A New World Zuko X Reader pt.2

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I woke up from the noise that was happening in front of me. I sat up and saw Zuko teaching Aang on how to fire bend. Katara was already up and Sokka just got up as well.

"It's good to see you Y/n, I missed you. Katara thought you were dead but deep down I knew you were okay." He got up from his sleeping bag and helped me up.

"It's good to be back. I'm sorry that I left out a lot of details. I honestly forgot all of my memory."

"It's no worries. We're just happy for you to be back." And with that Sokka left.

I walked around the air temple and saw a fountain full of water. I dunked my head in it to clean my face. My hair was super messy so I styled it using water and a hair tie. I really wanted to see if I can even waterbend, you know since I never fully tried it out. I focused on the water, my hands, and my mind. I lifted some water from the fountain and moved it around, I can actually do it!

"Oh so you can water bend." I dropped the water, some of it got on me but not too bad. I turned to my side and saw Zuko.

"Zuko! Don't scare me like that!" I laughed, wiping my hands on my clothes.

"Sorry, I just wanted to say that you're good. I bet Katara can teach you."

"I just don't think there's enough time for me to learn."

"If I can teach Aang I bet you can learn waterbending, trust me."

The next couple of days has been a breeze, Katara was teaching me and I picked up fast. I decided to play a prank on Zuko.

"Hey Zuko! Can you come watch closer? I want you to see what I'm doing wrong."

He raised his eyebrow and came walking towards me.

"You seem to get the hang of it."

I focused on the water and it came up, I acted like I couldn't do it to trick him. I gathered more water and hovered it over his head, before he could think I dropped it on him and laughed, watching him getting soaking wet with water. Katara laughed out loud holding her gut.

Zuko glared at me, but in a fun way. He smiled and picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Zuko! Put me down!" I screamed.

"No, Im gonna get even."

He walked in the water that was below the air temple and threw me in it. I swam back up and bended water at him, having a good time. With him it makes me forget about my old life. I don't know why, but I feel like I actually belong here instead of living back in my universe.

The sun started going down so we hopped out of the water. I didn't want to wear my wet clothes since it gets a little cold at night. So I took off my water tribe clothes and hanged them over a broken pillar that was in the air temple. All I was in was a white tube top looking thing and white shorts. No wonder I was uncomfortable.

Zuko wasn't wearing a shirt, only his shorts. My eyes glazed over his body, scanning each muscle that he had. He looks amazing. I walked over to where everybody was at. They were all talking about the time where Zuko kept chasing after them. Zuko looked at me, with his mouth open, and then looked away. Did he not like my body? I started to get a little insecure and walked away from the camp fire.

"Where are you going?" I believe Aang was the one who said that. I ignored him and kept walking around this place. There was a spot I found that was really pretty to look at. There was vines hanging and pink flowers surrounding the area. I guess this part of the temple used to be a garden of some sort. I sat down and looked at the sun, the sky was so colorful, it was full of orange, pink, and even some purple in the sky.

"It's so beautiful." I said out loud.

"Yeah, it is"

"Gah! You need to stop scaring me." I looked and it was Zuko, still shirtless standing right next to me. He sat down, picking a pink flower and rubbing his hands over the petals.

"Why did you leave?" He asked me.

"I felt weird only being in these undergarments."

"Oh, well I think you look nice." He handed me the flower.

I looked away from him, I could feel my cheeks heating up.

"The sky looks nice. It reminds me of you."

Once he said that I got light headed. Closing my eyes I saw another vision.

"This painting reminds me of you." Lee pointed at a painting. It was a girl trying not to get wet by rain by using her waterbending.


"The girl looks like you." He looked down at me and smiled, holding my hand. I don't remember what age I was, I'm thinking around 7 or 8. I trust this guy, he's like my dad. But I know it's not. He used to be in the fire nation and he freed me, I'm living with him in an Earth Kingdom.

"One day you will be so powerful Y/n, I promise."

My eyes shot opened, tears and blood was going down my cheeks.

"Y/n are you okay?" Zuko asked me. I shook my head no. He wiped off my nose with his hands and pulled me into a hug, letting me cry into his shoulder.

"What happened?" He asked me, stroking my damped hair.

"I had another vision. The guy who took me in when I was 5, his name was Lee and he left the fire nation to protect me."

He was silent. I didn't know why, I pulled away and looked at him, wiping off my tears.

"Did you know him?" I asked Zuko, he looked away from me and shook his head.

"There's so many Lee's, And plus I was 6 when they took you away. So I have never met the guy."

"Oh." I looked back at the sky, the sun went down and the sky was a dark blue. Zuko made a fire in his palm. I looked back at him and he smiled at me. He hardly does smile, so whenever he is smiling it makes my day. I felt our bodies getting closer to each other, and with that our heads leaned in, I was scared kissing him, what would happen? Will I go back to my world? Will I permanently stay here? My thoughts got interrupted whenever our lips touched. His fire went out so he could hold me tighter.

We stopped for a bit and looked at each other's eyes. We couldn't really see because it's dark, but I know exactly what his eyes look like.

"Will you go out with me?" He asked, resting his hand on top of mine. I giggled and kissed him again.

"Of course."

this was requested by @polli2123
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