Ecsaped Sokka x Reader

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"Why are you here?" A girl about my age said to me. She looked miserable and a bit sad. She rested her elbow on her knee and her hand holding her head up.

"Um, I don't really want to talk about it." I fidgeted with the hem of the prison shirt I'm wearing.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I was apart of the Kyoshi Warriors and my team told the fire nation prison guards that I was their leader. I'm not mad because I'll do anything for them but oh well. I'm Suki by the way, what's your name?" She held out her hand and smiled.

"I heard about you guys. Nice to meet you, I'm Y/n." We shook hands.

"It sucks being here, I miss my friends and my team."

"I'm neutral I guess. I didn't have a family or friends when they put me in here." I sighed.

"I'm so sorry. Good news is that you have me!" She lightly elbowed me. I laughed, "Yeah, that is a good thing."

We got interrupted by the speaker, "Prisoners go to your cells!"

"Well I guess we'll see other some other time." Suki said before leaving. I got up from the table we were sitting at and went to my small little cell. The guards closed the door and I sat on the hard bed that they gave us.

I've been here for roughly a month now, my father convinced my mom that I was against the fire nation and that I tried to help the avatar, he was right of course but it still hurt. Basically the avatar got into a fight with the fire nation and I helped him escape, and my father found out and put me in here. I never knew the avatars name, or his friends name, but at least I did one good thing in my life. There's much more to that story but I would rather forget it.

The next morning the guards made us get up at 7 AM, which sucks, but at least Im not back at home. I chuckled to myself, I love coping with humor.

I got down to the cafeteria and the workers gave us slop, again. I tried not to make a face because I really don't want to get in trouble. I sat down at the table that I sat in before, waiting for Suki. The slop was super cold, I got an idea but it was pretty stupid. I was going to heat it up using fire bending but decided not to since I didn't want to be put in the cooler.

"Hey! She used fire bending!" A guard said. I looked at them with a confused face.

"No I wasn't, I promise. I know it seemed like it but I wasn't going to!" I stood up, I saw Suki from the corner of my eye.

The guards came rushing towards me, I couldn't run, fear has made me stood in place. One of them got on top of me, making me fall to the ground. I hit my head on the hard concrete floor and screamed. I tried to protect my face from getting hit but he kept hitting me.

"P-Please stop! I didn't fire bend!" I cried out loud. All of a sudden he striked me in the nose, almost knocking me out. My vision blurred, I heard a faint voice in the distance.

"She didn't fire bend! Let her go!" One of the shorter guards said. He seemed really young to be a guard.

"But she almost did!" The one on top of me yelled back. I tried staying awake, I will not be defeated by this loser.

"Oh I know, but I'll take care of it, you go do something else. She needs a bigger punishment for pretending to fire bend" The shorter one said, I have no idea if I can trust him. I felt blood pouring out of my nose and running down my face. My vision came back but the pain was still there.

"Yeah I guess you're right." The bigger guard got off of me and walked away, while the smaller one "helped" me up. And by "helped" he just yanked me up and held me by the shoulders.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He whispered in my ear, which was calming for me. Strange.

"Who are you? And why are you helping me?" I whispered back.

"Which one is your cell?"

I pointed to the cell that was 2 cells away from us. We walked in there and he shut the door, taking off his helmet he looked at me. I was astounded, he has these striking blue eyes and hair that was a little messed up from the helmet, he was pretty attractive not gonna lie.

"I'm not an actual guard, I actually came here to find my friend Suki, which I did. But once that guard started attacking you she told me about you and I felt bad. So now here we are."

"Oh, I didn't know you were friends with her. I'm Y/n."

"Sokka, have we met before?"

Now it hit me, he was with the avatar.

"Actually yes! I helped the avatar escape the fire nation. That's actually why i'm here, well that's part of the reason."

"I'm just gonna tell you that you're amazing at fire bending. Oh Zuko is also here with us so don't be alarmed."

"That's nice?"

Sokka and Zuko explained to me their plan, first plan we didn't do because Sokka saw his dad and now we have to come up with a new plan.

"How about a riot? Once that happens Suki can take the main general."

"I like that plan." She said, but she said it in a way of revenge.

So everybody got in there positions, I was in the middle of the courtyard with Suki, waiting for the perfect riot.

"How long have you and Sokka been dating?" I asked, usually I don't care too much about that but I really like Sokka. Something about him I love but I can't put my finger to it. Maybe he was the first person in my life to show that they care? Who knows.

"What? We're not dating. We were but we couldn't work things out. We barely see each other and I'm not looking for a relationship. Why do you want him?" She winked.

I felt my cheeks turn red. "Pshh no. Hey about that guy to start a riot?"

I quickly walked up to him and told him the plan.

"Yeah, I'm bored with my life anyways." He said.

With that it happened. While Suki was getting the general I followed Sokka, I couldn't do much since my family never taught me how to fight without using bending, and if I do use it it'll be noticeable. We got to the lift, Azula came with us, well more like followed us. Her and Zuko were fighting, while she wasn't looking I tried to distract her by almost lighting her on fire, which I didn't because I don't like hurting people.


After hours of trying to escape we did it, now all of us are riding on Appa. I'm sitting right beside of Sokka, holding on to him because I have a horrible fear of heights, thanks to my father. Suki was sitting next to Zuko.

"How did you get in here anyway? You never told the full story." Sokka said to me. My grip tighten around his arms, he could tell I was uncomfortable. "I'm sorry you don't have to answer." He added.

"No it's fine, since you helped me out you deserve to know. So basically my parents loved Firelord Ozai and they wanted me to be like Azula. Sorry Zuko."

"None taken." He said. I laughed a little bit.

"Anyway, they wanted me to be the best fire bender ever and they got furious when I refused to hurt people. Well one day I saw you guys and Aang get attacked by some fire nation soldiers and I decided to help you guys. One of them told my parents and my father almost killed me, literally. He wanted to burn me but he can't fire bend, so...I'm sorry I don't think-"

I was pulled into a hug by Sokka. It felt good to be held, I can't remember the last time I got held. He let me cry into his shoulder for some time. Still hugging him I finished the story. "He beat me, threw things at me and called me worthless. He turned me in to the prison. Mother could've stopped it but she didn't."

"It'll be okay, that's the past. Now you have us." Sokka softly said. My legs was basically wrapped around him, my arms around his neck as well.

"Thank you."

"You escaped your life and now you're going to be safe, I promise."

I made my friend to request something because i was bored, so this was "requested" by thecoolshooshine

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