Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( END )

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"you mean...the U.S?..."

Taehyung nodded, Seokjin lowered his shoulder and lean his back against the couch. "but...that means..."Seokjin's lips quivered, " will have to leave won't be easy but me and Yeonjun will be at your side..."Taehyung said as he comforted Seokjin by placing gentle kisses in his hands, "....I'll think about it okay?....I promise I'll give you an answer right away"Seokjin said and stood up as he went inside to their shared room.

Taehyung frown and glance at Yeonjun who started to wiggle around, He smiled bitterly.

"'s going to be okay Yeon..."



Taehyung was finishing the last 5 set of clothes that was needed to be folded and be placed back inside the cabinet, His been waiting patiently for Seokjin to get out of the room for 6 minutes that is until the door opened to reveal Seokjin in casual clothings.

Taehyung then stood up, "are you heading out?"Taehyung said making his voice approachable, Seokjin nodded while giving him a gentle smile. "Yeah...I'll go and get some fresh air...I'll be back before 6..."Seokjin said and gave Yeonjun a kiss on the forehead then to Taehyung.

" this about what I told yo---"

Seokjin interrupted Taehyung by placing his lips to his, Kissing him roughly yet passionately almost drove Taehyung crazy and that he had to lift Seokjin by his waist and press him up against the wall. Both bodies were pressrd against to one another, Seokjin slip his tongue inside Taehyungs mouth as he explored every inch of it without holding back and as for Taehyung he loved it way too much, He let Seokjin take the lead.

Seokjin broke the heated kiss and stared directly to Taehyungs mesmerizing eyes, "why are you so handsome?"Seokjin said tilting his head on the side seductively, Taehyung smirked and nibbled on his neck. "I don't know? I was born with it"Taehyung said along with hearing a chuckle from Seokjin.

"is Yeon asleep?"

Taehyung was taken a back for a bit, He looked over his shoulder to see Yeonjun sleeping quietly in his baby crib, He then turn his head back to Seokjin. "Yeah...are you thinking about something darling?"Taehyung said, his deep voice sent different kind of sensation to Seokjin, He could feel his whole body submitting to him.

Seokjin grins in a sexy way and place his first finger ontop of his lips, "I promise to be quiet..."Seokjin said along with a pout, Taehyung gulped and he could feel that small amount of tension building up down between his pants.

He laughs, "you're going to regret that later"Taehyung whispered to his ears and carried him all the way back inside their shared room, Seokjin was gently pushed down on the bed.

Taehyung then stripped Seokjin's clothes and toss them away, He smirk and slides his hands down to Seokjins body until he reached his soft plump lips. Seokjin then begun to suck on his two fingers making them wet and sloppy, Taehyung twitch to see Seokjin sucking and licking them like a puppy.

Seokjin stopped sucking on them as a trail of saliva was still connected, He glance at Taehyung who was only looking at him filled with lustful eyes, Seokjin raised his leg as he started to fondle Taehyungs crotch with his feet, Taehyung flinch.

"Aren't you going to continue?"

"'re killing me here"

And that very night, Taehyung got Seokjin moaning, shaking and begging for more under him.

Yeonjun? He fell asleep because he loves to sleep.

( (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!! IM IMAGINING SHITS I SHOULDNT BE IMAGINING!!!!THIS SCENE IS WAY TOO HOT!!!! I wrote this with a blank face ;-;...infront of ma mom and bro )

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