Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 8 )

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"Seokjinsshi are you okay?"

"I'm fin--MMPH!! BLUERGH!!!"

Morning sickness, another morning sickness for Kim Seokjin to suffer every morning," hah...hah...hah...when
is this going to end..."Seokjin said while brushing his teeth roughly, "Seokjinsshi? Seokjinsshi?"Seokjin's personal maid Mrs. Choi knock on the bathroom door, She was honestly worried about Seokjin who didn't answer her the second time. "I'm okay...nothing bad happened..."Seokjin said as he finished rinsing his mouth with a mouthwash and wipe the remaining water from his mouth area.

Seokjin opens the door to see Mrs. Choi who sigh in relief, "Mr. Kim is waiting for you...He said that he wants to eat breakfast with you" Mrs. Choi said leading Seokjin outside of his room, "the devil eats human food?!? urgh...I wish I could say that in front of her...." Seokjin thought following her quietly from behind, soon enough the two reach the long dining table and Seokjin wanted to take the farthest seat that was opposite of Taehyung since there was a huge vase in the middle, it could cover both of their faces.

Seokjin had a grin on his face as he sat down on the chair, He was strangely happy not seeing Taehyung's face. "Why are you sitting over there?" Taehyung said glaring at Seokjin who was enjoying his own company, "I like this spot" Seokjin said with a goofy smile, Taehyung snap his fingers and that's when Yoongi appeared behind Seokjin like a ninja and drag him all the way to Taehyung who enjoyed watching Seokjin struggle to get away from him. "urgh...seriously" Seokjin mumble, He was now seated beside Taehyung, his paradise in this chair was now long gone.

"are you going to the university today?" Taehyung asks Seokjin who shakes his head, "no...classes were canceled due to a heavy thunderstorm..." Seokjin said hearing the heavy sound of the rain from outside, " that so" Taehyung said, Seokjin looked at the food in front of him, It was fruits but He was craving something to drink.

" you have any banana milk?..." Seokjin said, He was literally craving for it, Taehyung pause and looked at Yoongi. "Understood," Yoongi said and left the house as he borrowed Taehyung's car, it was now just the two of them while Seokjin stared at the plate filled with healthy food.

" you have any idea what will be little beans gender?" Seokjin asks Taehyung, He wanted to start a conversation that wouldn't make each other angry. "obviously a boy" He answered bluntly, It had to be a boy because that is what Taehyung's Father wants.

"....yeah....I want it to be a boy too..." Seokjin said smiling at Taehyung, a smile Taehyung has never seen before. "It's my first time seeing you smile, "Taehyung said looking at Seokjin, He flinches and scratches the back of his neck. "W-well...I guess" Seokjin said feeling his heart pound for a bit, Taehyung chuckle.

"You should smile suits you"

"Wha...t..." Seokjin blush when he saw Taehyung's beautiful box smile, it wasn't the kind of smile he saw the first time they met. His heart race a bit, Seokjin gasp and cough purposely, "w-whatever..." He said and stood up immediately, "t-tell Yoongi to bring those banana milk to my room...b-bye..." Seokjin stuttered a bit, He didn't know why but the feeling in his heart was bothering him for quite some time now.

" I having a heart failure or something..." Seokjin thought as he entered his own room, He closed it from behind hearing a soft thud from it. " that devil can smile..." Seokjin mumble and yet he, himself finds the older cute that made him form a small smile.


(short bcuz I want to sleep now...ya'll my sleeping sched is a mess ʅ( ́◔౪◔)ʃ\( ̊▽ ̊)/( ́Д')y\( ́∇')ノ√( ́∀'√)

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