Kyoshi Warrior (Suki)

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"What are you doing here and who are you?" A Kyoshi Warrior said to me as the others tied my hands up.

"I was just exploring! I promise I wasn't going to hurt you guys. I'm Y/n, for the past year or so I've been out on my own exploring the world."

The girl soften her look. "Warriors, untie her hands."

"Uh actually I'm not a her, or a he. I prefer to go by they." I looked down, I knew this was going to happen.

"Oh my I'm so sorry. Warriors untie their hands." The girl said, "I'm Suki. Sorry for attacking you." She sheepishly smiled.

The Warriors untied my hands, I picked up my bag and canteen of water. "Nice to meet all of you. I'm going to go now."

I started walking away but I got pulled back by Suki. "How about you stay? It's going to be night time soon anyway."

"I can handle myself. I've been out on my own since I was 14."

"But just so I know that you're safe, you can stay in one of the extra rooms! I'll go show you."

Suki took my hand and we started walking to the empty houses. She seemed excited to see me. Every once and a while she'll look at me and smile.

"Well here it is!" She opened the door, revealing an empty room with a bed in it.

"It's a little undecorated because some guy burnt down my village." She snickered. "Well i'll go check on you tonight. It was so nice to see you." She said before leaving.

I wanted to stay with her, her presence makes me so happy and warm on the inside. I washed my face with the warm water from the sink and took off my main clothes, leaving myself in a tank top looking thing and shorts.

The sun went down, and the moon came out, illuminating my whole room. I heard a knock on my door, scaring me a little. "Who is it?"

A girl came in, wearing a green long sleeve shirt with black shorts. "Hey, how are you?"

"Uh who are you?"

"Oh right! I forgot I wasn't wearing my makeup, it's Suki." She sat on the bed beside of me.

"Wow...You look so different. In a good way!" I put my hands up in defense. She laughed and scooted closer to me.

"Thanks. So if you don't mind me asking, why are you traveling by yourself?"

My breath hitched. "It's sorta of a long story, and I never told anybody what happened."

"You don't have to tell me, I just think you're cool."

"Cool? Never got that before." I snickered.

"It's true! I never met a person like you."

I saw a red tint on her cheeks, even if the room was dimly lit, I could see her perfectly. "Well I never knew my dad, and my mom was kinda crazy. She never taught me how to fight, wouldn't let me do anything, I wasn't allowed to leave the house, and called me she and her a lot. So I ran away when I was 14 and went by a different name, different pronouns, and I've been exploring different parts of the world. I'm from Omashu, so Ive been traveling South since then."

"I'm so sorry that has happened to you. Have you met the Avatar yet?"

"I saw them destroy some cabbages." I laughed.

"Yep that's them. Hey, I can teach you some Kyoshi Warriors moves. It'll definitely help you when you go back out there again."

"That'll be so awesome. Thank you."

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow." She got up and opened the door, "Goodnight Y/n." She said before leaving.

I haven't felt this happy in a long time.

The sound of bells woke me up. I felt the heat of the sun shining onto my bare skin. I got up from the comfy bed and but on my regular clothes, which consisted of a dark green jumpsuit that goes all the way down to my feet, and a brown leather belt that's around my waist.

I walked out of the room and walked down the street of Kyoshi Island. I couldn't find Suki anywhere.

"There you are!" I quickly turned around and saw Suki in her makeup and outfit.

"Oh hey." I waved.

"Come with me, i'm going to teach you." She took my hand again and we started walking to a different direction. "How was your sleep?" She asked me.

"Great, actually."

"So do you know any techniques?"

"Like fighting? Uh not really. I'm a fast runner and I can hide well but that's about it."

We arrived at this bigger room, when she opened the door the other Kyoshi Warriors was already practicing.

"Girls you guys can take a break, I'm going to teach Y/n in here." Suki said, the other girls left. Leaving us all alone.

"Alright so first I'm going to teach you how to properly stand, so when a person attacks you, you can easily dodged."

She then got into a fighting stance, with one leg in front of the other. I did the same, but couldn't exactly do it right.

"Here I'll help."

She got behind me and put her hands on top of mine, to show me where to put them. For my legs she moved the right leg more to the side. My face got hot from her touch.

She then stood in front of me. "Oh right, sorry I got distracted. To sweep a person from their feet you put your right leg behind my ankle, and sweep your leg up."

"Like this?" I did what she said and she fell on the ground, hard. "Are you okay! I'm so sorry."

I put a hand out but she pulled me on top of her.

"Now i'm okay." She winked. I was still laying in her chest, I got up and helped her up. "I think that's enough practicing." She giggled.

"Thank you for teaching me and taking me in. I appreciate it."

"You don't have to go. We can give you actual lessons and you can be a real Kyoshi Warrior. I know you're non-binary but everybody can be a Kyoshi Warrior! I just don't want you to leave." She frowned.

I took a hold of her hand and caressed it. "I never said I was leaving. Besides, I like you too much to leave you."

Her eyes lit up. "Really!" She hugged me tightly, and then pulled away. She stared at my lips, I moved closer to her so our forheads was practically touching each other.

Our lips touched, it wasn't a long kiss, just a soft, sweet, short one.

"I should teach you more often." She joked.

"Can I learn some more stuff?"

"Duh! Okay so this one we're going to use fans."


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