Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 3 )

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( while writing this I was studying really hard about women's pregnancy but since our main is a male I decided that Seokjin's pregnant state would be the same as how women's give birth:") because I didn't want to create a big problem while writing this book and as a woman myself, I'm kind of learning a lot about morning sickness and when to go to the fascinating ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و )

( Warning : mention of rape & abuse )


In the end Seokjin couldn't tell his dad about his pregnancy, He was too absorbed about whether to just leave the house and raise the child alone instead of getting hated by his own Dad who also had the same situation to him. Seokjin's Dad got pregnant at the age of 18 because he was raped and abuse by one of his co-workers who happens to be his Dad's boyfriend in a convinience store to where his Dad worked before and because of that Seokjin's Dad left his own home, His own father refused to accept the child which is Seokjin and now his Dad raised him alone with all his blood, sweat, & tears.

"....Nope...I don't want to be like that...I'm not going to be like Dad...I'm going to stay with him until the truth comes out" Seokjin said standing up from his bed then falling back down, He sit up straight and place his hand against his stomach.

He smile, "Daddy's going to protect you little bean...don't worry...".

( Next Day )

"Dad~ what's today's happenings~" Seokjin said stretching his arms, He walk down the stairs to see His Dad preparing their breakfast. "Well! as usual movie nights, I bought that CD you ask! I wasn't able to show it to you since you were already asleep" He said and showed it to him, Seokjin's face lit up.


Seokjin begun to sing and twirl around excitedly, "Dad~ your the best!!!" Seokjin exclaimed hugging his dad from behind, "I know~ anyways let's start eating you still have classes this morning!" He exclaimed, Seokjin giggled. "Yes, Sir~" Seokjin sat down beside his Dad and ate his breakfast peacefully.

When all of a sudden, "Hey Dad...why does the chicken smells weird?" Seokjin ask his Dad while poking the drumstick that was sitting ontop of a mountain of rice, His Dad raise a brow and smell the chicken. "It doesn't, I just bought this yesterday" He said smelling it again, Seokjin nervously laugh. "c-can't be this what they call sensitivity to taste and smell during pregnancy..." Seokjin thought covering his mouth, "Do you have a fever?" His Dad ask touching his forehead, Seokjin shakes his head.

"N-no...I'm fine! I'll eat it right away" Seokjin exclaimed and ate his breakfast immediately even though his stomach is churning wanting to throw it out of his mouth.

( Time Skip ) ( KAIST University )

[ KAIST UNIVERSITY or Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology - KAIST College of Business is a real school in South Korea it is one of the top best school in South Korea )

"bleurgh...urgh...gross..fucking shit..." Seokjin vomitted what he ate earlier, He continue to vomit again until he heard a knock. "Jin are you okay?" Jungkook ask, the door swung open as soon as he heard a flush. "How about you try it, vomitting what you ate feels like shit" Seokjin cussed and gargled his mouth, Jungkook sigh. "Tell me...did you do it?" He said crossing his arms, Seokjin sigh and looked at Jungkook in the mirror while meeting eyes with him.

"...sadly...I didn't" Seokjin said wiping his mouth with a dry handkerchief, "I couldn't...Dad would be disappointed...I'll just wait until he finds out" Seokjin said scratching the back of his head, Jungkook frown.

"Your seriously going to regret that"

Seokjin sigh, "Hey, I seriously tried my best not to vomit infront of my dad and even at the side of the road and not embarrass myself" Seokjin said opening the door, Jungkook laugh. "Whatever you say~ your highness~".

( After That )

"Are you sure? you don't want me to drive you back home" Jungkook ask, He was worried to his bestfriend knowing that he was pregnant and all. "I'll be fine...I need to go and see the doctor anyways, I just need to ask him about something" Seokjin said, Jungkook raise a brow. "What? really? you supposed to visit the doctor after 4 weeks right?" Jungkook said to Seokjin who only shrug his shoulder.

"Yeah I know that...but I'll just ask him plus I already made an appointment with the see you!"


Seokjin wave goodbye to Jungkook who did the same, "Well...I do hope that son of a bitch would show up soon"Jungkook mumble entering his car while wondering who is the person who Seokjin had sex with.

( At The XXX Hospital )

"So...your asking me why your having early morning sickness?" The Doctor said, Seokjin nodded. "Yeah...I thought it should take 6 weeks before it happens..." Seokjin said gripping on his pants tightly, The Doctor smile. "Well...I assure you Mr. Kim that it's normal because there are a few cases that pregnant men&women already experiences morning sickness as early as 4 weeks~" The Doctor said giving him yet another thumbs up, Seokjin somehow felt relieved by just hearing it.

"Thank goodness...oh that's right...I'm already feeling sensitive towards food what should I eat now?"Seokjin ask him another question while pouting, The Doctor push his glasses. "during your pregnancy state I advice you that you should avoid raw foods, raw fish, raw eggs, especially caffeine since the only thing that you'll be eating for now are fruits and vegetables but you may have cravings for a certain food which you can not ignore" He said smiling at Seokjin, He nodded while listing it down. "Okay...thanks Doc...I'll see you again after six weeks" Seokjin said and left his office while shutting the door quietly.

He sigh, "...this is hard....".


"what bad luck" Seokjin said along with a heavy sigh, it was raining and Seokjin didn't bring any umbrella with him. "I sometimes don't believe what the wheather forecast says" Seokjin said, He was still infront of the hospital hoping it would stop soon. "...urgh so cold..." Seokjin muttered hugging himself, He regretted leaving his jacket at home and now he only wore a thin white sweater.

"What is a brat like you doing in here"

Seokjin flinch and turn around, He sigh and didn't expect to see Taehyung in here. "None of your business" Seokjin said while looking away, Taehyung rolls his eyes, He notice the way Seokjin was shaking due to the cold wheather. Taehyung click his tongue and remove his coat covering Seokjin's body.

Seokjin was surprise, "...Uh?...", Taehyung sigh. "Instead of shivering like a new born lamb, that thing covering you right now should be a better replacement instead of that cheap clothes" Taehyung said slipping his hands through his pocket, silence filled the air but Seokjin's heart was beating fast.

He gulped. "h-hey...repeat what you said right now" Seokjin said looking him in the eye, Taehyung raise a brow. "Just say it!" Seokjin exclaimed but they soon interrupted by Taehyung's driver honking the wheel.

Taehyung click his tongue, "I want it back, clean, come to my office at 7 am don't be late" Taehyung said pointing his finger at Seokjin, He immediately left as Seokjin watch him enter his car.

Seokjin gulp and smile nervously, "...t-t-there's no fucking way...".

Seokjin clench his fist, He remembered those exact lines the night that man forced him to have sex with him, cold sweat begun to trickle down to his face.

'You should be a better replacement instead of that woman'

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