History (Aang)

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"You're the first airbender that has been born since the attack 100 years ago. Promise me that you'll rebuild the Air Nation."

"But if I'm the only one, and the avatar hasn't been found yet, then how am I supposed to learn about the Air Nomads and rebuild the nation?" I asked my mother.

"I know you, you'll find a way." She weakly smiled at me.

"But I'm only 12, I can't even find a master, i'm the only one mom-"

"Y/n listen to me, you're a very spiritual person. Follow the spirits, they will guid you to where you need to be."

That was a year ago. My mother was an Air Nomad descendant and that I was the first Air Bender to be born. I heard rumors that the Avatar came back, and that he's a year younger than me. I'm excited to meet another air bender but I never met him, or seen him. It's like we're going opposite ways.

After that one conversation I left home to find another air bender, and learn about the history and the traditions of being an Air Nomad. I couldn't get my tattoos because I'm not a master yet at air bending, let alone I haven't done any tradition because I don't know any.

I adjusted my green tunic around my body since it was extremely hot today. I remember before I left Ba Sing Se it would be so hot to even sleep. That place weirded me out too, it was horrible.

I decided to stop walking and sit down on the soft grass, crossing my legs to meditate. I closed my eyes and focused on my energy. I saw a small vision, it was a group of teens and preteens laughing. My eyes opened quickly and I stood up, gasping for air.

I never saw that in my entire life, who was those people? I couldn't really tell because I only saw the back of their heads.

I hugged myself and started walking again, I ended up at this cliff. I heard talking from down under. Out of curiosity I used my air bending to slowly fall down onto the rocks that was sticking out on the side of the cliff.

I squat and saw this beautiful upside down structure, it must be the Western Air Tenple. Down under was these teens and preteens laughing. It was exactly like the ones from my vision. I wasn't close enough to hear exactly what they were saying, but I could see that they looked confused and worried, looking around of the place. One girl wearing a green jumpsuit with her hair pulled into a black bun pointed at me.

I jumped straight into the air and landed back onto the top part of the cliff to protect myself. How did they see me? I was surely in a protective spot. I need to go over to the Western Air Temple so I can learn about more Air Nomad culture, but I can't because what if those teens are bad? Or what if they want to kill me because I'm an Airbender?

I turned around and started walking away from the cliff.

"Hey wait a minute!" I heard somebody yelling.

I turned around and saw a kid about my age, wearing air nomad clothes. And what struck me the most...tattoos.

"Did I just see you air bend?" He asked me.

"You're an air nomad." I whispered, still shocked. Was this the avatar?

The kid smiled. "Yep! I'm Aang, who are you?"

"Y/n. I'm an airbender, my mother was a descendant of the air nomads and I was the first to be born. Are you the avatar?"

"Yeah I am, wow I'm just so happy to meet another air bender! Were you looking for me?"

"I was exploring all air temples so I can learn more about the history, so no but I'm thankful that I ran into you."

"I would love to teach you everything I know! Come on you have to meet my friends." Aang grabbed my hand and we walked over to the edge of the cliff. The both of us airbended onto the structure, being greeted by the other teens.

"Everybody, this is Y/n, she's an airbender." Aang smiled.

"I'm Katara, that's Sokka, Toph and Zuko." The girl with long brown hair said.

"Nice to meet you guys." I replied, sorta nervous to meet these new people. And nervous that I'm talking to the Avatar who is an Air Nomad.

"How are you an airbender? I thought they were all killed off." Katara asked.

"My mom was a descendant, and I ended up being born with the power." I sheepishly said, rubbing the back of my neck.

"I guess you weren't the last airbender then huh Aang?" Sokka laughed.

"I guess so. Do you know the history at all?" Aang asked me.

"Not a lot. That's why Ive been traveling to the air temples but couldn't find anything."

"I can teach you! And some air bending tricks!" Aang excitedly said. I smiled to myself.

"I would love that."

"Are you guys going on another field trip?" Toph rolled her eyes.

"We'll stay here and I can teach her the history." He smiled at me.

He lead me inside of the structure so we have some privacy. We both sat equal distance across from each other. My leg was bumping up and down due to nerves. Spirits get it together Y/n.

"So...what do you know?" Aang asked me.

"About what?"

"Anything I guess."

I thought about it. "All I know is the genocide, oh and being vegetarian."

"Well then I guess there's a lot I have to teach you." Aang laughed, causing me to giggle a bit. "You're cute." He quietly said.

"Oh...thanks. I would say the same to yourself." I put my hands on my cheeks, I could feel the heat of them.

"Right, Air Bending History. The first airbenders learned their art from the sky bison. The key to airbending is flexibility and finding and following the path of least resistance." He started off, "An airbender never seeks a fight, and they never seek to strike an opponent directly."

"Oops, I accidentally started a fight with somebody. They were robbing me and so I flew them into the air. Is that bad?"

"You did it to protect yourself, so it's not bad. And are you okay? Were you hurt?" He looked at my arms and legs.

"I'm fine, it was an easy fight." I laughed.

"Right, right, sorry about that. An airbender is declared a Master once they fully mastered the 36 tiers of airbending. That's when you get the tattoos." He pointed to the arrow on his head.

"I always wanted my tattoos. And 36? I didn't know it was that much." I frowned.

"Don't worry! I can teach you! I love teaching." He smiled. "How many tiers have you done?"

"Uh...maybe 12?"

"24 to go! It'll be fun, so come on lets do some air bending." He grabbed my hand to help me up.

"Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it." I smiled.

"No problem, I love teaching my history, and in the future you can teach other future air benders our culture!"

"Yeah, that would be great."

somebody at my school has covid 😼

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