Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 28 )

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"hmph, must I say it twice? I am going to take my grandson"

Mrs. Kim said as she headed her way towards Him while he immediately grabbed Yeonjun, Yoongi click his tongue and shielded both Seokjin's Dad and Yeonjun as he pointed a gun at her in which he carries around since he needed to be more alert.

"you have a gun?!?" Jungkook exclaimed pointing at Yoongi, He nodded. "self defense" He replied back but his eyes never left the woman infront of him who plans to take Yeonjun away.

"why are you doing this" He ask, Mrs. Kim scoff and snap her fingers when all of a sudden two foreign men came entering the house, Jungkook backs away.

"woah...shit insfires man"

"Be quiet you low life! take the infant! be quick about it"

Yoongi clench his teeth, "RUN! HURRY!!!"Yoongi yelled as Jungkoom immediately grabs Seokjin's Dad who had Yeonjun in his arms, they both went to the back door to where it is connected to the kitchen and the backyard.

"NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO JUST KEEP RUNNING!!!"Yoongi yelled once again before throwing a tackle at the foreigner who went and followed them, Mrs. Kim click her tongue.

"FOLLOW THEM! QUICK!"She yelled as more of her men followed them, Yoongi gritted his teeth and bawled his hands into a fist before aiming the blonde man into his stomach, even though Yoongi looked like someone that could be taken down in a second but no, He wasn't, Yoongi was a professional combat fighter who can make men fall down into their knees.

"YOU LITTLE SHIT!" The blonde man said in english as he charged towards Yoongi in full speed but Yoongi did a back flip and dodge his attack, He then snake his way by strangling him into a head lock.

"I don't give a shit"

The moment Yoongi twisted his neck like it was nothing, A monster was unleashed.



Yeonjun burst into tears, Seokjin's Dad wanted to comfort him but they had to run as soon as possible because three people were chasing them.

"COME ON UNCLE! WE HAVE TO KEEP RUNNING!"Jungkook yelled as he was behind them making sure they wouldn't trip or fall, Jungkook could out run them but he had to make sure that Seokjin's Dad and his son is safe and has to be the first priority.

"In here! quick!"Jungkook exclaimed, they entered an alley and hid behind the trashes, Seokjin's Dad hushed Yeonjun down but it was no use Yeonjun wouldn't stop crying, Jungkook took a peek until he heard their voices.

Seokjin's Dad then saw a old ragged teddy bear lying on the ground, He took a deep breath before giving Yeonjun to Jungkook who was suddenly startled by him. "Uncle! what are you doing?!"Jungkook said as he rock his arms gently, Seokjin's Dad then removed the blanket that was used to cover Yeonjun.

"I am giving you time to escape...."

"What? No! we're escaping together!"


Hearing their voices got them scared, Seokjin's Dad then stood up and begun running away along with the covered teddy bear. Jungkook was about to get up but he went back and hide to see them running towards Seokjin's Dad, "....Uncle....please be safe..."Jungkook mumbled before getting up knowing that they were finally gone, He then made his way out of the alley.

"It's okay Yeon...I'm not going to let them take you"

Jungkook said before stepping outside of the alley, When he was about to cross the street an unknown white car parked itself infront of Jungkook who almost had an heart attack.

"Holy shi---"

Jungkook was about to curse when the tinted window slides down to reveal Jimin with a frowning face, Jungkook backs away slowly as he held Yeonjun's head to prevent him to even see a glimpse of his face.


Jungkook said, Jimin scoff and roll his eyes.

"the man who will save your sorry ass now get your ass inside the car"


DASHI RUN RUN RUN~~~~~ ;-; pray for Seokjin's Dad....oh my god...I SUCK AT ACTION!!!!

Dear Readers,

There have been news going around lately about the wattpad users acc getting hacked, it scares me a lot knowing that there is a hacker roaming around Wattpad and I advice you my dear readers that you should change your wattpad pass as soon as possible and make sure it is secure at all times and I do hope that WATTPAD will take action soon about these 'hackers'....stay safe everyone<3


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