Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 18 )

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" you really have to go?" Seokjin pouted while holding Taehyungs hands, today was the day Taehyung will have to leave for a business trip in Japan, His secretary wasn't able to push back the dates. Taehyung felt guiltly leaving Seokjin  but he had to, it was business.

Taehyung grip on his chest area feeling all the cuteness and begging Seokjin was making, He quickly looked over at Cha Hae-in who was looking over at the schedule and notice Taehyungs stare.

Pwease let me stay~~~

Cha Hae-in could definitely read what was Taehyung saying in his eyes, She sigh and shake her head.

No means no Sir.

She replied back but this time with intensity in her eyes, Taehyung pouted and squished Seokjins face filling it up with his kisses.

"I'll miss both of you!little bean and you! don't forget to chat me everyday okay? YOONGI! don't let other strangers talk to him! my cute Jinie attracts weird guys!!!" Taehyung exclaimed with tears forming in his eyes, Yoongi immediately nodded when he notice Cha Hae-in pointing at Taehyung.

Isn't he one?

Cha Hae-in said it with her eyes, Yoongi agreed.


"It's time to go now" Cha Hae-in said interrupting their moment together, Seokjin sobs and kissed Taehyung on the lips before giving him a tight hug.

"You better do a good job! okay?" Seokjin said giving Taehyung a thumbs up, Taehyung nodded and kissed him one last time. "I'll do my best I promise!!! so you and little bean should always be careful alright?" Taehyung said fixing Seokjins scarf, He nodded and pushes Taehyung since He saw that Cha Hae-in was already at the entrance of the airport.

"Good luck! see you at our wedding day!"

Taehyung gasp, He laughs and nodded as a quick response.

"Yeah! wait for me okay!!!" Taehyung exclaimed, He knew Seokjin heard him from how Seokjin was smiling brightly, He took a deep breath and enter the entrance of the airport.

Seokjin smile and held his stomach, "Yes, me and little bean will wait for you..." Seokjin mumble, Yoongi glance at Seokjin to see him smiling beautifully.

"Seokjin, it's getting cold...we should head back already" Yoongi said opening the door for Seokjin, "Okay..." Seokjin said and entered the backseat, He was cold but it did explains a lot on why he was cold, It was 3 am in the morning.

"Ah~ I miss him already...."

( Few Hours Later || 10:30 am )


"Oh my..."

"oh my, oh my indeed" Yoongi watch Seokjin having his mood swings right after he woke up, It interrupted Yoongis sleep schedule though and here he thought he could finally have his own little vacation.

"I'll go prepare some meals" The maid said as she excused herself, Yoongi sigh, "I wonder how Taehyung feels right now?".


"Secretary Cha...why is?"

"S-Sir. we've only a few hours away"Cha Hae-in said, Taehyung was in his missing hours of Seokjin, He was only looking at his picutres like there's no tomorrow.

"damn it why is he so cute?!?"

"I-I don't know sir.....kill me now...."


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