Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 19 )

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( 9 months later, 2 weeks before labour )

"huff....huff...what the shit..."

Seokin walked on the hallways with his hands on the back to support his back and another hand on the front, "...why is it so heavy..." Seokjin said as he sat on the sofa to take some rest, His stomach got bigger and the baby was ready to be delivered after 2 weeks. It made Seokjin happy that he was finally able to give birth and to see his child.

"Mr. Kim! there you are!!!" The nurse named Rose came running towards Seokjin, "Oh hey...sorry for leaving...I thought I could go back alone but...hehe" Seokjin said scratching the back of his neck, Rose lets out a heavy sigh. "you need to be more careful Mr. Kim or else..." Rose said worrying about the fact that Seokjin might get hurt and it'll affect the baby and him.

( there's a saying in my country is that when a woman is pregnant, her other leg is in the's like having a 50/50 chance to live....scary....)


"come on! let us get you back inside the room"


"Mr. Kim, I'll be taking my leave now" Rose said as she stood outside of the after helping me get ontop of the bed, I nodded. "Okay" I wave goodbye at her, Rose did the same and closed the door hearing it shut. I took a deep breath and lie down at the king size bed at first I wanted a normal room but Taehyung wanted me to stay in a room that could give me a lot of space to walk around without getting into an accident, I'm not complaining though.

After we got married, We both decided to have our honeymoon in Switzerland, It was a foreign country and I was so afraid to interact with the people in there but Taehyung was with me. Me and Taehyung had a lof of fun, We left the country after 1 month because I needed to go back since I'm pregnant.

And for these past few months, a lot has changed, Jimin apologized to Taehyung after the wedding reception. They somehow cleared all the problems they had, they became friends though, and as for my friends let's go to the specific...Yoongi, He got himself into a relationship when he saw Hoseok at our wedding day. He said it was love at first swag~ because he loved how Hoseok was so swaggy all the time and now I guess their happy but I heard from Jungkook that they are still fighting to who will top and who will bottom...bitch just be a reversible couple.

I am pretty much still scared of Namjoon, that jerk said He loves Jimin but for all I know is, He is also the father of Soobin.


"oh! phone!" I grab my phone that was on the table beside my bed, I look to see who it was, I spread a smile and immediately answered it.

》 Honey!!!

》Hahaha! are you that happy to hear my voice Darling?

》 Duh! me and little bean is waiting for you!!!

》 I know~ I know~ I'll be there after I buy you some bread

》 I'll be waiting~~~ bye~ love ya!

》 Hahaha! I love you too honey!

Taehyung hung up, I spread a small smile and put my phone down, "What a lovely day~" I exclaimed while stretching my arms up in the air, Feeling a little naoseous, I can't help but feel a sudden strange pain on my stomach area.

"H-huh...what the..."

The pain never left, it got stronger each time I move. "I-It can't be...nghh!!!...AHHH!!!" I screamed in pain as I felt it kick around inside me, I then felt something wet below I looked down and gasp, I immediately press the emergency button.

"m-my water broke...SHIT..NGH!!! NURSE!!!!!! HELP!!!!"



The number you have diale---

"Why isn't Seokjin answering?" Taehyung said entering the hospitals entrance door, He sigh. "I have a bad feeling about this..." He mumbled and press the elevator, Once the elevator was open He step inside and pressed the floor to where Seokjin is.

Taehyung couldn't keep calm, He was sweating in cold sweat, "..." Taehyung stayed silent until he reached the floor but what he saw made his heart sink.

Seokjin was in a strecher, His expression showed how much his in pain right now. Taehyungs lips quivered and immediately run to his side.

"W-WHAT'S HAPPENING?!?" Taehyung asked as Seokjin held on to his hands tightly while holding back a painful scream, "Mr. Kim is going into labour Sir.!" Rose replied while wiping off the sweat from Seokjin, Taehyung gasp in disbelief. "but there's still 2 more weeks before labour!!!" Taehyung exclaimed but Rose shakes her head, "I can't tell you much Sir. but Mr. Kim is really going into labour! now please wait outside" Rose said blocking Taehyungs way, He looked at Seokjin filled with worry.

The last thing he saw before Seokjin went inside the Operation room was him giving Taehyung a reassuring smile and a peace sign before disappearing, Taehyung lean against the wall and slides down until his bottom reached contact on the floor.

He clenched his fist together with only one thing inside his head.

"please...let him be okay..."

( 12 hours later )

"Why is it taking so long..."

Taehyung said, He was bitting his finger nails causing it to bleed, Seokjins Dad saw it and immediately told him to stop. "Calm down usually takes this long before the delivery of the baby...I'm sure Seokjin is doing well inside" He said trying to calm him down, Taehyung took a deep breath and nodded.

"He'll be fine...Seokjin is strong" Jungkook said while rubbing his back, when all of a sudden the nurse who was one of the assistant of the doctor came running outside.

"Who are the family of Kim Seokjin" She exclaimed while gasping for air, Taehyung and His Father-in-law step forward.

"The baby has been delivered safely"

She said causing all of their frowns to turn into a smile, "R-Really!?! then can I see my hus--"Taehyung exclaimed and was abot to enter the operation room when She stop Taehyung, "W-what?" He said in confusion, She removed her mask revealing an expression that couldn't be described.

"Mr. Kim in a critical condition..."


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