Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 13 )

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"You have a meeting with the XXX team of XXX company at exactly 9 o'clock, they wants to show you the newly made designs for our product...Mr. Kim...are you listening?"

Taehyung rested his chin on the top of his palm, He was listening but his own thoughts occupied him. "....Secretary Cha Hae-in..." Taehyung glance at his secretary, She stood up straight in a graceful way. "Yes Mr. Kim" Cha Hae-in said nonchalantly and yet in a way that shows respect, Taehyung trace his hands against the file, He tap his fingers on them.

"Can we push back the dates for our business trip?" Taehyung said, embarrassed, that's the word that can desrcribe how Taehyung feels right now. Cha Hae-in was taken back, She chuckle. "...unfortunately Mr. Kim...we can not"Cha Hae-in said, She stared at him, seeing how much Taehyung wanted to stay and not leave was new to her.

"...Mr. there something wrong?"

"....something wrong?..." Taehyung said, He lowered his head until his forehead hits the table, it made his secretary jump in surprise. "t-this is this really Mr. Kim?" Cha Hae-in asks herself, Taehyung sigh and raise his head, Cha Hae-in almost wanted to jump out of the window. "...there is nothing wrong...I'm fine..." Taehyung pouted, the eyes of a helpless puppy did not help a bit to Cha Hae-ins soft heart.

"....I'll try to push back the date..."

Taehyung flinch, He covered his whole face using both of his hands, A grin was spread across his entire face. "...*cough* may leave now" Taehyung went back to his usual self in a split seconds and yet he tried his hardest not to slip out a smile, Cha Hae-in chuckle, "Have a good day Mr. Kim" Cha Hae-in excused herself, seeing her leave Taehyung immediately grab his coat and car keys.

"I wonder if Seokjin ate lunch already?"



Jimin slightly frowned, a little unhappy, the sight of Seokjin sitting opposite of him makes him mad after all he is the one who asked Seokjin to meet up with him. "rude, why aren't you saying anything?" Seokjin said glaring at Jimin who stayed silent for a brief moment, "You are good looking...but a simpleton like you can't possibly stand by Taehyungs side" Jimin said, an insult was one way to make a person angry but to Seokjin he kept a straight face. "simpleton? aren't you one? lying to him about everything and then you left for 2 years and now you came back because yoy want him back in to your life? how desperate are you?Seokjin fought back with words, Jimin flinch and slams the cup down, it caught everyones attention.

"Y-You! have no idea how hard it was to leave him! I know it was my fault! I reflected on my own mistake! I still have the right to come back to him" Jimin exclaimed, His voice got louder as his anger rises each time he yells and cursed at Seokjin, With a straight face, He glared at Jimin and extend his arms.

He grip on to Jimins hair with a firm grip, Seokjins anger was not like the others, He is calm and speaks the truth that can slice you in half but seeing how much Taehyungs ex-husband was in a state of desperation on trying to get him back after what he did to Taehyung, He was fuming with anger.

"oh my god...its a fight!"

"hey! can anyone stop them?!?"

Seokjin set his gaze down, Jimin felt the coldness in his eyes, Seokjin was looking down on him. "'re the worst scumbag out there...Taehyung was in pain the moment you left him!!! AND NOW YOU WANT TO ENTER HIS LIFE AGAIN?!! DON'T BULLSHIT ME!!!"Seokjins loud voice sent shivers down to Jimins spine, He loosen his grip on Jimins head and stood up.

Jimin remained silent, "...the best thing I can tell you is...apologize to him...say sorry to everything you did to him...goodbye" With one last glance from Seokjin, He left the restaurant, He regretted hurting Jimin but his anger blinded his own sense.

He lets out a heavy sigh, " really need to chill the fuck down..." Seokjin murmured and walked at the empty street.

( Time Skip )

"urgh...just seeing that bastards face makes me tired..." Seokjin mumble, He arrived at the luxurious manor just about time for lunch but today he didn't feel like eating at all. "Are you sure you don't want to eat anything?" Yoongi said with a tray filled with a bowl of mash potatoes and freshly washed strawberries. Seokjin felt guilty knowing Yoongi was in charge to take care of Seokjin for now since his personal maid needed to leave early, "...I'll take it and eat it later" Seokjin said taking the tray from Yoongi, "...well then...bye" Seokjin bows down and left, His smiling face was now replaced by a tired expression and that didn't escape from Yoongis sharp senses.

"sleep...sleep..." Seokjin muttered those words until he reach his room, He didn't bother to switch on the lights anymore since he wanted to sleep right away.

Seokjin flops down on his bed, the moment his body clashes down on the soft mattress, His tense muscles relaxed as his eyes became heavier to open.

"I wonder...what Taehyung is doing right now?...."


"...don't even try to disturb him while his sleeping" Yoongi appeared behind Taehyung who arrived a little late, Taehyung flinch and turn around. "His sleeping...but it's 9 in the morning" Taehyung said raising a brow, Yoongi chuckle. "Pregnant people tends to sleep more than should read more about it online since you are going to have a baby" Yoongi said leaning against the white coloured walls, Taehyung laughs and stood beside Yoongi.

"Seokjin was a big help to you" Yoongi said glancing at Taehyung, He was shook for a brief moment, "....hahaha...yeah he was...I thought he was just a bitchy little brat turns out he became someone I can rely on" Taehyung giggled, recalling all those memories they both had made him laugh as well as Yoongi.

" question"

"what is it?"

Yoongi looks up to meet eyes with Taehyung, the eyes of someone who no longer suffered the same pain he did, Yoongi laughs.

"Do you love him?"


Without getting any chance to answer, The door swung open to reveal Seokjin who woke up just now. Taehyung had his eyes fixated on Seokjin, He laughs.

"Yeah...I'm starting to"

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