Mr. Kim & Mr. Kim ( 7 )

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( Kim Seokjin Pov. )

"that's bullshit Kim Seokjin"

"What?!? I'm not lying!!! It's yours!!!"I exclaimed, Taehyung click his tongue. "is this your way on taking advantage of me? because I punched you and fired your Dad?" He said, I was in disbelief, I clench my fist tightly. "...why won't you believe me?" I said but he stayed quiet, the silence was killing me. "this bastard....whether you like it or not this baby inside me is's the truth damn it!" Seokjin said glaring at Taehyung filled with hatred and yet again Taehyung didn't say a word anymore.

"what the fuck?!?"

( Time Skip )

After that whole awkward silence between us, We arrived at the place to where I will now call my new home. It was a luxurious house as expected since he was rich and a C.E.O of one of the best company in south korea but as I stand in front of the gates it makes me want to crawl back to where I came from and raise my child alone with or without his help, "hurry it up, I still need to go back to the company" Taehyung said in a demanding way, I glared daggers at him from his back and was about to grab my luggage but a familiar face grabs it.

"I'll do it" Yoongi said and carried my luggage for me, "t-thanks..."I said to Yoongi who already was ahead of me, I sigh and clench my fist.

"....I can do this....for little bean"


"This is where you'll be clothes, shoes, and things you need are already prepared" Yoongi said letting Seokjin enter first, He was impressed by how big the house is and He already expected it since the man who bought this house was filthy rich.

"Taehyung is not as bad as he looks...he just had some bad experience with his last relationship...and try not to get on bis bad side.."Yoongi said and left the room, Seokjin sat down on king size bed, it was soft to the touch causing him to lie down. "....bad experience...not that I care..." Seokjin mumble and closed his eyes, He was already tired but he notice that there was no stairs to be seen inside the house. "Did he do that on purpose since I'll be having a hard time coming down the stairs when my belly gets big?" Seokjin thought, a small gentle smile appeared on his face, His eyelids got heavier and the next thing he knew...He fell asleep.


"Did you bring him to his room?" Taehyung asks Yoongi while he puts on his coat, Yoongi nodded. "I did" He simply replied, Taehyung sigh. "I don't have any energy to go to that stupid party my step-mother created" Taehyung sigh putting on some cologne before leaving his now new room with Yoongi who shut the door, "same, I never like crowded places...there a bother to me" Yoongi replied when he notice that Taehyung took a turn to where Seokjin's room was located.

"Wait for me in the car, I'll be there in a minute" Taehyung said as Yoongi nodded as a response and left without a word, Once Yoongi was no longer there Taehyung entered his pitch black room without knocking. "Seokjin, I'm leaving for wor...k" Taehyung pause the moment he opens the light to see Seokjin asleep, He was curled up like a cat.

"does he like sleeping that much?" Taehyung thought walking towards him, the conversation they had in the car made him remember his memory with his ex-husband. He sat down on the bed and stroke Seokjin's hair who flinch a bit but continued to sleep, "it's not that I don't believe you reminded me of him..." Taehyung said, His long fingers stroke his warm soft cheeks, "..." Taehyung then stood up and left Seokjin's room quietly before closing the lights once again.

"oh my god....what the fuck was that..."Seokjin said sitting up straight, His face heat up the moment he remembered the way Taehyung stroked his hair and cheeks. Seokjin pouted, "...his hands were gentle...".

( Kim Taehyung Pov. )

"Jimin! I'm home! how's our baby boy?" I came home as soon as I finished my business in Daegu, I was excited to finally see my husband after staying in that place for 2 months.

I unlock the door using my spare key, "Jimin?" I called out his name once again, no one answered me, I started to get worried. I looked around the house, I kept calling his name but the moment my eyes landed on his empty closet everything fell apart.

"...w-where are you....Jimin" I searched for him again but all I found was a note that turned me into someone I didn't know.

'I'm Sorry, the child is no---

"Mr. Kim!"

I was startled by Yoongi who was constantly shaking me, "....are you okay?" Yoongi asks, I looked around when I realize that we we're outside the venue, I nodded. "Yeah...I'm okay...park the car I'll go on ahead" I said and got out of the car, I took a deep breath, my heart beat was racing too fast...that dream torments me everytime I close my eyes, everything was his fault.

"I won't be fooled again...."

I thought as the image of Seokjin appeared in my head with his eyes filled with desperation and sincerity.

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