Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 17 )

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The day went by pretty fast, Taehyung insisted that they should go home already but Seokjins Dad wanted them to stay for the night since it was pretty late for them to go home.

"I brought one more blanket for Taehyung to use" Seokjins Dad came inside Seokjins room, They decided that since the two is getting married they should probably feel comfortable with each other especially when sleeping together, "Thanks Dad" Seokjin said and grabs the neatly folded white blanket, His Dad left without a word. He was pretty nervous himself, It was his first time spending the night together in the same bed with the man his in love with.


Seokjin gulps, "r-right now...h-his inside the bathroom...showering..." Seokjin flinch and fans himself using his hands, He was sweating all of a sudden that he had to open the A/C. "Whew! Isn't hot in here! Hahaha! that's right it's total---" The bathrooms door swung open to reveal a half naked Taehyung with only his black pants were on, "hot..." Seokjin mumble, He lowers his gaze, a six-pack abs greeted Seokjin, "Seokjin...the way you looked at so lewd" Taehyung said covering his upper body, Seokjin gasps, His face heated up the moment he realized that he has been staring at his abs for a good 1 minute and damn it was worth it.




"probably...since I'm way too good loo---"


Meanwhile, downstairs, Seokjins Dad was having a nice cup of tea. He heard loud noises coming from upstairs, He giggled and drank his tea.

"Ah~ their so energetic~ youth"


"It's a good thing the bed is big enough for two people..." Taehyung said starting a conversation with Seokjin, "...well...this room used to be my Dads...and we kind of just switch rooms during my middle school" Seokjin said as his eyes were staring at the ceiling.

Taehyung then turn his body, He was now facing Seokjin who was lying down on his back, "I wonder how you were in your middle school days..." Taehyung said gazing at him, Taehyung knew Seokjin had a good-looking face but He just now notice that his lips were thick and soft, He could still remember, feel, & taste how sweetly soft they were.

Seokjin chuckle, "I changed a lot...excpet my height didn't change...unfair right?" Seokjin said wiping his invisible tears, Taehyung chuckle, "yeah...but cute though"He said slowly wrapping his arms around Seokjins waist, He could feel the baby bump, It made him happy that he has a child on his own and a beautiful soon-to-be husband.

Seokjin flinch, He clench his fist together, He took all the courage to face him properly. Seokjin shifted his position, He was now facing Taehyung with his face turning red. Both hearts beating together, "...what can I do to make you love me?" Taehyung quietly said as he stroked Seokjins warm cheeks, Seokjin gasps. "W-wait?!? y-you love me?!?" Seokjin exclaimed, it was too unreal to believe.

Taehyung nodded, "Yeah...I love you...I don't know how but the way I do things started changing because of you...I love how you yell at me, smile at little things, and how strong you are, you gave me a lot of courage to learn and change from my past're the very first person to ever do those things to me..." Taehyung said, His voice was filled with sincerity, Seokjin suddenly teared up.

"W-what the heck...I thought I was the only one..." Seokjins voice trembled, He immediately sat up and wipe his tears away, He was happy, extremely happy. Taehyung smiles and hugged him tightly.

"Oh my we both love each other....I'm glad...I'm happy...thank you for loving me...even though I acted shitty infront of you"Taehyung said while smiling from ear to ear, Seokjins lips quivered and pulled Taehyung for a deep and passionate kiss.

Taehyung was caught off guard but he certainly returned it, their hearts can finally connect from one another.


"Thank you for letting me stay in for the night Mr. Kim" Taehyung said smiling at Seokjins Dad, He chuckles. "Please C.E.O Kim call me Dad!" He exclaimed, Taehyung laughs.

"if that's the case, you might as well call me Taehyung from now on Dad" Taehyung said, He gave him a tight hug before letting go. "I'll wait for you in the car"Taehyung said to Seokjin and gave him a kiss on the forehead and left.

Seokjin smiles, "I'm found someone special..." He said holding his sons hands, Seokjin nodded. "Yeah...I am truly wedding is next week, you better walk me on the aisle" Seokjin grin at his Dad, His Dad chuckle and pinch his nose.

"I will gladly do so! I will support you no matter go on Taehyung is waiting for you"He said and slowly let go of Seokjins warm hands, Seokjin nodded as a reponse.

"Bye Dad!"

"bye son, you're my precious son..."

Seokjin giggled and hurriedly went towards the car to where Taehyung was waiting outside, "After you my beautiful lover" Taehyung said opening the door for Seokjin, He laughs. "Deja Vu?"He said to Taehyung who thought for awhile before bursting into laughter.

"Deja Vu indeed"


wanna know why it's Deja Vu? because in chapter 6, this setting happened once to where Seokjin will have to leave his Dad and live with Taehyung for a marriage that Seokjin and Taehyung never wanted but this time it is opposite.

In Chapter 6, Taehyung was inside the car, He did not give a single care about Seokjin but now it is different, Taehyung waited for Seokjin since the two literally just confessed both of their hidden bed...that's so lovely right?

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