Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 4 )

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You should be a better replacement instead of that woman

"...his's him...that shitty rude person is definitely my baby's...f-father..."

Seokjin said, His memories from that night came back, the pain he felt when Taehyung was forcing himself inside of him and the way he went on and on about him being the dominant one, Seokjin remembered it all. "holy shit...of all people why him..." Seokjin muttered, ever since he met eyes with that man, He could never forget how rude and arrogant he was towards him and his Dad.

( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

"calm down...calm down...stress is not good for little bean" I said to myself while busy myself pacing back and forth, I am 100% sure that arrogant bastard is definitely the guy who got me pregnant. I stop everything from what I was doing abd ended up remembering that I have to return his coat tomorrow morning, I bit my lip and sat down on the floor, "This can't be happening..." I said, I was feeling all frustrated and angry for some reason and that reason was him, Kim fucking Taehyung.

"gotta call Jungkook!" I exclaimed and dialed his number, I waited and waited for him to pick up, unfortunately He didn't. "urgh...".

Ik who da father of my baby is<
its dat maddafaka C.E.O of Valentino Company<

"you better reply Junglebook...sent" I sent my last message to him before laying down on the bed, I stared at the white ceiling with a frown and yet here I am again thinking of my life decisions. "I gotta do something...or else I'll be the only one raising my baby alone...but first things first..." I thought and sat up from my bed, I let out a heavy sigh before leaving my room.

Every inch of my body was trembling, I was standing outside of my Dad's room. I don't want to keep it as a secret anymore, His my Dad but if he kicks me out then so be it.

I took a deep breath, I brace myself before knocking on the door three times and at the same time I heard my Dad's voice and the door opening.

"Oh Jin, is there something?"

"...Dad...I need to tell you something..."

( Kim Taehyung Pov. )

"why are the lights on?" I mumble as I got out of the car before closing it, I was soon greeted by my trusted bodyguard at the door step of my mansion, "Mr. Kim, your mother is here" Yoongi said that made me stop from opening the door, I scoff. "what the fuck is she doing here" I mumble and opened the door, It was already expected to see her standing with her expensive red dress and a smile that I sometimes can't tell whether it's fake or real.

"Son, I've missed you~" Mother said spreading her arms, "...." I stayed silent and looked at her as if she was a creature I have never seen in my entire life, "is this how your going to welcome me after 3 years of not seeing each other?" Mother said crossing her arms, I roll my eyes. "What's your purpose here" I said, my tone may sound cold to her but Intended it that way, I am never going to be like my brother who needs to follow someone else's footsteps like a slave.

I could tell Mother was glaring daggers at me, She always does because I was the son of Father's mistress my real mother who died in a hit-n-run. "Hmph, you may have your father's features but your personality is the same as that wretc--" I turn my heels around and grab her by her hair.

Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim || taejinWhere stories live. Discover now