Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 14 )

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"Huh?!? what are you a dog?!? stop following me!!!


" should get some rest! I'll stay here while holding your hands!"




"Hyung! do your best today!!! I'll be waiting for you!!!"




Taehyung stood at the corner watching his fiance making another morning tantrum, "Ah~ the so called mood swings has arrived!" Yoongi said appearing behind Taehyung who had a cup of coffee in hand, Taehyung gulp, He doesn't even know whether Seokjin is an angel or a beast. "...I-I heard that they have a lot of mood swings....but I didn't think it would be this bad" Taehyung said searching through the internet, Yoongi watch him from behind. He chuckle, "Try and survive until the baby is born...and..." Yoongi pause and looked at Taeuyung with sparkles in his eyes.

"Let me be the babysitter"

"s-sure...but why?"

"We all know money is everything in this time of era"

Yoongi said in a serious tone making Taehyung gulp, He laughs. "Sure thing, It's not like I'll run out of money"Taehyung said with a smug, Yoongi smirk. "That atittude of yours is the only thing Seokjin can not change"Yoongi said along with a disappointing sigh, He immediately left before Taehyung could say anything to him.

"That jerk!"

"Hyung...I'm getting fat!!!"Seokjin cried, He walk towards Taehyung and rub his head against his firm chest. "CUTE!!!!!" Taehyung thought with a rather expressionless face, He search through his pocket and brought out his wallet. "Fat and cute though" Taehyung mumble while slipping a black card from his wallet, Seokjin gasp and looks up to Taehyung with happy eyes.

"Hyung! you think I'm cute?!?"Seokjin exclaimed, He smile from ear to ear, Seokjin couldn't prevent his happiness. Taehyung flinch realizing he blurted out his own thoughts, He looked away with ears so red it made Seokjin laugh, "s-s-s-shut up....get change! we're going shopping!" Taehyung said covering his face using his hands, Seokjin giggled, His hand made its way to Taehyungs necktie as he used it to pull him down for a kiss on the cheek.

( A/N : an au to where Jin is shorter than Taehyung
( ́・ʖ̫・') )

"Whatever the King says~~~"

Seokjin winked at Taehyung, He stood there frozen unable to speak or give an reaction, The silence between them made Seokjin die out of embarrassement. "S-STUPID TAE!!!"Seokjin yelled as his face turned red, He push Taehyung out of his own room and shuts the door right infront of Taehyung who was still frozen.

Seokjin pouted and went straight to his bed, screaming through his pillow.


Meanwhile, outside of Seokjins door, a person who's known to be an arrogant, cold , rigid , self-proclaimed King was now rolling down on the floor right infront of his fiances room, the mans name was Kim Taehyung.

He as well was screaming in his thoughts....Fuck...

( Time Skip )

Silence filled the air, an awkward silence between Taehyung and Seokjin who sat next to each other while Yoongi drives them to the mall at the city, Yoongi looked at Taehyung who made eye contact with him.

Both communicate with their eyes.

should I know something?

Yoongi said through his eyes at the rear mirror staring right back at Taehyung who shakes his head.

a shameless act must be kept hidden.

Taehyung replied with his eyes filled with shame and a reddened face that doesn't seem to go away, It was the same to Seokjin but he kept his face hidden under his jacket. 

" annoying...I wanted to see the slightest bit of reaction...geez...his too cold..." Seokjin pouted, He did that on purpose just to see a reaction from Taehyung but the poor lad ended up receiving nothing, Seokjin lean his head against the window, He glance at Taehyung who was sitting peacefully while looking at the tall buildings of seoul.

Seokjin fiddled his fingers, He was becoming even more anxious to the point He wants to announce it to the whole world that He loves Taehyung but by just thinking about it. "does he feel the same way?" His thoughts became a mess even more, He wanted to know what Taehyung feels about him.

Seokjin sigh out of the blue, it caught both Taehyung and Yoongis attention, Taehyung was the first one to ask. "...Are you okay? do we need to go to the hospital? or perhaps you want to go home and rest?" Taehyung asked a bunch of question without even noticing that He was holding his hands, Seokjin flinch and scooted away a little.

"I-I'm fine...nothings wrong..." Seokjin said trying to sound convincing, Taehyung raise a brow, Seokjin gulps. "r-really...I'm fine..." He said once more, Taehyung sigh. "Okay...I believe you" Taehyung said, He was still worried for the younger, He noticed it though. How Seokjin was feeling anxious everyday, He wanted to ask but he chosed not to thinking it would be another mood swings of his.

Seokjin drop his shoulder down, He thought that a little nap would make him feel better but a hand intertwining with his kept him from sleeping. Seokjin looks down to see Taehyungs hands holding his, "is he doing this to make me feel better?..." Seokjin thought glancing at Taehyung, He felt butterflies in his stomach when he saw Taehyungs red ears, He bit his bottom lip and immediately hid his face underneath his jacket to prevent Taehyung from seeing him smile like an idiot.

As the whole ride went on, Yoongi could only put on a smirk as he watch them through the rear mirror, the soon-to-be-married couple holding their hands with their reddened face and hearts beating together at the same time.

"hahaha...this is going to be a hella lot longer than I thought"

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