Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 6 )

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After staying in the hospital for one more week, ever since Seokjin agreed to Taehyungs proposal, everything became weird between the two especially Taehyung.

"AH! WHAT THE SHIT! LET ME TAKE A SHIT DAMN IT!" Seokjin yelled at Taehyung who has been following Seokjin ever since his been discharge at the hospital, "Shut up! so loud first thing in the morning!" Taehyung exclaimed crossing his arms, Seokjin gritted his teeth. "Why the heck are you even at my house!!!" Seokjin said pointing at him, Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I am going to be the babies father! plus the doctor said to watch you carefully" Taehyung said, Seokjin sigh remembering it. "whatever...tsk you are the real father! I just don't want to tell you damn it! your a real son of a bitch! you almost killed little bean!!!" Seokjin entered the bathroom while slamming it infront of his face, Seokjin went over to the window and opened it immediately.

"Perfect! he won't see me up here!" Seokjin thought and was about to climb down from the window when all of a sudden, "Your butt looks familiar"Taehyung appeared right outside of the bathroom's window, Seokjin flinch. "AH! PERVERT!!!".

( Time Skip )

"tch he finally left" Seokjin said eating a bowl of freshly washed strawberries, "Taehyung has the right know about him being the real father of your's unfair"Seokjin's Dad said while folding Seokjin's clothes, placing them neatly in his lugggage Seokjin sigh. "Dad...I'll tell him soon okay?...just not now...I'm afraid he will do something bad to us" Seokjin said and stood up.

"Anyways~ let's go to 'THAT' topic"Seokjin said as he sat down on the floor helping his Dad, "...are you going to be alright? this house I mean" Seokjin said, His Dad pause and chuckle.

"'s going to be tough at first but...I can manage..."His Dad said patting Seokjin's head, Seokjin could hear his own heart shatter to see a tear slipping down to His Dad's cheeks.

"It is for me too ya know?...I lived my whole life with you but you will probably have the most hardest time"He said hugging his Dad from behind, "Yeah...don't forget to come visit me okay?" He said while sobbing, Seokjin chuckle.



"I didn't expect Mr. Kim Seokjin would say yes about living together" Yoongi said who stood beside Taehyung who was watching the maids clean the house, "Yes, since we are going to get married" Taehyung said crossing his arms, "But this isn't going to be the house we are going to live in, I bought a house in XXX quite big enough for the two of us"He said giving Yoongi his phone so he could see how it looks like, "well it does have a cozy look" Yoongi said and gave it back to him.

"You really don't want to get married do you?"

Taehyung scoff and looked at Yoongi in the eye, "I despise it with my whole life".

( Time Skip )

"Dad, I'm going now" Seokjin said to his Dad who kept a smile, "...yeah...take care good care of yourself and little bean...come visit me some time okay?" He said stroking Seokjin's cheeks who is now wet due to crying, "I know...I'll miss you...bye" Seokjin gave his Dad one last hug before walking away, He wipe his tears and look up to see Taehyung inside the car without giving him a glance at all.

"these feels like walking at the gates of hell..." Seokjin thought and enter the back sweat without sparing him a glance, Seokjin had his eyes set on his Dad who was now going back inside crying.

His heart tightens the moment he saw His Dad shut the door, "it's too late regretting it now..." Seokjin thought when the car started moving far from his true home, He sigh and lean his back against the chair.

"your a college student right?" Taehyung ask while taking a turn, Seokjin nodded. "Yeah" He replied nonchalantly still his eyes were fixated by his neighbourhood that he will soon miss a lot, "what year?"Taehyung asks again, "I'm in my 2nd will let me go to school right?" Seokjin said looking at Taehyung, He chuckle. "Of course, education is important after all but once the baby bump shows up you will have to stop going to school for awhile since it'll be dangerous if we're not cautious about it"Taehyung said, somehow hearing that made Seokjin relief, "wow what is this disgusting feeling...gross" Seokjin thought when he felt something weird happening in his stomach.

"anyways, I'm curious why do you want to marry me?" Seokjin bluntly said, Taehyung was hesitant to say it at first but ended up telling him. "I have a dying father who is too persistent on wanting me to get married and have a son end of story" He said along with a sigh, "Your dad is dying? that's literally his dying wish" Seokjin mumble while closing his zipper since he felt cold, "that man I met at the he the father of your child?" Taehyung ask, It bothered him for the past few days, Seokjin chuckle.

"no, his not, Jungkook isn't the father...his just a bestfriend of mine"

"I see...but do you have any idea who?"

Seokjin sighs, "It's asshole".

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