Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 24 )

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"President Kim, I already moved the dinner schedule for you and Mr. Hwa and about the event that will be held i---"


"Oh! what a brilliant boy you are!"

"Pr-President Kim?"

Cha Hae-in stood there in shock, She had been discussing about some important matters to the President infront of him who is seen to be more interested in his son other than his work. "Look at him! his already trying to grab on to the laptop!" Taehyung exclaimed, He was showing it off to Cha Hae-in who had no choice but to go along with it.

"Yes President Kim, He sure doss takes after you" She said with a smile, Taehyung laughs and got up from his arm chair, He placed Yeonjun on the crib that he ordered Cha Hae-in to buy using his money. "Do I have any more meetings to attend?" Taehyung asked Cha Hae-in who begun to look at her Ipad, She shaked her head, "No, Mr. Kim, but your older brother had set a schedule to see you" She said causing Taehyung to immediately looked at Cha Hae-in with a rathet annoyed expression.

"He set a schedule?" Taehyung said, He was still in disbelief, He sat back down on his arm chair and cross both of his arms. Cha Hae-in nodded and showed him the proof, Taehyung raise his left brow before leaning his back against his arm chair comfortably.

A smirk appeared in his face as he looked over the window, "now what could my older brother wants?".


"You are killing me here right now, stop with the staring" Seokjin growled and yet Jimin stayed unfazed with his usual staring habit, Jimin chuckle. "Raising a baby is hard right?" Jimin asked along with an evil grin, Seokjin laughs and nodded. "It is but fortunately Yeonjun only cries when he only wakes up" Seokjin said whie taking another sip from his coffee, Jimin sigh and cross both of his arms. "How lucky, my Soobin cries a lot before but now he can talk with fewer words and it's so cute~" Jimin exclaimed and showed Jimin the video of Soobin talking cutely.

Seokjin giggled before coughing purposely, "...there must be a reason why you called me here right?" Seokjin said knowing full well that the moment he saw Jimins face, He looked like he wanted to say something, Jimin flinch as he fiddled his fingers.

"I have a hunch that Namjoon is hiding something from me...I don't know what is...I've been trying to make him tell me but..He wouldn't" Jimin said and shrug both of his shoulders, Seokjin lean his back against the chair.

"I'm just here to tell you that no matter what he tells you don't ever believe what he says! ever!...His that one guy who can manipulate a persons mind...just like what he did to me and I am afraid that he'll do the same thing to you need to be more extra careful..." Jimin said as he squeezed Seokjins warm hands tightly before getting up.

"I need to go now...I'll be keeping in touch with you soon..."

Jimin puts on his sunglasses and slip a piece of paper with his number written on it before bidding his goodbye to Seokjin, He grabs the paper and slides it in to pocket pants before finishing his drink and left the cafe.


"you're so ugly, I could almost feel sorry for you"


Yeonjun tilted his head on the side as an unknown woman stood above him, She scoffs and walks away from the crib making Cha Hae-in stutter at the powerful dominance the woman has. "Where is my son woman?"She said with her demanding voice, Cha Hae-in flinch. "H-He'll be here soon Mrs. Kim..."Cha Hae-in said as her head was down, She was scared to meet eyes with the woman.

"oh goodness know once my son, Namjoon, becomes the new presiden---"

"in which it will never happen because my son Yeonjun will be the next heir to run this company once his older, mother"

With a powerful presence, Taehyung entered his office with full dominance emitting from him, The woman backs away as she begun to cower in fear.

Taehyung walks towards his son who was flapping his hands cutely, He smiles and strokes his face before facing His step-mother with a rather hateful expression.

Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim || taejinWhere stories live. Discover now