Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 21 )

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"....I'm feeling nervous all of a sudden"

Seokjin said fiddling with his fingers, Taehyung pushes the wheelchair at a normal speed, "It'll be fine, He was perfectly healthy when he came out of you" Taehyung giving Seokjin a kiss on the forehead. Seokjin giggled, "Hahaha! I'm glad" He exclaimed and rub his forehead, He loves Taehyung way too much.

"Anyways when are we going to see our so-"

"We're here"

"Huh?What?....oh my god..."

Seokjins heart melted as soon as his eyes saw his son, His hands trembled and pointed at his baby, "Is...Is...that our?" Seokjin couldn't believed it, Taehyung nodded and gave him a hug from behind.

"Yes, His our did it Seokjin..."

"Oh my god....hic...ngh....*sobs*...his so adorable"

Seokjin teared up and covered his face using his hands, Taehyung smile and place his forehead against Seokjins as he glance at his son who was looking at them.

"We're parents now"


"Wha~ the wheather is so warm today isn't Yeonjun?" Seokjin said as he carried the infant in his arms, Taehyung gently smile. "It was a great idea to name him Yeonjun, I love it" Taehyung said smiling at his son who was playing with Seokjins hands, "Yeah but I can't wait to get out of the hospital I miss our home" Seokjin said as he looked at the newly bloomed flowers at the garden, Taehyung chuckle.

"We're moving out of that huge mansion, I bought a penthouse hehehe" Taehyung giggled and showed him the keys, Seokjin gasp. "Honey! you really like to waste your money on houses!"Seokjin exclaimed flicking Taehyungs forehead who dodge it, He caught Seokjins hand and placed gentle kisses on them.

Seokjin flinch and glared at him, "I want to curse at you but I'm holding back because Yeonjun is here" Seokjin said but Taehyung only stuck his tongue out, "Heheheh Yeonie~ your daddy is cursing at me~" Taehyung said with his deep baby voice, Yeonjun tilted his head and yawns.


"Hahahaha! so adorable! right Honey? HONEY?!? YOU'RE COUGHING OUT BLOOD!!!"

Taehyung was on the ground, both hands on his chest with blood dripping from his mouth, He gave a shaky thumbs up and a dying smile.

"H-He i-i-is an angel...."



"Y-Y-Yeonie-ah~ d-do you really like Daddy's chest?..."I said carrying Yeonjun in my arms as he tried his hardest to suck on my nipple, I sigh and shake the baby bottle using my other hand. "Sorry sweetie, Daddy can't give you any milk from me" I said while smiling gently at my son, I watch him suck on the milk from the bottle while I hold on to it.

I was finally discharged from the hospital, I knew taking care of a baby wasn't easy but I didn't know it was this hard. Yeonjun keeps on crying, It's either me or Taehyung does the job to make him go back to sleep but I do it most of the times because Taehyung stays late at work but he still fulfill his job as the father of our family, but one things for sure Taehyungs genes are strong.

"you're going to be the most handsome man when you grow up~"I said while rubbing my face in his belly, I heard him giggled which made me laugh. That's when the door suddenly rang, I immediately got up and walked towards the door having a good feeling that it was Taehyung, "Papa's here sweetie wanna greet him with a hug first hm?"I said to Yeonjun who yawned for thr 10th time, "I'll take that as a yes~" I immediately opened the door with a big smile and a warm hug from Yeonjun.

"Welcome home honey~"

"Oh why thank you honey~"


I gasp, I expected Taehyung but instead I saw Jungkook standing outside of the door while he waves a bucket of chicken with him. "must be great to have a rich husband" Jungkook said entering the house as he removed his shoes before going in, I chuckle and shut the door. "What are you doing in here? I thought you went off to america to hit on some girls?" I said walking towards the crib and placed Yeonjun down, I made sure he was comfortable enough to sleep on it.

"Change of plans~ I am terrified of girls"

"That's real facts"

"hey that hurts!"

Jungkook pouted as he ate one chicken, I chuckle. "If Taehyung sees you here he might throw you off the balcony" I said getting myself one chicken and munched on it, Jungkook laughs exactly like a donkey. "then his being ungrateful~ He sent me here to make sure that you guys are safe" He said with an arrogant pose, I looked at him in utter disgust. "Gross, wipe that smug on your face..." I smirked at him, Jungkook rolls his eyes and stood up.

"Anyways enjoy your meal~ I'll go now"

"Bye~ careful there are girls outside"

"Urgh! Fuck off!"


I stood up from my seat and glance at Yeonjun, He tilted his head on the side cutely I giggled and lifted him up.

"Wanna sleep with Daddy today?"


Yeonjun yawns again, "wow you sure like to sleep" I said as I placed the chicken at the fridge, I took a deep breath and sat back down on the sofa with Yeonjun in my arms, I heard that even the slightest movement a baby can sense it but Yeonjun doesn't looked like he was bothered by how many slight movements I make. I raise my head to check what time of the day is it, It was 4:50 pm, Taehyung said he would be home by 5.

I lean against the chair, "Hurry home Taehyung...we're waiting for you...".


"Hello Secretary Cha see...cancel all my schedule for tomorrow...okay...goodbye"

Taehyung hung up and put his phone back inside his pocket before leaning his head against the glass mirror, His head throbs due to the heavy work from the company. "Urgh...I need a medicine" Taehyung mumbled, When he heard the elevator door slides open He immediately left the elevator and went straight down the hall, He was excited to see his husband and son, It was the only thing that makes his bad days to good days.

"I miss them so much~"

"Yeonjun, diaper change time~"

Seokjin exlcaimed showing Yeonjun the diapers in which he tried to reach out with his tiny baby hands but Seokjin lifted it up, "Oh no! Daddy won't let you try and bite one of this" Seokjin said smiling at Yeonjun who doesn't have any clue on what is happening, Seokjin giggled and grabs the baby powder but before he could remove the diaper from Yeonjun, He heard Taehyungs voice calling out for them.

"Honey~ Yeonjun~ I'm home~"

Seokjin laughs, "We're in the bedroom!" Seokjin said, it was loud enough for Taehyung to hear, Seokjin heard his footsteps and at the same time the door opens to reveal Taehyung, His exhaustion was long gone and it was now replaced by a happy smile.

Seokjin finished changing Yeonjuns diaper and carried him in his arms, the moment he turned around but He was stopped when Taehyung gave Seokjin a hug.

"I'm home Honey~ Yeonjun~"

Seokjins heart clenched at how naturally adorable his husband was,  He covered Yeonjun's eyes and gave Taehyung a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Welcome Home~"

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