Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 11 )

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{ 1st Trimster > conception to 12 weeks }

( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

Days passed, we never spoke of that day again just like what he did to me before but after confirming that I am truly in love with Taehyung, I can never look at him without blushing or stuttering, Weeks passed I am still suffering with morning sickness but this time Taehyung was always in my room. He makes sure I eat my meals properly, it actually feels nice to know his looking out for me...or the baby but it feels awkward to beh honest and then day by day, weeks by weeks...a baby bump has been formed.

"Well then...please be careful on your way Jin...see you after you've given birth" The Principal said while patting my back gently, I nodded and bow down. "Thank you..."I said and left his office, Still I'll feel sad not coming to the university for months but the doctor said that I have to be more careful once my stomach has grown big but I am still in my 1st trimester though.

"Wah...what a beautiful day..." I mumble feeling the cool breeze of the wheather, I was only wearing thin clothes today, I left my jacket again. "Deja vu" A jacket was placed around my shoulder, my heart completely melted away when I saw Taehyung was the one who placed it, " feels like these already happened"I mumble feeling a little bit deja vu here, "Let's go"Taehyung said and walk pass me, I can't help it but form a smile even though his cold to me.

( Author Pov. )

"Wait up!" Seokjin exclaimed and walk faster to catch up to him, "hyung are you going to be busy next week?" Seokjin asks Taehyung who entered the car after Seokjin went in first, "next week, I'm going to have a business trip in Saitama, Japan for 3 days...I will have to leave you with your Dad for the mean time"Taehyung said while checking on his schedules that Yoongi gave him, Seokjin pouted. " week huh?..." Seokjin thought, Yoongi looked at Seokjin at the rear mirror and almost lets out a chuckle.

"Okay...but when you come's wedding day..." Seokjin said glancing at Taehyung, He nodded. "'ll be our wedding day...I still can't believe Father has that many energy to prepare for our wedding day"Taehyung said in disbelief, for the past few weeks His father was busy preparing the whole celebration without telling him and Seokjin anything, the engagement was a shock for both of them too since it was going way too fast but all they did was accept it for his father's dying wish.

Taehyung was still bothered by how things are developing but on the other hand, since the realization of his feelings towards Taehyung, He was secretly happy. "I bet he'll look good in a tux..." Seokjin thought, He didn't realize that he was grinning stupidly while Taehyung watches him.

"I worry for him....why's he grinning like that?'s cute...." Taehyung thought that in a straight face, He literally mentally slap himself for thinking something like that.

( Time Skip )

"I can get my own food..."Seokjin said when Taehyung came in with a tray of food, "....just eat" Taehyung said placing it on the bed, Seokjin watch as He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed. "I won't leave until you eat your food"He said with his usual strict voice, Seokjin chuckle.

"whatever the King says~"

"K-King?!?"Taehyung exclaimed, He knew himself that he wants to be at the top of everything but Seokjin calling him King was a first. "Yeah, King, want me to call you King instead?"Seokjin said munching on his cut apples, Taehyung held back a smile and look away making Seokjin confuse.

"...I like it...thanks"Taehyung mumble but Seokjin couldn't hear it, He watch Seokjin eat comfortably, "'s my dad at work?" Seokjin ask him, Taehyung chuckle. "Hard-working as always" Taehyung said knowing that would make Seokjin happy.

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