Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 9 )

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( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him, I should hate him but why?!? First he acts so arrogant and mean towards me! He doesn't believe that his the father to our child! and now he acts nice and caring?!? IS HE THE ONE HAVING MOOD SWINGS?!?, "Yo...Seokjin, I see you having that scowling face as usual"Jungkook said waving his hand, I click my tongue and look away, "Shut up...don't talk to me you bitch" I cussed at him, Jungkook laugh, "we should leave now, the lecture this afternoon is cancelled" Jungkook said as he grab my arm, I roll my eyes somehow happy that there are no classes today. "Great...then I can go back to the devils cave and isolate myself" I sarcastically said, I heard Jungkook chuckle. "what's with you? are you okay?"He asks putting his arms around my shoulder while he played with my hair.

"I think I'm having a heart problems"


I was shooked by how Jungkook suddenly burst into laughter, I blushed and started punching him out of embarrassement. "WHY?!? FOR REAL! MY HEART KEEPS BEATING WAY TOO FAST EVERYTIME THAT DEMON IS AROUND!!! IT'S NOT NORMAL!!!"I exclaimed while gripping on to his jacket, Jungkook continued to laugh until we reach outside of the campus.




Seokjin pouted and hit Jungkook as many times as he could, Jungkook giggled and pat Seokjin's head. "Tell me more! let the love expert know about your situation~" Jungkook said rubbing his cheeks against Seokjin who wanted to punch him, "F-Fine! but don't laugh okay?!?"Seokjin said glaring at Jungkook, He was dead serious and Jungkook knew that.


( Few Minutes later we still can't find Jimins jams )


"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T LAUGH!!!!" Seokjin yelled and started hitting Jungkook with punches who quickly stopped him, It caught Seokjin off guard as his face landed on Jungkook's broad chest. "Hehehe~ let's not get you too energetic! your pregnant remember?"Jungkook said smiling sweetly at Seokjin who was still pouting, Seokjin got off Jungkook and back away.

"Whatever! you're annoying!!! you're not helping me at all!!! HOW ANNOYING! SON OF A BITCH!" Seokjin walk away, He was upset at how Jungkook was being a big fat jerk. "Hey come on! sorry~" Jungkook apologized while trying to give Seokjin a kiss on the cheek, "GET YOUR GAY ASS AWAY FROM ME AND GO AWAY!!!"Seokjin exclaimed elbowing him, Jungkook laugh.

"Listen~ listen~ I'll let you meet my hyung okay? his name is Hoseok we're not basically related but his still my hyung! so go to this place and I'll be there waiting for you!" Jungkook said as he gave Seokjin a piece of paper with an address written on it, "make sure you come! SALSA!!!!" Jungkook exclaimed and ran away, Seokjin was left dumbfounded.

" the chips?"


Seokjin flinch and turn around to see Taehyung getting out of his car, "....why do you bother picking me up..." Seokjin mumble, the feeling in his heart was getting stronger each time Taehyung walked towards him. "That's because it's getting dark and I can't have you walking around while your pregnant" Taehyung said along with a sigh, Seokjin laughs. "Wow, thanks for worrying! Hyung!" Seokjin said while playfully hitting him on the chest area, Taehyung was caught off guard by how playful Seokjin became. "...hyung?" Taehyung mumble, He looked over his shoulder to see Seokjin walking towards the car with a grin on his face.

"...hahaha...he called me hyung..."

Time Skip )

"Yoongles~~~ I'm home~~~" Seokjin skip his way towards Yoongi and gave him a hug while petting him on the head, Yoongi flinch and somehow he liked how Seokjin was petting him. "you're such a cat~" Seokjin said and let go of Yoongi who wanted to be petted more when all of a sudden a weird stare coming from Taehyung made Yoongi gasp.

In a split second, Yoongi came back as the professional him. "I am danger" Yoongi thought with sparkles appearing in his eyes, Seokjin laughs. "change your clothes now, you smell by the way" Taehyung said causing Seokjin to look so offended by Taehyung's remark.

"Can you at least stop being an asshole for at least one day?" Seokjin putting his hands on his hips, Taehyung scoff. "I can't, it's in my nature" He said with a smirk, Seokjin rolls his eyes. "No, it is not in your nature, it is in your blood to be a very judgey asshole, Asshole" Taehyung glared at the young man infront of him, It was exactly like how they first met, Seokjin being a sassy bitch itself was something Taehyung can't stand.

"You know wha---"

"Hahaha, how fun!"

Both Seokjin and Taehyung turn their heads towards Taehyung's father who was spreading a happy smile, "F-Father...what are you doing in here?" Taehyung said as he walk towards him, His Father laughs. "I'm your parent, I still have the obligation to know where you are especially to where you live" He said patting His son's shoulder, He then turn his attention towards Seokjin who was clinging to Yoongi.

"...what a handsome young man"

Seokjin's face turned red, He immediately bow down. "T-Thank you..."Seokjin timidly said, The Father chuckle. "Let's go inside the living room, I want to talk to you more Seokjin" The Father said holding Seokjin's trembling hands, Taehyung sigh and pushed the wheel chair leading them both at the living room.

"so...tell me about yourself Jin, what do you do for a living" He said as he gestured him to sit beside him, Taehyung sat on the sofa inches away from them, All he wanted was to listen to their conversation.

"um...there's nothing really exciting in my life but I am on my 2nd year in college and I plan to create a business on my own someday...a restaurant perhaps because I have been taking cooking lessons since I was kid...."Seokjin said somehow feeling shy about telling him about his secret passion, Taehyung almost wanted to laugh by seeing Seokjin getting all shy. "...I see...very determined...anyways I came here because the Kim Family has been planning everything on your wedding day...and I brought a pair of rings with me..." The Father said, His hands made it's way through his pocket as he lets out a blue coloured ring box, Seokjin and Taehyung looked at each other's faces as if they know what's inside their thoughts.

"Taehyung come here" His Father said, Taehyung raise a brow and stood up, He walk slowly towards his father. "Kneel in one" His Father demanded, Taehyung looked at him wide eye, "w-what?...why would I do that?"Taehyung said in disbelief but his father was serious, Taehyung glance at Seokjin who shrug his shoulder.

He rolls his eyes and kneel in one knee, Taehyung's Father nodded in satisfaction even at the sight of Taehyung with a scowl face. "Now, stand infront of Taehyung"He said, Seokjin flinch and pointed at himself. "...ah...okay..." Seokjin stood up infront of Taehyung, it was awkward though, The Father laughs and gave Taehyung the box.

"Propose to him son"

Taehyung and Seokjin gasp, "with all due respect sir. but this is too soon...I agreed to marry him but this is just..."Seokjin back away as well as Taehyung, "'re not really serious about this aren't you?" Taehyung said hoping his father with say yes but he didn't. "get on your one knee and propose to him, I want to see it"He demanded once more, Taehyung wanted to leave but the situation is tight.

Seokjin and Taehyung looked at each other, both knew once Seokjin wore the engagement ring, there is no going back. Taehyung sigh and knelt down in one knee, Seokjin's heart pounded once more as a strange feeling begun forming in his stomach, Taehyung raise the box that is now open to reveal a silver diamond ring.

Taehyung took a deep breath, "Seokjin...."


"Will You Marry Me"

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