Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 12 )

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(I read this online, in Korea, the moment the baby is born they are automatically 1 year old and they say that if a baby is born during New Years Eve they are 2 years old...thats what I learned in the internet)

( The baby is 2 years old, Jimin left Taehyung for 2 years so the baby is 2 years old )

( The babys birthday is on December 5... -w- guess who it is )




Jimins personal secretary Seulgi exclaimed, ever since Jimin returned after the whole fiasco in his ex-husbands home, His been throwing such a big tantrum. "WHY? WHY?"Jimin yelled, He clench his fist and glared at Seulgi. "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!NOW!!!" Jimin yelled as Seulgi flinch and scurried away in fear, She felt guilty leaving the baby in Jimins hands but she knew that Jimin is also a good father who wouldn't hurt his own child.

Jimin went upstairs, the sound of his feet hitting the wooden stairs were loud, He was angry, jealous, He hated everything except for one person as he opened the door to his sons room, He immediately collapsed on his knees. "Oh're the only one for me...your good for nothing father is useless as ever" Jimin said, his voice became gentle. Jimin once again returned to his father figure, He was rubbing the babys warm cheeks, He was sleeping peacefully without knowing how much Jimin looked at him with caring and loving eyes.

"I'll still wish you'll look at me like that too you know?"

Jimin gritted his teeth, the person he never wanted to meet or even cross paths was here, Jimin stood up, "*sigh...what are you doing in here...Namjoon".


Seokjin awkwardly stood infront of Taehyung, He lightly scratch the tip of his nose before raising his head to meet eyes with Taehyung who wore a rather odd expression, He was troubled by all the things that has been happening and now that He met his ex-husband. He couldn't help but feel the urge to make sure Seokjin felt secure like He has a place in Taehyungs heart, "now this is embarrassing..." Taehyung thought stratching his cheeks lightly, He glance at Seokjins blushing face with a mixture of worry and sadness.

"Don't make that face, please?" Taehyung spoke, He caress Seokjins soft cheeks, by now Seokjin should be yelling at him, cursing at him but He didn't utter a word and stayed submissive to Taehyungs gentle touch who was stroking his face.

Seokjin lean his head against Taehyungs touch, He gaze upon the older, His heart skips a beat. "I'm not making a face...I'm just....uh...nevermind..."Seokjin said but Taehyung was born to not be fooled by everyone, He could see right through him. "....He was basically like a brother to me...we would always spend our times together than most people, we always get teased by our college friends because we looked like a couple...I took that as a joke Jimin...He didn't" Taehyung smiled bitterly, He spoke of many good and bad memories to Seokjin while he stroke his hair to make him feel better. "Jimin told everyone in the campus that we we're a couple even though we aren't really like that, I was troubled by all the teasing I got from them but when I saw Jimin made me wonder...what if?...what if I get to see him smile like that infront of me everyday....and then it just so happens that our feelings for each other became...real" Seokjin listened intently to Taehyungs past, He never thought that there was a day he will see a new side of him, rather it made him fall even deeper than before.

"Jimin and I went out for 4 months...after we graduated, It was my first time experiencing love and I wanted to make Jimin completely mine and so I proposed to him on the day we graduated...He accepted it whole heartedly, I was being hasty at everything...but we got married and bought a house...I became the new C.E.O of my Fathers company, everything was going way too well it was as if luck was on my side...and then He got pregnant...I was obviously happy, I was crying...I was going to be a father but not everyone gets a happy ending..."Taehyung and Seokjin was now laying down on the bed, hands intertwined, Taehyung rest his head on top of Seokjin.

"....w-what happened next?" Seokjin asked Taehyung, He was holding back the tears his been enduring to keep for 2 years, " wasn't mine...He left me all alone...I almost committed suicide...."His voice trembled, He sat up from the bed and turn his body around so Seokjin couldn't see the pitiful state he was in. Taehyung lets out a few drops of his tears until it continuously fall everytime he remembered his past, the pitiful him, Seokjin extended his arms and wraps it around Taehyung.

The tears stop for awhile, Seokjins warmth made Taehyung felt the sudden urge to just scream and let all the pain his been through out, Seokjin, on the other hand never knew what kind of pain Taehyung was in but for all he knows, He will someday understand what that feeling is little by little.

"Face me properly, Kim Taehyung"

Seokjin stood up from his bed, He lifted Taehyungs face, His heart broke in to many pieces, The Kim Taehyung he knows was an arrogant bastard who knows nothing but to look down on someone and comments hurtful words to bring one persons fighting spirit down but now that it has come to this. He couldn't see the traces of that other Kim Taehyung but instead he saw The Kim Taehyung that is pitiful, His eyes were red, his hair was a mess, his lips trembled. "...Finally...I finally know the reason why you won't believe me..." Seokjin sigh in relief, He held Taehyungs head gently and presses it against his belly bump.

"I'll say this just once..."


Taehyungs eyes widened, "I am not him!" Seokjins words went right pass through Taehyungs aching heart, Seokjin was right, He was nothing like Jimin, He
was someone who always says the truth and speaks his mind openly. Taehyungs hands trembled and place soft gentle kisses to Seokjins womb, "'re're not him...I'm sorry...I was always afraid that I'm going to end up alone again..." Taehyung said, He looked at him in tears, Seokjin laugh and wipe his tears away and placed a kiss on top of his forehead.

"Like I said, whether you like it or not this is your child! and I promise you...I will never abandon you even if you try to push me away...I'll always stay by your side..."

And yet again, He cried but the tears were no longer filled with pain and sadness but it was replaced by tears of joy, Seokjin held him close to his heart as Taehyung embraced him.

Soon enough, Taehyung went off to sleep due to exhausting himself because of crying, He was sleeping in Seokjins embrace who stayed awake and watch him sleep, He giggled and once again placed another kiss on him but this time it was on the lips.

" day...I'll make you say those 3 words to me...but for now I'll be saying it first..."

"I love you Taehyung"


( NOW I KNOW WHAT IS MISSING!!!!! EMOTIONS!!!!! (~ ̆▾ ̆)~ I saw an app in FB and oh my god, after reading one chapter in one book I was really amazed by how detailed the emotions were put in, in one chapter only and the writing just so perfect...I am now making my writing and grammar skills better than ever!!! anyways the app is called BABEL NOVEL)

( what do u think of the new well develop Taehyung?, I tried to make their progress slow because from the last few chapters I made...I wanted him to stay in character like being the arrogant cold him but slowly changing his view on Seokjin but sadly I couldnt show much the good progress because I was literally having a writers block ever since I woke up in the morning ;-; but I survived...I cried while writing this...)

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