Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 15 )

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( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

"Mhm~ ice cream taste so good!" I exclaimed, savoring the vanilla ice cream that slowly melted in my tongue. I heard a chuckle, I look up to only see that it came from Taehyung who was sitting opposite of me. I blush, "W-what?"I said glaring at him, Taehyung shook his head, "You're cute that's why" He said while resting his cheeks against his palm, Taehyung was obviously trying to look handsome infront of me but damn it! His serving good looks everyday!!!.

"Stop saying nonesense stupid Tae" I said putting my head down so Taehyung wouldn't see how messed my face is right now, "anyways...where's Yoongi?" I asked Taehyung, He was leaning against the chair comfortably with sparkles surrounding him and people eyeing him from head to toe.

Taehyung spread a smile, "I told him to take a day off! so it's just the two of us" Taehyung exclaimed, His smile was getting brighter and brighter it attracted more people especially women who were trying to get close to him. I squint my eyes, "Why the fuck are you glowing" I said glaring at Taehyung, He laughs innocently and push his hair back, Taehyung lick his lips seductively and winked at me.

I was drooling, I gasp and covered my whole face, "IT'S THE FOREHEAD!!!!!! THE FOREHEAD!!!! HIS SO HOT!!!!" I was having my own mental break down, My heart was beating way too fast, Do I really love him that much?. I squeezed my cheeks trying to calm myself down, "Hahahah! It's fun teasing you" Taehyung said patting my head, I puff my cheeks and stood up.

"I-I-I'll head to the bathroom first!" I exclaimed, I saw Taehyung chuckle. " careful" His gentle voice made me happy, I couldn't see any trace of the old Taehyung. I nodded and walk away, "His so flawlessly handsome" I thought, a grin spread across my face while waiting outside of the males bathroom since someone was using it.

As I waited for a couple of minutes, a woman with dyed  blonde hair walked out of the females bathroom, she looked pretty though. "she looks familiar...but who?" I thought while crossing both of my arms trying to remember when and where, I shrug my shoulder as I gave up thinking about it.

"who cares~"

( After That )

"my baby bump is getting bigger...this is quite a trouble for me" I thought leaving the bathroom with a sigh, "but I do hope little bean would get Taehyungs looks~" I giggled at the thought of it, my baby, the splitting image of Taehyung is heaven.


When I was about to call out to him, I stop for a brief moment, my heart tightens as I witness with my own two eyes. Taehyung was sitting beside the woman who I saw earlier, I watch them two laughing together. I clench my fist, "He seems to be enjoying himself..." I mumble, my eyes were still fixated to them, I expected Taehyung to be a bit more of his usual self when it comes to other people but...He really did change for the better.

I frown, "I'm so jealous...and here I thought I was someone special to him" I clench my fist tightly, I took a deep breath before gathering up all the courage to go and talk to Taehyung, I walk over to them silently as I caught both of their attentions as I thought the woman did look familiar.

"What took you so long?" Taehyung asks, I shifted my eyes elsewhere. "Nothing..." I mumble eyeing the woman who was sitting on my chair, She smirked at me and slowly slides her hands to Taehyungs. I flinch and glared at her, "Hey~ don't ignore me~" She said winking at Taehyung, I roll my eyes in utter disgust.

I smirk, "I forgot...I, too am a self proclaimed savage bitch" I cross my arms and sat on Taehyungs lap with no shame at all, the people looked at me as if I was crazy but what satsified me the most was the womans reaction.

I slap her hands away from Taehyung and wiped it with a wet tissue, "Gross..."I mumble and gave her a nasty look, I wrap my arms around Taehyung and looked at him in the eye.

"Yeah~ hyung~ don't ignore her~ why don't you introduce me to your clown friend" I said with my flirtagious voice, "C-Clown friend?!?" She said in disbelief, Taehyung chuckle and snakes his arms around my waist and nibble on my cheeks.

"Great idea~" He said and gave me a kiss on the lips, it caught me off guard though but shit I almost lost all my confidence,  We both looked at each other as if we know what we were thinking in our minds, a smirk appeared in both of our faces. I then raise my hand to show-off the engagement ring I had, I stuck my tongue out with a wicked smile.

"Ho~ Ho~ bitch!"

I grin at her amusing reaction, She stood up with the chair falling down on the floor. "you are unbelievable!!!"She exclaimed, Her whole face was turning red. I heard Taehyung laugh as he snuggled on my neck and had his hands on my baby bump.

"We're getting married soon! and look we already have a baby!"

Taehyung exclaimed with a smile so bright it made me put on my gucci sunglasses, "FUCK!!!" She yelled once more and stormed out of the ice cream store, I laugh and so did Taehyung.

There was a moment of silence and I was still sitting on his lap and soon enough I was finally able to realize the shameless act I did, I stood up and back away. "w-wow that was something! OH LOOK A PIGEON!!!"I begun to stutter trying to avoid making eye contact with Taehyung, He then stood up and grabs me by my wrist.

"W-Wait! s-stop holding my hands!...wait! hey come on stupid Tae! listen!" I exclaimed trying to get away from him, I was embarrassed on how jealous I got earlier and I even did something stupid infront of Taehyung, INFRONT OF EVERYONE?!?.

Did he realize how I feel about him? those were the exact thoughts I had on my mind the whole time, Taehyung still has his hands wrap around my wrist. I admit, I kind of liked it, we look like a couple to everyones eyes. He was acting cool infront of me after kissing me on the lips without hesitating at all, I pursed my lips and bit the insides of my cheeks.

I covered my blushing face using my hand, I was too overwhelmed by this situation but the moment I took a peek...I wasn't the only one embarrassed.

I looked at Taehyungs red ears, I noticed how sweaty his palm was,  It made me giggle in silence.

"damn it! I love him way too much!!!"

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