Dare (Toph)

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"It's Ba Sing Se, how bad can it be?" My brother, Aang said.

"Twinkle Toes, I cant even see and I'm already tired of seeing this place." Toph said.

"Toph we've only been here for less than a day, try to enjoy it." I laughed.

"Nobody can make me enjoy this place." She faked gagged.

"I bet I can." I smirked.

"Dare. If you can make me enjoy this place, then i'll return the favor." She crossed her arms.

"Enough with the dares, we have to tell the Earth King about the Invasion Plan." Katara stepped in.

Toph groaned. "Enough of that, I actually want Y/n to make me enjoy this place."

Whenever I met Toph at the earth bending tournament, i've always had a huge crush on her. She's strong, amazing, beautiful, I want to see her happy. Aang knows about my crush, after all he is my younger brother. We've been through everything together, literally. When he found out he was the avatar he ran away, and I followed him. Without him knowing he accidentally froze us together for a hundred years. But i'm glad because I met this amazing person.

I need to find a way to make her enjoy this place.

"Hey Sokka, can I ask you something?"


I walked away from the group with Sokka, whispering in his ear, "Can you help me ask Toph out?"

His eyes widen and jaw dropped. "You like her-"

I made him trip by using air bending, "Shhhh! And yes."

He huffed and got back up. "Yeah I can help you. Hey guys! We're going to go and get some food! So uh....don't follow us." Sokka yelled to the group. I looked at Toph and she looks a little hurt.

It bothered me that she wasn't happy, but I chose to ignore it. "So...any plans?"

"Well I was thinking you could write her a letter about how you feel!" Sokka proudly said.

"Sokka....She can't read."

"Oh, right."

We continued walking down this alley with food stands and other stands as well.

"How about I buy her something nice?" I said, but deep down I know she won't like that.

"I don't think she would like that. Hey is that Katara?"

We looked over and saw Toph with Katara, they looked like they were in deep discussion about something. I grabbed Sokka and hid away from them.

"Y/n she uses seismic sense, I'm sure she saw us with her feet."

"Oh shut up or i'll air bend you again."

We started walking the other way, coming up with some ideas.

"This will seem crazy, but how about you make her fly with you using your glider." Sokka said.

"But she can't see, remember? I don't think she likes to be in the air." I groaned. "This is hard."

"Okay wait, I have an idea. Just ask her out, she'll be more appreciative if you just ask her out in a simple way."

"I hate to say this, but you're right. Thanks."

"No problem. Well I'm going to get something to eat. You two love birds go have fun."

"Thanks Sokka."

I ran off to find her, which didn't take too long. I walked over to her and when I did Katara smiled and walked off.

"What's her problem?" I laughed.

"So, ready to make me enjoy this place?" She smirked, like she knew something about me.

"Actually yes."

"Well before you do something, I'll show you something. Follow me."

I relentlessly followed her, leaving these food stands and going somewhere more in the open. She took me to these field of grass, which was beautiful. I really wish she could see how beautiful it is.

"Watch this," She said. She stomped on the ground and moved her hands up, making a rock come out of the ground. She jumped down and punched the rock in different directions, it was starting to take shape of a face.

Toph walked towards me and put her hands on my face, feeling every bump, structure, and texture on my face.

She walked back over to the rocks and started bending eyes, nose, and then the mouth. Last touch was hair.

She walked backwards from it, admiring it.

"I don't know what you look like, but this is based off of your silhouette and me feeling your face." She said to me.

The sculpture didn't look exactly like me, but really close. "Toph this is amazing! I love it."

"You do? I mean yeah...I know you love it."

"Well now it's my turn to make you enjoy this place."

"And how is that? Take me to go see a sunset?" She joked.

"No. I was wondering if you would like to go out with me, and be my girlfriend." I smirked, I saw her cheeks turn red.

"Wait really? I know you liked me because of your heart rate but didn't think you would actually ask me out. Yeah of course."

I pulled her into a hug, and then let go, taking a hold of her hand.

"You know, i'm starting to enjoy Ba Sing Se." She said, staring at the rock sculpture.

"That means I won the dare."

"Fine I have another dare, I dare you to go on a date with me." She crossed her arms.



i have like 30 requests so i'm trying my hardest to get them all done by next saturday!!

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