Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 27 )

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"fu fu fu~ his handsome isn't he?"

"his definitely my type but I do wonder what his like down there~"

"....urgh...huh? voices?...."

Taehyung opens his eyes to be met by a strangers face, His hands were tied at the head board of the bed as well as his feet. "Oh~ his awake!" A womans excited voice said as she tried to look herself more beautiful infront of Taehyung, He gasp and turn his head from side to side only to realize that he was at some place he doesn't know.

"w...who are you?"

Taehyung ask as he tried to get up but was push back down when the other woman got on top of him, She then slides her hands and unbotton Taehyungs shirt, Taehyung gasp and tried to shake her away. "HEY! STOP IT! GET YOUR DIRTY LITTLE HANDS AWAY FR--- AH!" The woman in black hair slaps Taehyungs face as it left a burning sensation, Taehyung wince in pain and gritted his teeth as he glared at her.

"Hmph! I guess he doesn't remember us~"

"What? what are you talking about?!? UNTIE ME!!!"

She scoff and rip his shirt open forgetting the fact that she was unbottoning it, "we're the girls who you used to have sex with! I can't believe you got married!!! I WANTED TO MARRY YOU!!!"She yelled at Taehyung who only glared at her, She quickly looked at her friend with a evil smirk.

"Let's have some fun shall we?"

"drug him"


Driving in full speed, Seokjin did not care whether the people in the car were screaming at him, the only thing he cared about was his husband. He then grab his phone and made a phone call at the police station telling them that there was a kidnapping that happened, Seokjin gave the office the address and hang up, He took a turn and checked every building.

"Come on! where the fuck is it!" Seokjin muttered under his breath, His grip on the wheel tightens, just as he was about to take another turn, His face lit up once he saw the hotel Namjoon was talking about.

He gritted his teeth, and step on the gas.


Feeling tired, He felt his temparature rising, Taehyung gritted his teeth as they pulled out the injection, the two laughs at how Taehyung was breathing fast.

"Aw~ don't exaggerate that drug won't kill you sweet heart~  you just won't be able to move after 5 minutes~"

Taehyung gasp, He could already feel his strenght leaving his body even if he tried to lift one finger he couldn't.

"I wanna change~"

"I wanna look good infront of him~"

Taehyung took a deep breath before forcing his fingers to move,"...just a little bit more..." Taehyung thought as he tried to loosen the rope that was used to tie him up even though the drug was already taking effect but he had to take his chances, He thought of himself lucky since the women who tied him up weren't good at it. He glance at the two women who were too busy changing into their lingerie, Once he felt the tie loosen He immediately went to the other one and within a split seconds He went to his foot and his other foot.

It left a red bruise on him but it wasn't enough to make his skin bleed, He slowly got up from the bed but it ended up him getting all wobbly.

It got their attention, both of them gasp. "YOU ASSHOLE! GET BACK HERE!!!".


"SIR! PLEASE IF YOU WANT A ROOM WE CAN GIVE YOU! ROOM!!! ROOM 304 IS OCCUPIED!" The lady said as she tried to grab Seokjins arms who was walking faster than her, "OCCUPIED MY ASS! MY HUSBAND IS IN THERE!!!!"Seokjin yelled as he searched the room number, His vision started to get messy due to him panicking not until he heard a glass breaking.


Seokjin run at the end of the hall only to hear womens voices and Taehyungs voice, He gritted his teeth and looked at the woman beside him. "KEYS! DAMN IT!"He yelled as she quickly grab the keys that was back tied around her waist.


Taehyung gasp and heard Seokjins voice, "SEOKJIN! JIN!!!" He yelled back as the other two women tied him up again but when the door was finally open Seokjin came in fuming in anger, why? well because He saw his husband tied up in the bed with his shirt open and two women trying to tie him up.

" dare you touch my husband..."

Seokjin stomp his way at the black haired women as she let out a scream but it soon ended when her head met the table with a loud bang, She fell on the ground with her head bleeding. "O-Oh my god!!!! p-please!!!! don't kill me!!!" The other woman pleaded with her knees on the ground, Seokjin clench his fist and grabs her hair making her look up to him.

"cry like the bitch you are"Seokjin said and threw her aside, He held his shaking hands, He was indeed afraid and Seokjin, himself couldn't believe he hurt someone. Seokjin shakes his head as he tried to regain his common sense and immediately went to Taehyungs side. "what have they done to you?!?"Seokjin exclaimed and removed all the ropes that tied him down, When Taehyung tried to get up, He was unable to move even an inch. He sigh, "They drug me...I don't know what it is but I can't move my body at all..."Taehyung said with a tired voice, Seokjins lips quivered and lie his head down on Taehyungs stomach.

"I'm sorry...our date was rui--"

"That doesn't matter! we can always go some other time okay?" Seokjin exclaimed, When all of a sudden the female staff came in along with the police officers who arrested the two females.

"I-I...called an ambulance they'll be here soon..." She said looking at the both of them with a reassuring smile, Seokjin nodded and glance at Taehyung who could only spread a smile to Seokjin.

"...Thank you for saving me..."


"You seem to like swaddling Yeon~"

Seokjin's Dad said as he swaddle Yeonjun, He felt at ease in his grandfathers arms. Yoongi then came in with a bottle of milk along with Jungkook, "I wonder how did their date go?" Jungkook said sitting down on the sofa while resting his back against the chair, Seokjin's Dad sigh and place Yeonjun down at the baby swing bed and held the baby bottle up so Yeonjun could drink easily.

"I've been having a bad feeling about this lately...I do hope their date went okay...."

Knock, Knock, Knock

A knock was heard from the front door, Yoongi glance at everyone before taking a step forward. Jungkook stood behind Yoongi as he opened the door to reveal a middle aged women, She smirked at all of them and entered the house while pushing them away.

She snorts at how the house looked unpleasant to her, "How cheap" She said with an insulting voice, Yoongi then walk towards her.

"Mrs. Kim...what are you doing in here?"

He asks her, Mrs. Kim smirked and glance at the baby to where Seokjin's Dad was shielding him, She then looked back at Yoongi before removing her shades.

"I'm here to take my grandson~"

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