Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 25 )

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"you say, you're son, Namjoon hyung will be the new owner of this company?"

Taehyung said, His insulting voice towards his step mother made her clench her fist as he watch Taehyung feed his son with a milk. She scoff, "Of course, He is the first son of your father aftet all" She said confidently while standing on her own feet even though her fear keeps rising everytime Taehyung looks at her in disgust, He laughs. "First son...what a joke...then why did Father gave it to me even though I'm the son of his mistress hm?" Taehyung smirk and stood up from his arm chair and put Yeonjun at the baby stroller.

He then made sure that the wheels were locked, "How dare're nothing but an outsider you bastard" She said with clench fist, Taehyung crack his neck before looking at her over his shoulder.

"I do not know what you are trying to do but if you try and hurt my family, it'll be your life to pay"His deep voice sent terror through out all her body, She knew she couldn't handle how scary Taehyung but because of her pride she had no choice but to face him.

She smirk and push him away, "Let's see about that, son." And with that She left with a satisfying smile leaving Taehyung who was holding back his anger, He sigh and grab his phone only to dial Seokjins number.


"Your step mom is a bitch"

"a whore bitch"

As soon as Seokjin heard about what happened between them he hurriedly went home without any problems and by the time he got back home He saw Taehyung putting Yeonjun to sleep, and now the two are having a serious conversation. Taehyung had his head rested on top of Seokjins lap as he stroke his hair gently, "I met up with Jimin today too..." Seokjin said making Taehyung flinch, "What did he say to you? did he do something to you? you better tell me or else" Taehyung said with a threatening voice, Seokjin shakes his head. "No, no it's not that...we talked about stuff like Yeonjun and Soobin...but He mentioned about Namjoon" Seokjin said along with a heavy sigh, Taehyung sat up straight and face Seokjin.

"I have a bad feeling about this Honey...."

Taehyung suddenly felt a lump in his throat, He was worried and scared but He knew that he can protect His son and Seokjin but with little information about his step mom and Namjoon. He can't help it but feel scared all the time, Seokjin noticed the change of Taehyungs expression, He then stood up and grab his phone, It left a big question mark on top of Taehyungs head as he tried to listen to this conversation with his Dad.

" can right Dad?...uh huh...yeah you don't have to worry about that...sure sure...Okay! Thanks Dad! Bye~"

Taehyung stood up and wrap his hands around Seokjins curvy waist, "What were you two talking about?" Taehyung ask resting his chin on top of his head, Seokjin grins and turned around.

"Let's go on a date tomorrow!"

Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim || taejinWhere stories live. Discover now