Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 10 )

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"I-I-I...I just got engaged infront of your dad"

"...I know..."

"there's no going back now...right?"

Taehyung click his tongue and turned around, "You're stuck with me forever, deal with it" He said, it did pissed Seokjin off and yet he also felt happy by just imagining the two of them together, "....damn...this is getting annoying"Seokjin mumble while hitting his chest gently, Taehyung noticed His strange behaviour but he chosed to ignore it.

Taehyung entered his own room, He turned on the lights so he could see better, Taehyung removed his top to reveal his six-pack abs, it was a work of art since He worked hard on getting those. He sigh and lie down on the bed shirtless as countless of thoughts came in his mind especially the conversation Seokjin told him a few days ago, " he really telling the truth..."He mumbled, He had to admit, Seokjin did look too familiar to him but because of his drinking habit, He sometimes looses control and forgets the faces of the people he used to make out with.

"*sigh* I'll have to ask him tomorrow..." Taehyung said and closes his eyes before drifting off to sleep.

( Next Day )

Seokjin ate his breakfast silently, "I wonder if that guy can really help me..."Seokjin thought and eats another piece of pancake finishing every last piece of it especially the strawberry on top, "Eat slowly, it'll harm the baby" Taehyung said to Seokjin who almost choke on his water, "*cough* y-yeah...thanks"Seokjin said and stood up, Taehyung gulp.


"Sorry, gotta go! I need to go and see Jungkook! Bye!"Seokjin exclaimed and left immediately, He didn't want to have another awkward conversation between him and Taehyung, "...Jungkook?"Taehyung mumble, Seokjin was going to meet another man other than him, "Should I follow him?" Yoongi said walking beside Taehyung who was clenching his fist.

"No, I will"


"ahjusshi do you know where this address is?" Seokjin said giving the piece of paper to the taxi driver, He nodded, Seokjin's face lits up and enter the car. "why am I getting nervous though...."Seokjin thought while looking out the window.

He shrug his shoulder and lean his back against the chair, "whatever".

Taehyung saw Seokjin left in a taxi, He was curious about it and so he decided to follow him quietly without getting noticed. "it's saturday...he should've have just rested back at the mansion" Taehyung thought, His eyes were on the taxi, He was being careful not to follow the wrong taxi.

Taehyung sigh, He couldn't relaxed at all. "...Damn you Kim stubborn brat".

( Time Skip )

( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

"This is as far as I can go"Ahjusshi said as he parked the car infront of a convienient store, "That's you go, keep the change" I said to him before getting out of the car, the streets of gangnam is totally different, I took a deep breath before crossing the road as well as the others. Jungkook told me that I should wait infront of a tattoo shop that has a snake symbol, "Where is it...where is it..."I mumble, I looked around at the signs, I had to squint my eyes since it was a very sunny day.


I sigh in relief when I saw Jungkook coming out of a shop and He was waving his hands to me, "Hey" I said with a smile, Jungkook giggled then stared down at my stomach. " that a baby bump?" Jungkook said pointing at my stomach, I look down and laugh. "No it's's just my sandwich"I said laughing at Jungkook, "right...anyways let's go inside Hoseok hyung is waiting"Jungkook and gestured me to enter first.

Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim || taejinWhere stories live. Discover now