Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 1 )

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( Warning : mention of abortion & rape )

Reminder : Age Difference, if you have any problems with the way I assign their age, don't be afraid to say it to me personally instead of the comments.

Reminder #2 : It is only a Fanfic.

"Congratulations! your 4 weeks pregnant Mr. Kim"


A world where men can get pregnant too and it just so happens that I was one of those men who has now a fetus inside their body, "t-tell me your joking doctor..." I said still in disbelief from what I just heard from him, His eyes sparkled and showed me the ultrasound. "This Mr. Kim Seokjin! is a fetus! you are 100% pregnant!" The doctor proudly said, I gulp as my whole body begun to shake and was literally breaking a sweat.

"Don't worry Mr. Kim! as your doctor I shall give you some healthy advice!"

"B-but! I'm only 20 and a university student! I'm too young to be a parent!" I exclaimed with a panic look on my face, I was scared too death knowing that one mistake that night was my fault and that damn bastards fault too! He should have just wore a condom and not fuck me raw until my hips felt sore! I don't even know who that guy was!. "It's tough but I had a lot of patients who were like you once! but they were all females! Hahaha! what are the odds!" He said giving me a thumbs, it seems this doctor is enjoying my sufferings.

I glared at the doctor like a wild animal, He flinch and back away. "just give me some advice doctor" I said with a scary tone, He gulp and nodded.

Author Pov. ( Time Skip )

Seokjin left the hospital, an unexplainable expression whether to be happy or not. "....*sigh*...what the actual this the turning point in my life..." Seokjin mumble walking on the busy street of Seoul, He had his hands on his stomach for the whole day without removing it. He thought of many things whether to commit abortion or just keeps the baby, "what should I say to Dad?" Seokjin thought, His promise to graduate without doing anything bad is now broken but what made it worse was finding out that his pregnant after vomiting what he ate yesterday and having an headache especially not knowing who is the father of his child.

Seokjin sniffs and crouches down in the middle of the road, He covered his face so people couldn't see that he was crying.

"fuck...I shouldn't have just went to that party..."

"Jin? what are you doing?"

Seokjin gasp and looks up to meet eyes with Jungkook, the person who forced him to go to that party. The moment he locked eyes with him...Seokjin started crying, "Kook! you fucking bastard! I hate you!" Seokjin exclaimed, tears were falling from his eyes and there was no stopping it. "W-what h-hey"Jungkook panic as people started to gather around to witness a crying mess that was coming from Seokjin, "C-come on!" Jungkook said grabbing Seokjin by the wrist, Jungkook
went straight to his car that he parked right outside at the place he works at.

While going there, Seokjin was still crying until they entered the car. "Why the hell were you crying?" Jungkook ask Seokjin as he wipes his tears and snot, He sobs and begun to throw punches at him. "Why did you even force me to go to that stupid party!!! why did you fucking plug my mouth with a fucking bottle of vodka!!! and! and! now! I'M PREGNANT YOU BITCH!!!" Seokjin said throwing the last punch at Jungkook and went straight to his hair, Jungkook was shock to hear that news from Seokjin.

"Okay! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! let go of my hair!" Jungkook said trying to remove Seokjin's tight grip on his poor smooth hair, "BASTARD! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!".



"h-h-here ice cream..."

After the whole mental breakdown Seokjin had, He finally calmed down but he was still crying. Jungkook came back from buying an ice cream that was a request from Seokjin, "...I'm sorry okay...I didn't know..." Jungkook apologized yet again Seokjin was still too absored in his anger, " least talk to me..." Jungkook pleaded, Seokjin's lips quivered.

"I remember bits of my memory that night...I got drunk and I somehow ended up inside a room that I thought it was a bathroom...and I saw them having sex...the woman left because I saw them...and..." Seokjin pause trying to remembering it slowly, "and then?...did something happen?" Jungkook ask earning another glare from Seokjin.

"Obviously something happed you idiot!" Seokjin exclaimed hugging his knees, Jungkook flinch and apologized again to him. "The man got angry and I think he said that...I should be the replacement for that woman...we had rough sex...and He didn't use a condom...probably one of the biggest mistake in my life...I can't face my dad knowing I made a promise to him" Seokjin said leaning his head against the window,  Jungkook felt a sting in his heart.

"I'm is also my fault that I let you out of my sight...but do you have any idea who is the father?" Jungkook ask him, He shakes his head as he wipes his tears.

"that's the problem...I don't know who is the father"

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