Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 2 )

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"no don't know who the father is?"

"that's what I said"

Seokjin said crossing both of his arms while Jungkook drove him all the way back to Seokjin's home, "...but raising the baby alone is going to be tough Jin...your only a student..." Jungkook said, his voice crack knowing how much Seokjin will have to endure it during his pregnancy days. "I know that...I'm not so sure how to tell the truth to dad..."Seokjin said biting his finger nails that came out of as a habit, Jungkook sigh and pat his back.

"if your dad kicks you out...your always welcome to my home since I'm at fault too" Jungkook said giving Seokjin a reassuring smile, His lips formed into a frown and nodded as tears begun to form again.

"...okay...thank you..."

( Time Skip )

Seokjin had his eyes set outside of the window, His eyes were dull but he knew he needed to stay strong because there is life forming inside him and Seokjin knows it too well that it would be impossible to find the real father of his child. "...I can do this..." Seokjin thought clenching his fist together, His breath became shallow the moment Jungkook park his car right outside of their house.

He bit the insides of his cheeks, Jungkook noticed how nervous Seokjin was. " you want me to come with you?" Jungkook said, Seokjin gulps. "n-no...but stay case...he will really disown me..." Seokjin said getting out of the car, He closes the door giving Jungkook one last look before walking away.

Seokjin's hands shakes as he made it's way through the door knob, He gulps and twist it open. "D-Dad...there's something I want to tell you" Seokjin's voice was heard across the living room to where he saw his Dad preparing meals, "Oh Jin! right on time!" His Dad exclaimed and walk towards him, "come on I want you to meet someone!" His Dad said holding Seokjin by the wrist and leads him to the dining room.

"B-but Dad...I have to tell you something" Seokjin said trying to stop his Dad, "I'll listen to it later but first I want you to meet my boss!" He exclaimed, Seokjin sigh knowing that he can't stop his Dad from his excitement.


Seokjin followed his dad from behind until both reach the dining room, "C.E.O Kim! this is my son Seokjin! say hi"He said nudging Seokjin on the elbow, Seokjin groan and bow down. "'s nice to meet you" Seokjin said, he made sure his lazy tone wasn't noticeable by him. "Same here, I'm Kim Taehyung I heard a lot of great stories about you coming from your dad" Seokjin shuddered the moment he heard his deep voice, It sounded familiar to him. Seokjin looks up to meet eyes with him, the man stood sharply and the way he looked at Seokjin was the eyes of looking at a worthless peasant.

"what rude eyes...."

Seokjin thought, He didn't like how this man was inside his house. He could tell what his father didn't notice, The way he disgustedly look at his father's cooking and the tablewares. "did you like my cooking C.E.O Kim?" His father ask, Taehyung shakes his head. "I liked it...a bit" He said forcing a smile yet Seokjin didn't miss the fakeness behind it, "motherfucker...chill...this is is bad for the baby Jin" Seokjin thought controlling his own anger, He glance at his father who was now apologizing to him.

"Ah! that's right I bought an expensive wine just for you! please wait here!"Seokjin's father exclaimed as he stood up and left the dining room leaving Seokjin alone with him, Seokjin ate his dinner quietly. "you are Seokjin right?" Taehyung said giving Seokjin a smile, "Yes you are absolutely right, it's not like I didn't forget to introduce myself to you earlier" Seokjin said, his sassy attitude triggered Taehyung causing him to let out a laugh that suddenly turned into a cold expression.

"What a nasty personality you have"

"Thanks! I get that a lot"

Taehyung click his tongue, " do know that I'm the C.E.O of the company your father works right?" Taehyung said crossing his arms showing some dominance, Seokjin nodded. "I know"He said still enjoying his meal, Taehyung glared at the young lad infront of him who didn't show any sign of weakness.

Seokjin drank his water and puts it down, He lean his back against the chair as he crosses his arms. Taehyung crack his neck and so did Seokjin, "I heard you took ABM as your track...are you planning to work on a company?" Taehyung ask Seokjin expecting him to answer that he will choose his company since it is one of the most well-known company in the world.

Seokjin smirk, "I plan to make my own company" He said with confidence, Taehyung glared at him and smirk as well.

"You look familiar"

Taehyung said observing Seokjin's face from top to bottom but he couldn't remember where, Seokjin laugh and stood up as he was ready to leave.

"What are the too look a very annoying way"Seokjin said sticking his tongue out before leaving the dining room, Taehyung was left dumbfounded he smirks and lean his back against the chair.

"What a sassy bitch"

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