wife?"

"You bet ya."

"You may kiss your bride!"

Aang pulled me into his arms and we kissed each other passionately. I heard some yelling from the audience.

"Twinkle Toes is getting laid tonight!"

"Toph shut up!" Katara yelled.

Aang and I let go and laughed at the audience. I can't believe after all this time I can finally spend the rest of my life with Aang.

hello! I hope you guys liked this cute little story! This was requested by @polli2123

also vote for which plot idea you like better for the new Sokka fanfic!

Mute water bender reader that starts off in the Northern Water Tribe and finds out it is difficult and even lonely to talk to somebody that doesn't understand them, (I don't want to reveal any character past yet because it's a surprise)

or angry/misunderstood firebender reader that starts off in Ba Sing Se where Sokka doesn't trust them when he found out they're a fire bender and turns out they have a lot in common then you think

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