Ill never leave Zuko x Reader

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"Y/n I would like you to join me, Ty Lee, and Mai." Azula said. I haven't talked to her since I was about 14, which was 2 years ago.

"What for?"

"To help defeat the avatar, and guess what, Zuko is also with us."

Zuko. That name haunts me.

"Ah I can tell that you don't like hearing his name. Don't worry he won't leave you this time." Azula put her hand on my shoulder.

"It wasn't his fault that he left." I said, grinding my teeth.

"Of course it was, he wouldn't face father like an actual man."

"Azula why do you want me to help you?" I turned around, facing her.

"Because Y/n, you're something rare, and we know that using both of your elements can help us." She whispered in my ear.

I was born with fire bending AND earth bending. My dad was a fire bender and my mom was an earthbender. Some mutations happened and I was born with both. Pretty cool right? I hated it.

"What do you mean Zuko? Is he unbanished?"

"He is, and now we should have a reunion together."

I don't know why but I was now apart of her team. I couldn't care less about the avatar, I only want to be apart because of Zuko. See what happened was that when my parents died Zuko promised me that he will never leave me. In fact when we were 14 we were going to date, but his Agni Kai with his dad happened, and then he was banished. He left me, I was so mad at him. Azula kept feeding my anger by saying it's his fault and not his dad. She wanted me angry so I could use my rare bending.She won.

Azula brought me to his room. We stood from the outside of his door. Azula smirked and then knocked on his door, and then she disappeared. I don't know why she wants me to be with Zuko again, maybe to use me? The only way she knew I was going to give in was to mention Zuko, and again, she won.

Zuko opened the door, he looks so different. He's taller, he has defined muscles, his hair is even grown out. He looks amazing. He noticed me right away, almost like he was happy I was here.

"Y/n. What are you doing here?" He said that in a happy but confused way.

"I'm apart of your team now. Azula talked me into it."

He opened his door wider, indicating he wanted me in. I walked in and sat at the edge of his bed. He sat on the edge of the bed as well but on the other side.

"Where have you been living at?" He asked me.

"My aunts house, I didn't know how Azula even found me."

"Yeah she can find people easily. I'm glad you're apart of the team again."


"What do you mean again?"

"Oh uh, well how when we were little, before the accident." He touched his face, the side with scar.

"Yeah I understand."

Some silence went by until we heard the door swing open, standing there was Azula.

"Let's go on a trip."


"Azula I hate the beach, you already know that." I told her.

Azula brought me, Zuko, Ty Lee, and Mai to the beach for 2 weeks. I can tell this is going to be horrible. I don't even hate the beach, i'm just terrified of what's going to happen. For example Mai hates me, we all know that. Ty Lee is super nice to me, but she does gets on my nerves, Azula is, well Azula. And finally Zuko, we still haven't talk about the situation.

We all gathered around a campfire that I started, I also made some rock seats for everybody.

"It's super cool that you have 2 elements Y/n!" Ty Lee said.

"Yeah, it is cool." I replied, not knowing what to say, I hate it when people bring it up. I feel like it's unnatural for a person that's not the avatar to control 2 elements. I zoned out for a bit, all I could hear was Mai, Ty Lee, and Azula all arguing about their pasts. Zuko kept shut since we all know what happened.

"So Y/n, you're the only one who hasn't said anything, are you scared that you'll hurt somebody again?" Azula said, smiling. That's all she does is smile. I hate it.

I glared at her.

"Don't you dare bring up my past and say that I hurt somebody."

Zuko looked up at me.

"Oh come on, tell us, tell us how you got so angry at Zuko that you burned and crushed an entire village."

I bended a rock at her but she's too fast and blocked it.

"Ah there you go with your angry bending, please do more. I dare you."

At this point Zuko was on the edge of his seat.

"Azula leave Y/n alone." He said.

"Oh so Zuzu wants to be apart of your life now Y/n! How do you feel?"

"Azula please, I don't want to talk about it."

"Yes you do, you just don't want Zuko to know the full story."

I looked at Zuko, he looks worried but also confused, he really doesn't know the full story. Mai doesn't care, and Ty Lee is on the verge of her seat. Azula is the only one who knows.

"Fine, Ill tell him, I'll tell everybody what happened." I started off. Azula has her arms crossed, smirking at me.

"Zuko, whenever my mom died because of sickness I was upset, and then my dad went to war, and he died. I told you that everybody left me. You promised me you would never leave me. And then you got banished and left me. You didn't say bye, and you didn't even come to me with your problems. And then your sister came along, telling me that it's your fault, and how you left me on purpose. My anger got out of control and I burnt, crushed and killed an entire village. Because I hated you."

Everybody was silent, not one word from anyone.

"So what you burned down a village because of me." He said. Is he serious?

"It was mine, Zuko. It was an Earthbender village."

He was silent. Ty Lee was crying, and Mai actually showed some emotion.

"Finally, now you can use your bending to the full potential-" Before Azula finished her sentence her feet was attached to the ground by my earth bending, she fell over and her hands was attached. I grabbed her chin to make her look at me.

"I never believed in violence, I can't believe you made me do that so you could use me. And I can't believe I fell for it."

I left the campsite and went into some forest that was near the beach. I sat on a rock and for the first time since I was 14 I cried, and I cried hard. I heard some rustling in the bushes, I got up and looked, it was Zuko.

He stood right in front of me, looking sad. He didn't say anything, he pulled me into a hug. He sat down on the rock I was on, with me in his lap, still holding on to each other. I cried into his shoulder, I heard him whisper, "It's alright, it's okay" into my ear.

I stopped hugging him and looked into his golden eyes, since it was dark out I couldn't actually see the golden part, but I knew it was there. We kissed each other with the moon light shining on us. We pulled apart, our foreheads resting on each other. He pushed my hair out from my face before saying, "I'll never leave you, I promise."

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