Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 30 )

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Panic and worry, it was the only thing Seokjin had when he heard about the things that happened when he was gone from Jungkook, Seokjin sat on the chair that was place beside the window.

"Dad...please be okay...please be okay..."

Seokjin prayed with his fist clasp together, Taehyung watch his husband getting consumed by anxiety and He wanted to stand up and give him a warm hug but He was stuck in a patients bedroom since He needed more time to rest.

Seokjin sobs and glance at Taehyung with tears in his eyes, "Taehyung...I'm scared...Dad is...." Seokjin couldn't finish to what he was about to say because He was on his knees, His head buried on the bed to where Taehyung was laying down.

"hik...hik...I'm worried.....I'm scared...Taehyung...what if I'll never see my dad?..." Seokjin said as his fear started to grow more, Taehyung frowned and extended his arms to reach out to Seokjins wet cheeks as he rubs those tears away with a bitter smile.

"....We will find him...your dad is going to be just fine..."



"let me repeat myself...WHERE IS THE BABY!"Mrs. Kim yelled as she slam her hand to the table, Seokjin's Dad flinch and purse his lips together, He glared at her. "I don't know..."He said, once again Mrs. Kim slaps him across his cheeks as it left a red mark on him.

He wince at the stinging pain but his pride was much stronger, "this is all I can do to protect my grandson...I have to stay strong..." He thought when all of a sudden, gun shots were heard outside of the room, Mrs. Kim flinched and snap her fingers.

The men in a black suit left the room in total defense but then they weren't able to dodge the bullet Namjoon gave them, they fell on the floor. One was hit on the stomach and the other got hit in the shoulder, Namjoon entered the room as he pointed the gun at his trembling mother and yet she kept a smiling face.

"Mr. Kim...are you okay?"Namjoon asks Seokjin's Dad who nodded immediately, "Y-Yes...I'm fine..."He said, Namjoon sigh in relief.

"'re ruining your future....WHY ARE YOU BEING SO DISOBEDIENT TO ME BOY!!!!"Mrs. Kim yelled, Namjoon gritted his teeth.


Mrs. Kim gasp, Namjoon's lips quivered and drop the gun on the floor making Seokjin's Dad and Mrs. Kim confuse not until Namjoon put his phone in his ears.


"W-what was that?!? WHAT DID YOU DO!!!"Mrs. Kim said as she shaked her son violently, Namjoon smile.

"I'm sorry mom...but you're going to jail"




Mrs. Kim backs away but she ended up getting pinned down on the floor as Namjoon looked down on her with pity, Yoongi came in with a gun in his hand and a handcuffs.

"escort Mr. Kim safely"Yoongi said to one of his men, He was safely escroted out of the room along with Namjoon and Taehyung's Dad.

Yoongi stood behind Namjoon, "Do I need to handcuff you?" Yoongi asked Namjoon, He chuckle and shake his head.

"No, I'll go willingly" He said and walk pass him as he heard the desperate calls from his mother but he chosed to ignore them.


After the whole event that had occured, everything went back to normal, Seokjin was able to see his son and Dad again, Taehyung was fully recovered after running a few more tests and Mrs. Kim was locked up behind bars for good, and Namjoon? He was only sentenced to be in jail for 3 years due to attempting to drug someone even though he wasn't present in the time of drugging someone.

And as for Jimin, He visited Namjoon from time to time, slowly accepting Namjoon's love for him.

Seokjin folded the shirt neatly, as he busy his other hand feeding Yeonjun, On the other hand Taehyung was staring at his two precious people.

Seokjin suddenly felt a chill, He turn around only to caught Taehyung looking at him. "Honey? you okay?"
Seokjin ask Taehyung who sat down on the floor and carried Yeonjun in his arms as he feeds him.


"Yes honey?"

"Do you want to move in the states?"

Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim || taejinWhere stories live. Discover now