Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 26 )

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"A date?" Taehyung said tilting his head on the side, Seokjin nodded as a grin appeared in his face. "Yeah a date! we never went out on a proper date of thinking about all this problems I wanted us to have some fun to forget all about it" Seokjin said timidly while scratching the back of his head, Taehyungs heart tightens and immediately embaced Seokjin in a tight hug.

"I love you~ I love you~"

"Hehehe~ so I asked Dad if we can leave Yeonjun in his care for our date tomorrow"Seokjin said with a proud smile, Taehyung laughs and kiss his forehead.

"Thank you...I can't wait for tomorrow~"



"Well then, I'll pick you up after school so we can proceed to our date later okay?"Taehyung said stroking Seokjins head, He giggled and gave him a kiss. "Okay! I'll be waiting here! bye Yeonie I'll miss you~" Seokjin exclaimed and gave smoochies to Yeonjun before waving his hand goodbye to them.

Seokjin smile as he watch the car drove away safely, "I'm so excited!" Seokjin thought and hurried his way to take another special class.

"Yo! Jin! hows the remedial quiz?" Jungkook said appearing behind Seokjin as he place his books inside, Seokjin laugh. "easy~" Seokjin said wirh a smug, Jungkook rolls his eyes and smacks his head.

"That's because you're smart dumbass"Jungkook said while pouting, Seokjin was one of the smartest class in their department most of the questions their professors asked will always be answered perfectly by Seokjin without making any mistake that is why they sometimes want Seokjin to help them study.

Seokjin and Jungkook walked side by side together while they talk about their usual day, "Man, you're going on a date with your husband~ sugar daddy I see" Jungkook said wiggling his eye brows, Seokjin blushed and punches him in the arm, "you're the one who needs a sugar daddy!"Seokjin said smirking at Jungkook who couldn't say anything back.

"By the way I'm going to drop by your Dads house later" Jungkook said pushing his hair upwards, Seokjin then glance at him. "why?"Seokjin asks him, Jungkook laughs and puts his arm around his shoulder.

"Because little Yeonjun is there and he needs his uncle too ya know~"

Seokjin chuckle, "Sure~ you're a single uncle~".

"I swear I am 1% close to choking you right now"

"Whatever gynophobia~"


Taehyung glance at his wall clock, "11:40...he finishes at 12:30..."Taehyung mumbled as he tap his fingers on the documents that was below the tips of his fingers, sitting alone inside his office made him feel lonely. Yeonjun was taken care by Seokjins Dad and Seokjin too was busy, but when he started thinking about all the plans he preoared during his free time for their date made him feel excited.

He wanted to see how Seokjin would react to the places he prepared, Seokjin likes it simple so he chosed spots that were simple but a good spot for date nights. Taehyung couldn't held back  grin as he could already imagine Seokjins surprise expression, He giggled when all of a sudden a knock was heard on his door.

Taehyung straighten up his posture before letting the person in, "Come in" Taehyung said with his deep voice but what he didn't expect was to see Namjoon at the door standing there with a smile on his face, Taehyung immediately stood up and walk towards him with a straight face.

"Hyung, what are you doing in here?" Taehyung ask him, He decided to play it cool for now, Taehyung didn't want to ruin his mood tofay so he had to keep calm and fake a smile. Namjoon laughs and lifted a bottle of champagne with him, "I know it's late but I want to make a toast for your son the new heir to the company" Namjoon said bringing two champagne glasses and pouring one in each glass.

Taehyung stayed silent, a rather suspicious aura was surrounding his step brother, " you hate me that much brother?"Namjoon ask him, He extended his arm to give Taehyung the glass, he was a bit hesitant. "It's just a champagne" Namjoon said along with a laugh, Taehyung sigh and gave in, He took the glass of champagne.

"To your son!"

"...To my son..."


Taehyung drank the champagne in one go, He had to admit it tasted like grapes with a mixture of something bitter and odd. Namjoon smirks and twirls his glass in slow motion, Taehyung glance at Namjoon who didn't even take one sip in his drink.

"Oh are so stupid sometimes"

"Huh---urgh...m-my head...fuck..."

Everything was spinning in Taehyungs vision, His head felt heavy as if something was on top of it, Taehyung stumbled on his feet and fell on the floor wifh a loud thud as he fell into a deep slumber due to the drug Namjoon put in his drink, He couldn't do anything, He lost his strenght to fight back.

Namjoon spreads an evil grin and puts down the glass, He then knelt down in one knee and uncover the hair that covered Taehyungs sleeping face.

"I wonder what kind of expression you'll have once you wake up with another person in your arms? Oh I really wonder~"



"...why isn't he picking up?" Seokjin questions himself, He called Taehyung a few more times, He waited for him for at least half an hour already. Seokjin had a bad feeling, it was the same thing he felt the moment he cross paths with Namjoon.

"where the fuck are you Tae..."Seokjin tried to call Taehyung one last time, If he didn't pick up, He will loose his shit and will seriously wrestle him to his death. When Seokjin was about to press the green button He was stop when a black car stopped right infront of him.

Seokjin backs away slowly when the person who left the car was none other than Namjoon himself, "An acorn showed up instead of my husband"Seokjin said sarcastically as he turned off his phone, Namjoon chuckle.

"Sadly, Mr. Kim, your husband cancelled your date" Namjoon said as he leaned against his car with his arms crossed, Seokjin scoff. "No...Taehyung would never do that..."Seokjin said but in reality he was already scared, Namjoon sigh and shakes his head in disappointment.

"You really don't know anything about my brother, the only reason He wanted to marry you is because of your child"

Seokjin flinch and glared at Namjoon, "I fucking know that already...where the fuck is he..."Seokjin demanded as he got closer to Namjoon who suddenly opens his phone and showed a bunch of photos of the old Taehyung with different men and women in his arms in each picture.

Seokjins hands trembled, He gritted his teeth and grabs him by the neck, Namjoon was caught off guard when his phone suddenly fell and got broken. "No matter what kind of evidence you show me that Taehyung is a unfaithful person...I will never listen because Taehyung is not that person anymore...I know this is your doing you fucking where the FUCK IS MY HUSBAND OR YOU CAN KISS YOUR DICK GOODBYE CAUSE YOU AIN'T GON' USE IT ANYMORE TO DRILL IT TO ANOTHER HOLE!!!!"His voice got louder, if looks could kill it'll be Seokjin because Namjoon felt the sudden familiarity of this behavior, "...At the Grand better hurry or the woman I hired will fuc---AH!!!" Namjoon couldn't finish to what he was trying to say when Seokjin shove him aside and grabs his car keys.

"See this keys? gone by tomorrow! oh look see this car? It'll be at the BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN YOU FUCKER! I'LL FUCK YOU UP REAL GOOD FOR TRYING TO FUCK WITH MY FAMILY!!!"

Seokjin yelled and gave Namjoon a middle finger before entering his car and drove as fast as he could to reach that motel leaving Namjoon behind with a bleeding hand, He sigh and could only let out a chuckle.

"Fuck...their a match made in hell..."


Ik Joonie is a softie but imma need him to be the evil one for now :") what u think about Taehyungs step-mom and Joonie's role?

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